Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by Emily710, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Emily710

    Emily710 Guest

    somebody please help me!!! im about to break my ipod into to halves! i cant seem to download anything to my ipod. i have limewire. and well itunes of course. i guess what i need that most is step by step instructions on how to get limewire VIDEOS and limewire MUSIC and limewire EBOOKS to the stupid itunes and then to my ipod.i dont mean to sound stupid but geese. this is very complicated.
    i would appreciate anything you can give me!!!
    happy new years everyone!
  2. skywards

    skywards Guest

    hi -- not sure what you mean by "download anything" -- the first two questions are (1) can you see your ipod in itunes and (2) are you able to download (for examples) cd tracks that you've converted to aac files in itunes, or music purchased at the apple music store, to your ipod? these tasks should work by dragging and dropping, presuming you have set the ipod options in itunes to "manually manage songs and playlists".
  3. Emily710

    Emily710 Guest

    thanks for replying..your much appreciated.umm well 1st off are you suppost to just be able to plug in your ipod and have like a box pop up or something letting you know that its connected? 2nd i have limewire and the movies and music and books i have downloaded from it im not able to drag or get them into itunes.then if i ever get that far, how do i get it to my ipod? when i plug my ipod in it says "do not disconnect" and no box comes up and say like your ipod is connected...soo well. sorry for sounding stupid...lol but like i said this is very comlicating for someone who is not technical..
    thanks so much.
  4. Emily710

    Emily710 Guest

    double post! sorry
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2005
  5. skywards

    skywards Guest

    In WinXP environment (can't speak for Mac environment, but assume similar), with iTunes open, when you plug in iPod, after some delay, it appears on the left-hand side of iTunes (default setup) as a "folder" title under source. The first time this is accomplished, it will ask you for details to register your iPod. Do you see your iPod in iTunes? Are you working in a windows or Mac environment?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2005
  6. Emily710

    Emily710 Guest

    no i dont see my ipod in itunes. when i plug it in nothing happens on the left side of the screen in itunes.you said on the left side of the screen i would see a new folder? what would the folder be titled as? and when i plug my ipod in it says do not disconnect...what does that mean? geese. i really need to figure this out by tomorrow im going on a three day car trip to one of my cousins houses and i could really use something to do.thanks so much for helping me.
  7. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    yes, you should see something like this:


    let's start way back with the basics. For the moment, FORGET about video as it needs to be converted before you can load it on.

    I think you need to install the iPod software.

    (download here)

    If you have already installed it, then 'restore' your ipod by going [bold]START---->ALLPROGRAMS---->IPOD---->IPOD UPDATER [/bold](then click restore)

    Once you have done that and you have your iPod showing in iTunes, come back and post an ill continue to help. :)

  8. Emily710

    Emily710 Guest

    thanks lethal. but i have gotten that far just yesterday. i finally figured it out.anways, now what i need help with is the videos and ebooks. i found an ebook creator online but when i load it in it says i need it in regular text...whats that mean and how can i do that? and also what site would be good for converting videos to my ipod? and how do i get those videos and ebooks to itunes? ahh im so confused. thanks so much though.
  9. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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  10. emma321

    emma321 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    lol i got the same problem as Emily710...well i downloaded the iPod software thingy but when i try to update it, there's an error and i have to close it :( plus i don't see the iPod icon in my iTunes and blah blah blah...pleez help!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2005
  11. skywards

    skywards Guest

    hi emma321

    Is this a new iPod or one that has ceased commmunicating? Note that Lethal B correctly instructs to choose the "restore" option from the updater utility (not update) -- but this may not be clear because it was in parentheses -- did you do that? Be aware that restore sets the iPod to factory default, so if it not a new iPod, it will have to be re-loaded. Apple recommends trying a different USB port and resetting iPod (not restoring) prior to further action -- have you tried these things (certainly worth a try prior to restoring)?

    My own experience with a brand new iPod earlier this week and my WinXP computer was that it wouldn't connect out-of-the-box regardless of resets/USB changes (another known functional iPod worked fine in parallel testing, as it had from the outset). Then it gave a disk format error during the restore, so it wouldn't restore. Ultimately I used windows command-line -- did "chkdsk G: /f" to fix errors on the iPod drive. Here, G: was the drive letter associated with the iPod (it will vary with how your system is configured), and the slash f is the option to fix the disk (you can run chkdsk with a variety of options). Then restore worked. Did it connect to iTunes then? No. But after a reset -- it connected. Wishing you success. skywards
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2005
  12. emma321

    emma321 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    my iPod is iPod 30 GB video and i just bought it like 2 days ago...anyways lol thanx for replying...but i did not press "restore" as Lethal B said. When i pressed All programs, then iPod, then update, a window appears that says restore or update. Before i can press any of that, another window appeared stating "iPod service error". Man, i am so fustrated with this...I've went on iTunes Hot Tips and iPod support and i can't even find anything and i still couldn't see an iPod icon in my iTunes!!! Jeez i am gonna return this iPod sooner or later.. :(
  13. blackipod

    blackipod Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Hey people I need help I have Quick Time Pro 7 and I wasted alot of money on buying Pro and MPEG-2 Component.I have gone all the way up to exporting my videos up to 17% and then it shows an error can someone please help me.For me to be 13 and have gotten this far is a struggle cuz i've stayed up all night for 3 straight days without sleep trying to figure out this crap and no SHIT works so if you could provide me with useful info on how to export all of it onto my iPod it'd be a great help!!!!!!
  14. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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  15. skywards

    skywards Guest

    Hi emma321, My suspicion is that the service error is because the iPod is not being recognized... could you click past that window to restore anyway (I don't know whether this works)? Are you in a windows environment -- if so, do you see that the iPod drive is mounting as a USB drive when you plug it in? Is it assigned a drive letter when you look at the available drives in "My Computer" (or whatever you have named your computer?) If you don't see drive at all, there would seem to be some kind of fundamental connection problem. If you do see it, do you see different folders when you open it? If you can see the drive with "My Computer", regardless of whether you see folders or get an error seeing folders, you should be able to run
    All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt >chkdsk [drive letter]: to see if there are problems (that is the read but don't correct mode); >chkdsk [drive letter]: /f would correct, and then should allow restore, etc. By the way, are you disconnecting even though the iPod says do not disconnect, or are you dismounting the drive or shutting down computer, or doing other program stops before disconnecting to get rid of the do not disconnect notice? Everything I've done with iPods has made sure they aren't in the don't disconnect mode when disconnecting, even when it's meant shutdown/reboot (suspect can also stop iPod services from Task Manager, but with trouble getting the iPod to be seen have preferred the shutdown approach to be sure computer operating environment is not questionable). best, skywards
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2005
  16. skywards

    skywards Guest

    An alternative way to check and fix errors on a drive is to right-click on the drive, choose properties, select the tools tab, then choose the error checking selection, and select the appropriate options. A more knowledgeable person than me could tell us whether this routine is as effective as chkdsk.
  17. emma321

    emma321 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    hi skywards
    thanx for replying again...greatly appreciated...anyways when i did that chkdsk thingy in the Command Prompt, there were a whole bunch of messages saying Deleting Index Entry and then it said "Errors Found. CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode." lol, besides that, i tried the alternate way you told me but yea...i am still a bit confused.
    Also, i did disconnect the iPod when it said DO NOT DISCONNECT on the screen a few times because i wanted to try to put songs into my iPod but it didn't work so i unplugged it. lol...could you try 2 help me out??? man i've been stuck with this problem for like 3 nights and i had to restart my comp repeatedly because i wanted to re-install the iTunes. I AM GETTING SO CONFUSED ABOUT THIS!!!!!:(
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2005
  18. skywards

    skywards Guest

    hi emma321, so there is something wrong that can be fixed, hopefully -- that is, chkdsk [drive:] /f should fix the errors (hopefully) and then you should be able to do the ipod restore, then reset, then see it in iTunes... skywards
  19. emma321

    emma321 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    hi skywards,
    unfortunatley, it did not work and i STILL can't see a stinkin' iPod icon in my iTunes!!!JEEZ!!Anyways, in My Computer, i see a Local Disk(C:) underneath the Hard Disk Drives....so yea...and i don't see iTunes or anythin'...:( lol i'm gonna return this stupid iPod very soon!!!!
    why is it so complicated when it appears to be so simple in the instructions booklet????
  20. skywards

    skywards Guest

    hi emma321, it sounds as if you have a usb problem. do you ever use flash-memory drives (keychain drive or flash memory card)? what i am talking about is relevant for what to see under "my computer" -- these drives, like the iPod drive,are assigned drive letters when they are recognized. no drive letter, no communication with the system for doing all the things you want to do as a normal iPod user. presuming you've tried a different usb port (the place you plug in the connector cable) and it doesn't work, then it comes down to knowing whether its an iPod issue or a host computer issue. in my view, just plugging in another usb memory device and seeing it load would indicate its not a fundamental host computer issue. skywards

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