You should be skilled at recognizing them because you don't get to be cranky old lady without training.
I think it's increasing with age! LOL On another note dRD is posting articles on the Home Page. He still hasn't dropped by to say hello but he's still here.
Well I never expected to see John pop up.. Hey buddy.. there's a music thread My pirate flag seems to have gone walkabout.. will have to fix that.. Should I use the normal one, or the extra scary one with the gooooooogly eyes??
Hi everyone, can't believe this thread is still going. Alive and well over here with a baby boy we love so so much life is good, hope you are all well
Hi! A few threads are still getting a few hits. It's odd because out of the blue some old members will pop in, make two or three posts, and then disappear for a while until the next time.