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Intel vs. AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by flip218, May 21, 2006.

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  1. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I still think that the Enermax Liberty 500W would be another good deal but the Hiper 580W is also VERY excellent. Get it for sure
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    the Antec-True Power 550watt would be my choice
  3. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I admire you, and you have helped me a lot. But you should read some of sop's links. Yes, they have already invaded the server market But they are not limited to that. Intel has been stockpiling conroe for a month now. Intel is devoting a lot of its ads if not all into the conroe. IT IS REAL AND WILL PUSH AMD INTO SUBMISSION. Need I say more?
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I'll give Conroe a chance. If six months go by and AMD can't match them then I'm gonna get one.
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey my friend, I'm not meaning to start a war. I'm going by Intel's own press releases. They are the ones that announced that there would be a shortage of chips for the consumer market because Intel needed to concentrate on the server market first and then announced that they'd upped the schedule for the Quad-Core to 4th quarter 06 instead of first quarter 07. I deduced the rest of it myself. I've read all of the articles that Soph posts and lots of other things. It's amazing what you can find out by typing Intel, amd or nVidia into a search engine. The most interesting thing is reading the press releases, especially about press Confrences "given" by Intel, AMD or nVidia. That's where I get my information.

    AMDs Quad whatever the heck they call it is also due out late 06. It seems plain to me that Intel wants desperatly to beat AMD to Quad-Core. Intel hasn't had a first in anything in years. I personally hope they succeed to a degree. I mean I don't want them to put AMD out of business. As Soph says, "That would be bad for all of us because that would be the end of low price CPUs"!

    That's why I have two Intels! I got a real good deal on the P4 3.0/800. I bought it 03/06 with a MB combo deal for $139. I wound up getting $62 of that back because the MB was junk! $77! Great deal!! The D430 3.2/800 was courtesy of Intel needing some fast cash flow. They accomplished what they wanted by cutting the prices pretty good on most of their Dual-Cores and consiquently many D800 and D900 series were sold. If I had waited a couple of months I could have spent $50 less than the $375 I spent for the new MB and CPU. Thank you Intel!!!

    Does it make me mad that the AMDs can beat mine. Not at all!! When you get up to the kind of speed mine runs it really doesn't matter that much. Someone can beat my encode times by what 7 to 10 minutes! It still beats the heck out of the 3.5+ hour encodes I used to have with a fast prescott. The whole deal back then would take up more than 4 hours, total! Now, I'm done with everything in under 2 hours. It meant a lot when the difference between encode times widened even more because of everyone getting Dual-Cores. It made me aware that now was the time to go Dual-Core. It's not the baddest kid on the block but it's still got some muscle. Since I haven't been doing to bad computer wise with the last 2 Intels, there might Be another Intel in my future too! Never can tell!!!

    Happy Computering,

  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hi everybody, I'm back from my one week absence on holiday, with 110 emails, most of them from here!

    Theonejrs: The laptop is an Hp NX6110 and it probably does support more RAM but not being mine, and me rarely needing to use it doesn't really qualify me to buy memory for it! The hard disk is a normal 40GB Toshiba 2.5" but the same applies. I guess that's the end of the X8 for AGP. Shame, it was a good two years! I'm not sure about the pipes on an AGP GTO. My Pro definitely only had 12 unlocked t.m.k.
    It'll certainly be interesting,
    conroe. I'm sorry about your ATi install experience, I can choose 1680x1050 and always could... ? However, I will agree Catalyst is way inferior to nVidia's software. I note that a version that ships with X1900 cards (hardly old) will not run any manifestation of need for speed (U1, U2, MW) until updated with the most recent version. You may have got quite lucky, but some X800GTO's even had an R480 in them! They must be ripe for massive Overclocks! $1400 for a conroe? Haha, so much for being cheap. Congrats on the 3dmark, I would but my system refuses to install 03. I just get half a second of eggtimer then the
    installer closes.

    Crowy: tut tut, naughty (about the weed)! I think it's a shame that AMD have started adding more sockets to their lineup, just when I thought things were starting to unify. :-(
    3Ghz you want now? That's insane!
    Fihsnerd: I'd also say lose NAV. Horrible program, or should I say, increasingly horrid.

    Sorry I "abandoned" you all! GUess I forgot to tell you I was going away! Once again, apologies to people with unanswered questions! I'm back now, so anything needed, fire away!

    You know the funniest thing about going away though? Well, we went to Cyprus, and you may have heard of the situation regarding Israel and Lebanon, and the people who were moved to Limassol by ship. One particular day (monday I believe) we were out looking for this water park, and accidentally drove past it, and where'd we end up? RAF Akrotiri, a mere few yards from where this all happened, only half a week later!!! spooky.

    My last contribution for now? I second the Hiper 580W. Great unit, and it's good to be back!
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    See if you can find this utility. I got it from a link on the Hounds. If you can't find it, I'll send it to you as an attachment to your e-mail!

    Here's a screen shot of the particulars!


    You can see all 16 pipelines are active. The R430 chip is really an R480 in disguise as there is no such thing as a real R430 chip. Works good though. Plays everything, Quake, Halo, Delta Force Extreme at max everything with no problems. Not to shabby for a $132 card!

    BTW Here's my new windows wallpeper. I think it's so cool!


    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ah right, but i seem to recall THG saying one X800GTO they were given had R480 printed on it! Yeah cool desktop I like it! I had AtiTool on my last system, then updated to a new version and it ceased to work. Overdrive fulfills the function that I used tool for before anyway, temperature. That's all I use at the moment, I'll overclock when I see fit to do so.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The way I understand it is the R430 is an R480 with the 8 modified to look like a 3. They are all made on the same assembly line and are tested and sorted before the printing goes on. They are all the same chip at the moment because ATi is using up the current stock of chips for all the AGP 8xs so all the 800s and 850s all get the same chip. It makes sense! That's why my card came with 16 pixel pipelines enabled. You may even get one that only has 12, but that's from the GPUs they put aside that pass for the lesser cards but fail for the X850 XT PCIe. These are saved until ATI builds the cheaper cards and then they are used and labeled R430. In truth, the R430 is a Phantom, as there is no such chip, at least not anymore!

    Most people I've talked to got ones just like mine, with the full package working. You can't overclock it much but judging by my 3DMarks of 12,000+ I'm happy, as I don't have to!

    Happy Computering,
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ah right that sounds right. Nah I didn't have either, my old X800 Pro was an R420, the original one. Glad you're happy, and that's more 3dmarks than my Xp3000+ X800Pro got, i topped out at about 9000.
  11. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Welcome back Sam.
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    12000+ is an awesome score for any single card setup in the X800s. Especially good for an AGP 8x card. You have an extremely powerful card for what it's supposed to be. But your OC'd dual-core Also boosts that score majorly. With a D 820 like the one my friend tested with you would get around 9000.
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm pretty happy with it! I have found "The" windows wallpaper! Check it out!!!

    Is that a trip or what!!!

    Happy Computering,
  14. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Sorry if you took me wrong theone. Me and you are allright in my book. I appoligize if it seem so.

    Happy computering
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey, I just wanted to be sure. I have a habit of teeing people off every once in a while so I've learned to ask and if I have said something I shouldn't, to apologise for it and move on!

    BTW?? What do you think of that Cube? You ought to see it on mine full screen. You could smash your fingers reaching for the front right corner. Wicked!!!

    Happy Computering,

  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    hey Russ that almost as good as my "Adriana" desktop pic but not quite lol!!
  17. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    That cube is awesome but I really like the ufo pic,Now that would be a nice addition to my collection.

    Welcome home stranger.
  18. baltekmi

    baltekmi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I think we are beyond the personal thing. Just like sop and brobear. Never take me as a personal attack. You are but a few here that has the knoweldge. I respect that. And I think that we should be able to"challange" each other knowing it is not a flame or such. You know, like ying and yang. As long as we know this.. lets get it on!

    What happened to the screen size... way too wide in this forum.

    Oh, about the amd chip, I did find the jumper and set it too 500. A lot better, but still 500 mgz.

    The cube.. is great... I sure hope others can enjoy clarity!

    One question though.. I thought this was a amd vs intel thread? It seems to be a vidio card thread. Not that I am complaning.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Speaking of "on-topic", today is the "Day of the Conroe". Or is it? Will we have to wait until the "Official Corporate Release" of the Conroe on the 27th? What will this do to AMD's plans for the 24th, if the Conroe isn't out "Officially" until the 27th? Will Intel release the official prices on the 23rd or the 27th, or will they make AMD wait? Neph's right, it does sound like a soap opera! Will Donald marry Daisey and stop giving us that "Nephew" crap? Opps, Flashback!


    Intel does not have 2 million chips on hand. First they don't have the manufacturing capacity for that kind of production nor have they had near enough time to accomplish it. With the broad variety of chips needed, there are going to be shortages, especially Conroes in the not too distant future! I sure am glad that I'm not jonesing for a new build. I guess the answers to these and other questions will have to wait and unfold for us to know. Certainly by Wednesday, we should know where all the parties involved, stand!

    Just a thought or two! On your mark, get set, Conroe!!!

    Happy computering,

    FIHSNERD Guest

    U know what pisses me off?
    the fast of AMD not cutting the prices of the 1mg cores..
    aurgg... i was going to get the 4600 but.. :( thats the 2.2 1mg right?
    but they arnt going to drop the prices.. so i am really annoyed.. because i know a duel core would be the best thing to get at this point..

    i was looking at what i want to get.. and i thing i need to decide after AMD drops the prices of everything.. :)
    i kow i need a new video... but if i can make an entire AM2 build, should i?

    or should i keep this and upgrade?
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