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Intel vs. AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by flip218, May 21, 2006.

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  1. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Here's my benches @ stock (350/500)and o/c (418/640)respectively.Everything at default settings in 3D mark.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    What video card are you running?

  3. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Geforce 6600LE.
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    OMGROFLMAO!!! *Falls on the floor with tears running down his face* Time for an upgrade maybe? lol
  5. crowy

    crowy Guest

    No not really.This card is good enough at the moment.
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It does the same thing to the 6800GS as well. Newegg has the one I bought on sale.

    It's about even in performance with the 7800GS. They both have their pros and cons but in the end it's what you like seeing. Speed wise they are about the same!

    Happy Computering,
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Hi guys,

    You all got me interested in this 3DMark thing. Do you fellas just run it at the default settings it's installed with or do you tweak things around? If so what changes do you make?

    I ran it at default settings and got this,


    I now have my 4200+ running at 2.4GHz and my 6800GS running at 510/1211 (vs. 490/1000 stock) with everything stable so far :)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  8. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Just leave everything at default.
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ok, things are pretty good then, yeah?
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Yeah, that's about right for those specs.
  11. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    seeing as people are running the 3Dmark03 tests here, thought i would give my Nvidia SLI setup a run (2 x Nvidia Geforce Evga 6800 ultras) core/clock 400mhz/1100mhz respectively, no overclocking whatsoever...

    AMD 4400 X2 Toledo Core @ 2.706ghz Prime95 stable
    ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe
    2GB OCZ 2-3-3-5 PC3200

    so for the doubters of SLI performance/capabilities, please sit down :)


    found here (currently out of stock) :

    http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/prod...AFEED->PRODUCTS&cm_ite=1 PRODUCT&cm_keycode=4

    btw, i got lower scores with my ATI x1900xtx (single), albeit on my Intel based system which is slower than my AMD, just wanted to compare the two to dispell any "myths" :)


    going to build a Conroe system within the next few months, leaning towards the E6700 at this point w/ ASUS P5W-DH Deluxe mobo~ :) i'm fairly certain that i won't reach the 4ghz OC'in mark, but i should definitely be able to obtain at least a 3.5ghz from the original 2.67ghz, seeing as how this new Intel is so "ready" for performance gains... :)

    this is my 1st rare contribution here in this particular thread, but just wanted to give some input and suggestions for those thinking about a future Conroe build (very few days left till release...i'm eagerly waiting myself...)

    have a good one all, back to my lil "vacation/break" from AD~ :)


    edit: tried to get that huge white gap to disappear on my 2nd benchmark but was unable to do so...sorry for the "big gap" there~
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Wow. Just did it and got 18564. But going on the fact that you are running two GPUs, both having about the same power as mine that's not bad.

    N6800U are powerful but rare nowadays and expensive because the original GeForce 6800 line is nearly out of production. The only one hanging on is the GS.

    This is all the more reason to get my toledo 4400+ after the Conroe comes out. OC it to 2.9GHz and I'll be living large. Then I'll get an X1800XT 512MB or X1900XT 256MB and bring myself out on top for a short time. I do plan on getting the new X2XXX cores when they come out. X2900XTX 512MB(or whatever they decide to call it) is my first move. That and a heavily OC'd 4400+ will own all. I'll replace my mobo too with something much higher-end with Crossfire support.

    This one, actually:


    Gonna be a $1400 shopping trip :D Lucky I saved up to put myself on top at this critical point.

    If conroe is as cheap as they say though then I WILL buy it after it has at least 6 months to work out bugs and get some decent mobos. I am a fan of the current performance leader. I don't like it but pretty soon AMD is going have to step down unless they can counter Conroe's technology with something similar very quickly.

    Luckily eBay will be there to help me dump the excess hardware. Or I'll use it all in gift builds and some highspeed wireless dataservers to save case space for better cooling for the OC.
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    AMD will def. have an answer for the Conroe with the AMD3 which is looking like early 2007
  14. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Hi all,Well I figured I'd get into the act also...so here it is.

    These are the results from my sig.system (above),my Intel system (below)overclocked to 3.6 did not fair as well,though I truly did'nt expect it to.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2006
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Let's be a little fair. Comparing PCIe and Dual SLI is going overboard quite a bit. We are talking 8x AGP single card here! I don't expect it to match up to PCIe 16x standards which should, at least in theory be twice as fast as an 8x AGP. Nice numbers though!!

    Happy Computering,
  16. zoolu

    zoolu Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    I was told the Intel is better than AMD when you run some applications at the same time and when it comes to image manipulation and video editing. But I was also told that AMDs are generally faster and need less cache.

    I am about to buy a new PC and the neverending debate pretty much confused me.

    If I am going to use Photoshop and edit videos, what would you suggest me to buy (not dual-core)?

    Thanks a lot,
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm not trying to be a smart-#** but why on earth would you not consider a Dual-Core at this time? In less than a week, single cores are going to be completely obsoleted by the Conroe. AMD is announcing it's 30 to 50% price cuts on all their Dual-Core processors on the 24th!!! They won't say if that includes Opterons. They won't deny it either!!

    I went from a very fast Intel 530 socket 478 P4 3.0/800 running at 3.71GHz to an Intel D940 socket 775 Presler Dual-Core 3.2/800 running at 3.75GHz. Would I switch back? Not bloody likely! At 20,000 MIPS, it's almost twice as fast as the Prescott. For me it was an economy build using my AGP card, PC3200 memory, drives and CPU Cooler from the Prescott. I had to go AGP as I couldn't afford a new MB and PCIe card at the same time. I also had to stay with DDR as that's what I had. It cost me $375 total. I just added a Saphire X800 GTO video card that came with all 16 pipes enabled, the good Samsung memory and the R430 GPU. It does a pretty good imitation of an x800 XT! My 12,000+ 3DMarks is real good for an AGP card!

    Including the new Arctic Freezer 7 Pro CPU cooler I just bought to replace the Zalman 9500, I've invested a total of $541 in this machine and it rocks!! My advise to you is wait a little bit until the smoke clears from all the Intel/AMD hoopla and then see what's available to you. I think you would be able to do the same build I did, the way that I did it for a lot less money than I spent!

    Happy Computering,
  18. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    i was in no way trying to compare a PCIe to that of an AGP, your scores are VERY good for an AGP based card, i remember my 3dmark03 scores were right around your range when i had my Nvidia Geforce BFG 5950 ultra in AGP~ :) (i have a thing for "ultras"...bad habit)

    anyways, since everyone was putting up their 3DMark benchmarks, i figured why not as a starting point to discuss the Conroe's imminent release and MY personal suggestions as to what I'M going to build with which parts~ :) just staying on topic with the gpu benches as an "ice-breaker"...and then to the whole Intel vs AMD discussion~

    if "as you say" AMD decides to drop the prices of the Opterons after Conroe release (i know that they DON'T specify EXACTLY whether or not the price cuts will affect the Opterons, they never said it WON'T..so, it's a possibility...but based on a VERY preliminary chart, at least THUS FAR, it's only the AMD x2 dual cores with the 512k cache that are being reduced in price, NOT the 1mb as in the 4400+, 4800+ and the high-end FX line) here is the TEMPORARY/PRELIMINARY chart of price cuts



    i've used practically all the various models of video cards from BOTH Nvidia and ATI, so don't even think for a second i'm a "fanboy" of either...i generally tend to get the "high-end" for each of the models in my years of building computers (5900,6800,7800,7900, waiting on the 7950 for nvidia & 9800, x850,x1600,x1900xtx for ATI/Radeon) i've also used BOTH the SLI configuration by Nvidia as well as the Crossfire setup by ATI, from my OWN tests, Nvidia's SLI comes out on top of ATI's Crossfire (ie. (2) 7900gtx vs (2) x1900xt(x)) for just a basic comparison...

    i will be the first to admit that in SOME tests, a single ATI x1900xtx whoops the butt off a Nvidia 7900gtx; but the same is true in OTHER common game benchmarking tests with the exact opposite holding true where the nvidia prevails...

    for others to LEARN and make an educated decision here when it comes to vid. cards, it's important to closely examine the FACTS from both companies, not some "fanboy" base because a person CHOOSES to "prefer" one over the other, i try to make honest suggestions because i HAVE USED BOTH, and in certain instances, one is better suited than the other...but it is an inaccurate statement to state ATI is better than Nvidia, or vice versa; that's why i don't make blanket statements based on which I personally prefer... :)

    lastly, regarding your 4400+ x2 to 2.9ghz; good luck on that, i can almost guarantee you WILL NOT achieve a STABLE 2.9ghz on AIR, while possible w/ water or phase change, even if you get a better "binning" than i got with MY chip, i have close collegues that are VERY experienced overclockers that were unable to get a [bold]stable[/bold] 2.9ghz with a 4400+ or an opteron 170/175, i am not doubting your OC'in prowess, just stating a FACT that the 4400+/opteron 170/175 have only so much "headroom" for OC'in...it does eventually hit a proverbial "wall" around 2.7ghz-2.8ghz [bold] ON AIR cooling [/bold], other methods of cooling you could very well accomplish the goal you set for yourself :) i currently have mine STABLE on AIR COOLING @2.7ghz, you just may go higher, but will it be stable at such speeds if you choose to go AIR cooling, i would be the first to congratulate you if you can get a STABLE (prime95) for 20+ hours @ 2.9ghz, i would be VERY impressed with your "skillz" :)

    as to your new mobo selection, that ASUS in MY opinion is THE BEST board out there today when it comes to Crossfire setup (which is obviously what you will be choosing), you can see that because I PERSONALLY chose to go with "SLI", i got the ASUS A8N32-SLI because that's the route i chose to take have dual gpus :) good choice of mobob for Cross-fire! (the external dongle kinda sucks though, that's my only real gripe about Cross-fire compared to SLI where it's an internal bridge)

    anyways, best of luck on your nice upcoming build, i am very much in the same boat as you as per your quote
    exactly my sentiments, i always try to base my builds on the CURRENT performance leader, whether that be Intel or AMD, if Conroe is even 1/2 of what it is hyped up to be after some preliminary pre-public release benchmarks, i am definitely going to build one in the coming months...have a good one.


  19. zoolu

    zoolu Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    It's just that I'm s little short with money, and the Dual-Core costs more or less twice the price.

    So when it comes to the dual core, which is better - an Intel CPU or an AMD one?

    And if I don't take the DC, Should I buy an Intel 3.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 3500 venis 939 or something else?

  20. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    zoolu the AMD 3800x2 is going to be 170.00 next week with the price drop and thats a great core
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