Okay let's jump right into this NEW IPOD?? -- Make sure you intsall your ipod software first, many people just plug it right in and nothing happens -- Keep it in the white envelope until you can get a case for it so it dosnt get nicked or scratched -- WAIT for the ipod to get recognized by your computer instead of clicking a bunch of buttons, i must say 90% of the ipod problems on these forums can be fixed if you just have a little patience FAQ -- Q. I am trying to add videos to my ipod, but when i play the video it turns black for a few seconds and returns to the menu -- A. Make sure you have the latest firmware for the ipod and the right version of whatever your using to convert your videos. -- Q. My computer wont recognize my ipod when i plug it in. -- A. You may have an outdated version of usb ports, you can buy converters. You must have at least a USB 1.1 for it to work. Or, it could just be you didn't wait for a message reading something like "found new hardware" before you opened itunes. -- Q. Can I make the volume louder on my ipod? -- A. No, but you can buy amplifiers. -- Q. My songs are not playing! -- A. Update your ipod firmware. I don't know if this helps. I only put the stuff we constantly here about and are sick and tired of explaining because its 2 in the morning and i'm tired. PM me? : p
I have already got a stickied FAQ. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/295183 But it's good to have a few others with knowledge. I am looking to add to my FAQ, and I will add these in if that's ok. (Will maybe add a little more detail, though If you have any other great suggestions, PM me and I'll gladly add them in ;-)
I'm actually pretty honored that you liked em! I really wanna be a senior member so yeah. You can do w.e you want with them!
Cheers. Why do you want to be a Senior so much? There's no hurry! {takes 500 posts to reach Senior status ;}