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Intel vs. AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by flip218, May 21, 2006.

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  1. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Hmm, no price drops on the 4400+... Fine then. I might wait until AMD comes out with it's new platform next year. But whenever the new Radeons come out they're mine no matter what. This is why I'm glad my parents made me save my money when I was younger.

    I can't go and spend lightly though. And I make my parents hold my debit card for me. We run through a checklist i.e. did I find the best prices, did I research all other options etc. That way when I make my purchase I can be sure I won't regret it later. It prevents me from jumping the gun.

    I'd hate to abandon AMD though. I want to see both platforms before I actually make my decision because AMD has always had some cool new innovation. Like when they were the first out with dual cores on one die.

    The realism in games has jumped and just about reached its peak limit. Current hardware struggles with the fledgling software. When the games start taking place on a truly massive scale with insane effects on top of awesome graphics the new generation of hardware will reign. But I think we will hit about a four year plateau. FEAR, GRAW, Oblivion, and Prey are about as good as graphics are gonna get for a while. I really can't see them getting any better other than the adaptation of HDR as standard fair and better textures and particle effects. Dual core is perfect for this. Quad core is only really practical for fantastically advanced number crunching.

    Yep the next generation of hardware will be good until at least 2011. So if you get the Conroe this year you will still have a quick computer then. Or maybe like the Athlon XP is now.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    AMD announced almost 2 months ago that the price cuts would be for [bold]"all"[/bold] the dual core lineup, from 30 to 50%. I think it would be a huge mistake for AMD if they didn't live up to that promise!

    Happy Computering,

  3. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    theonejrs has a good point there. I was also led to believe that ALL dualies would get a drop. In fact It wouldn't make sense to leave the toledoes up there with all the new tech coming out. They would never get sold with so much more better stuff in the price range.

    I guess we'll have to find out, eh?
  4. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    @theonejrs + estuansis

    i totally agree with you, that was what i was lead to believe as well, that it would be for [bold] "ALL"[/bold] the dual cores~ :) as i had mentioned, the chart i posted up is VERY preliminary, i guess in a few days time we will ACTUALLY SEE once and for all if AMD lives up to their promise, i truly hope the price drops DO AFFECT [bold]ALL[/bold] the dual cores as was suggested months ago~ :)

    i appreciate AMD's technology currently and am very satisfied with what i have to work with now; i have no doubts that in 2007 AMD will be VERY competitive with Intel's Conroes, it's just a matter of time to see WHO will get my hard earned $$$ for a future build~

  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I would wait and see what happens in the next month or so! Intel has bumped up the scheduled launch of it's "Quad" core for last quarter, 06. Somethings got to give as Intel doesn't have the capacity to manufacture the quantity of chips that are going to be needed if Conroe is as good as advertised.

    Look at the facts. The date for the release of Conroe, which had been announced "officialy" by Intel months ago, is July 23. Now Intel says that the Official "Corporate" release of Conroe is really not until the 27th of July! If Intel is supposed to be so ready for the 23rd, why quibble over 4 days! It's just Corporate Psychobabble! In addition, Intel has no choice but to try and salvage what they can of the server market as they can't allow AMD to bring out their "Quad Architecture" first! It's also the market where Intel is bleeding the most and it's a huge market that AMD owns 28% of. I think supply is going to be a very big issue for the Conroe. It may wind up being the best thing since sliced bread, but if you don't have it, you can't sell it. Intel has to hit the market with everything at the same time for both the server market as well as the consumers! They have already put their foot in their mouths by saying as recently as last week that "all" the Conroes will be available on the 27th, Nationwide! How many are each retailer going to be able to get? Unless Intel's got a secret invisible Microprocessor plant hidden some where, supply is going show whether they fall on their face or not!

    I went through that once before with Intel with the 486 and the hundreds of thousands of CPUs Intel had to replace due to a math error, at no charge. That was the very start of AMD becoming a force in the Microprocessor market! It kind of turns you off when you had to send them the old one before they will replace it, or charge a new one to your credit card which they would credit your card back once they received your old one. It was a nightmare! It took forever to get the replacement and even longer to get the credit. AMD sold a lot of "586s" and carved a tiny niche in the processor market at the same time. Intel's been looking over it's shoulder ever since!

    Me? I'm gonna wait and see!

    H C,
  6. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    theonejrs. The Conroe looks like a real winner if they can pull it off. But the Pentium 4 looked like a winner too and lost out to it's own predecessor at first.

    The performance gap isn't as huge as it looks but AMD still has a lot of ground to cover if it wants to remain competitive. I may be going for performance but I am still an AMD fanboy. I want to see AMD's answer before I make my choice on my next gen build. If it's as revolutionary as the Athlon XP was then I'm confident in AMD's abilities :)
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have one question! What's going to happen if Intel can't make enough chips? As it was just pointed out, AMD is not that far behind. I'll ask a second question! What happens if Intel can't deliver and AMD can?

    I have an Intel D940 Presler because it was the best buy for me at the time. It's fast, over 20K MIPS. Sure the AMDs can blow me away, but not by a large percentage, and the fact remains, I still have a fast computer. A 15% improvement over my speeds is only about 23K MIPS, a 3K MIPS improvement. Question # three! Do you think people are going to wait around for the Conroe to be back in stock or go on a waiting list, or buy something reasonably competitive right now at a good price? That's where i see this all heading!

    News on the 24th!!

    H C,

  8. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Imagine the score using a conroe e6600 and a pciex16. will blow that away!
  9. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Hi Guys,

    I pesonally believe this is what Amd is hoping for.They are hoping Intel will not be able to feed the demand.Just think of those poor digusted souls who have been waiting so long for Conroe only to find they can't get one, an Amd duallie at half price might be just what the doctor ordered!

    Just my nickles worth.
  10. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Intel already has over 2 mill instock.
    Hope against hope.
    Everone keeps talking about amd price cuts but intel is dropping its prices also. I can't beleive that there are no price cuts for the amd fx-62 (1,000.00). The economy conroe can almost out bench the fx-62!
  11. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest


    2 million! Wow,I had no idea.But how fast will they sell? I would bet they'll be gone in a heartbeat. This makes me wonder...If Amd has not announced a price cut on the Fx-62 as of yet,could this be they're secret weapon? Or perhaps they are waiting to drop the price if the expected sales of they're other offerings don't turn out as planned.

    Stay tuned for another exciting episode of "AS THE PROCESSOR TURNS"
  12. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Lol, I like that :)
  13. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Well Neph,It really is like one of those daytime dramas,filled with secrets,suspense and adultery...ok,no adultery...not yet at least!
  14. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    i wouldn't be surprised if the scores are significantly/noticeably higher~ :) i'll be getting a E6700 btw, if i can get my hands on one that is, which will probably prove to be even higher than the score YOU had anticipated~ :) i'm actually NOT getting a mobo capable of SLI x16 dual for each of the video cards (unlike what i currently have for my AMD, but a single pcie @16x should more than suffice...decisions decisions...should i put my nvidia geforce 7900gtx in there or my ATI x1900xtx...hmm...? they're both 512mb GDDR3)

    time will tell~ :) if i may ask, where are you getting your figures that Intel already has 2million instock/produced?

    if that is accurate, i hope i can be one of those 2 million~

  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    What good is that if the average guy can't find one to buy except maybe on Ebay at 3 times the retail price? Intel has already said a couple of weeks ago that they were gearing up for the server market first. People don't understand just how big that market is! And it is precisely there that AMD is hurting them the most! Conroes are not going to be plentyful because Intel has geared their production to servers, not consumers!

    H C,
  16. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Didn't realize Conroe is just an updated P3!!!LOL.

    The next question, is how does Conroe compare to the Athlon 64 architecture? For this, I used the overclocked Athlon FX-62 at 2.92GHz to match (almost) the frequency of the X6800. In fact, the FX-62 gets an unfair advantage as being overclocked it has slightly faster memory frequency. It is doubly unfair, as an Athlon rated above 2.8GHz is not yet available.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2006
  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    If AMD can even get into that ballpark(which is entirely possible by the end of this year) then It'll still have more than a fighting chance. I'm kinda excited to see the dualies drop. If you can take the toledoes to about 3GHz they can compete head-to-head with the Conroes.

    Conroe really only has a audio/video compression/conversion advantage in bench marks. But so did the Pentium 4s. If history repeats itself then AMD will be better in gaming and intel better in video and audio work. But atleast they are resurrecting the far superior Pentium 3. It was a better chip by far.

    FIHSNERD Guest

    I agree.. i am 15 and i drove my dads 1999 chevy suburban about 2miles that day.. :) i did not hit anything either.. my ps is going though, i was doing the norm and the compy shut down. i tried turning it on and it got started did not get to even posting anything before it went of, so i umplugged 2 fans and it is working great. but i plugged 1 fan back in. and all is still going well.. thats what i get in a case ps.. i guess.
    and i was looking at getting the 1900XT and the hyper 580W modular power supply. any interjections? the 1900 is a refurb btw.. i cant get retail.. i am going to have about 400 after we are all said and done with. so i am going to order the power supply first and then order the video when i can. and whats with Aero video? its a new slot altogether or somthing or is it just modifications to the vista series.. amd said somthing about the Aero architecture for video, hence why i am asking.
  19. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Aero is actually Aeroglass. The cool new 3D look for Vista. Needs a X550/FX5500 or greater to run well and look good. I personally am going to stay with XP until they stop supporting it altogether like Windows 95. I love it and it's compatibility with just about everything.

    On a side note, I have a version of RedHat running in a dual boot. Not sure WHICH version though. But it's newer and good for everyday use and gaming. Just not as widely compatible as XP.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2006
  20. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Go with the Hiper 580w.
    One of the best PSU's available.
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