Look guys and girls. Regardless of you getting 30 or 80. It will eventually run out of space. You will just have to keep it maintained and remove old songs when they pass their used by dates.
What i mean by that is when the song gets old and boring. its up to the individual really. I'm no girl
I see, 30 gb is plenty o' space for me. I am getting one for Christmas and I am trying to "beef up" my iTunes playlist before then. I am pretty much downloading every song that I can think of, not really thinking if I really will listen to them more than once or not. Right now I am only at 3.84gb's of music(745 songs) and 4.7gb's of video so that is less than 10 gb's. I'll be hard pressed to fill it up.
- no racism here but i can see some incredibly stupid and childish posting going on here - ie YOURS. cut it out or you leave the building. How long for depends on you, nah...., me
okay, just encase aja1301 or whatever is reading this -- i asked your age 'cos it can help to show how much music you like. for example, a teenager usually wouldn't have as much music as somebody in their 40s