i installed ac3 filter and ripped audio fron dvd and opened vob. file with goldwave.I thought i would have an ac3 file after i ripped dvd.It opened vob. file and i was able to save as a wav. file.Should there have been a ac3 file after i ripped ?
Yes! What did you use to rip the DVD? All DVDs have AC3 audio layers. If you ripped a .VOB file then saved the audio stream then what you did was create a AC3-Wave file (not a PCM-Wave file). If you use DVD Decrypter you can Demux the AC3 audio stream directly from the DVD (as a lossy AC3 file) instead of wasting time creating a large VOB file and then creating an unusable AC3-Wave file. You wouldn't be able to play the Wave file you created without [bold]AC3 filter[/bold] installed! Ced
i downloaded the filter and goldwave from this site http://www.mp3-guides.com/content/view/15/40/ also i used dvd decrypter I folled directions on site but if you ollk you'll see they show an ac3 file after it was ripped.i ended up with a vts.ifo and a vts 03 1.vob I opened the vob. and saved it as a wav.
I downloaded the filter and goldwave from this site http://www.mp3-guides.com/content/view/15/40/ also i used DVD Decrypter I followed directions on site but if you look you'll see they show an AC3 file after it was ripped.I ended up with a vts.ifo and a vts 03 1.VOB I opened the VOB. and saved it as a wav. Just wondering if i did it right and why is the vob. so large if it's just audio?
When you Demux the audio stream from the DVD with DVD Dectypter you don't get a VOB file you get an AC3 file. When you use DVD Decrypter make sure that (under stream processing) the other streams (Video and AC3 6 channel Audio) are not selected. When you highlight the 2 channel AC3 stream make sure that "Demux" is selected instead of "Direct Stream Copy" or "Raw"! Dolby Digital [bold]Adaptive Transform Coder 3[/bold] (AC3) is a lossy audio codec. So the file sizes are small like Mp3 files (even the 6 Channel Dolby Surround files). Ced
I installed acfilter-0-70b.exe into my c:/programs.. was this the right ac-filter i installed?I did check the "demux" button,i'll try it again according to you're setting's..thanks--mike
Make sure the correct stream is highlighted when you select to Demux the file! You can choose to Demux all of the streams that are available. By defult the video stream is highlighted first when you enable stream processing. [bold]Checking the correct box doesn't highlight the correct stream![/bold] I view that as a design flaw of DVD Decrypter. Also it would be best to work in [bold]IFO Mode[/bold] (Mode -> IFO) Yes, that is the latest version of AC3 filter project, Ced
I just tried again,But this time after checking the 2ch. ac stream box, I also [BOLD] Highlighted 2ch. ac stream and it worked !!! i now ripped an ac3 file Thanks for the help-!!! p.s. I'm interested in learning more about audio,any suggestions? books,tutorial's,ect. thanks again--mdw46
I learned by doing it myself! Audio / Video encoding is a broad topic. With sites like this and a cornucopia of free high quality ripping and encoding apps a person can have a lot of fun. A great artical on audio formats: http://arstechnica.com/guides/tweaks/encoding.ars Heres a list of apps to experament with: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/127334 A free reservoir of knowlege: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page The best file extension site around: http://www.filext.com/ I'm glad I could help, Ced