You should be skilled at recognizing them because you don't get to be cranky old lady without training.
I think it's increasing with age! LOL On another note dRD is posting articles on the Home Page. He still hasn't dropped by to say hello but he's still here.
Well I never expected to see John pop up.. Hey buddy.. there's a music thread My pirate flag seems to have gone walkabout.. will have to fix that.. Should I use the normal one, or the extra scary one with the gooooooogly eyes??
Hi everyone, can't believe this thread is still going. Alive and well over here with a baby boy we love so so much life is good, hope you are all well
Hi! A few threads are still getting a few hits. It's odd because out of the blue some old members will pop in, make two or three posts, and then disappear for a while until the next time.
Hey buddy it’s Acid! I am always here and I’ll never leave. I still check back at all my old forums I used to frequent. Such great memories were made!
I was in the process of cleaning up my roller decks cards. Removing the sites that have gone pass the rim and into the darkness. I was surprise to find After Dawn stilling open for business. In the past your site has always alerted me to the new and explained the present electric toys. Is it dead? No. One has adjust and be patient.
It’s a special place to a lot of us. Grew up here throughout my early teen years studying electronics and piracy projects. They was truly magic to be found on the old internet
Looks like it's the only place for me. Was recently banned from N4G & was just banned from NeoGAF today. Guess I'm still too controversial & stubborn to back down. Fine by me. I will always stick to my laurels & principles at the risk of suppression/censorship.
The usual. Happens when you check people on their BS. I was dragged into a thread of which had nothing to do with me. So I defended myself from a few attack vectors but got the ban hammer instead of those trying to intimidate (and even dox me). Always the same thing. They attack the person instead of the post/topic at hand because their POV/Info doesn't hold water. Same old shit after 20+ years at this game. I don't play nicely with others ~ especially if you want to test me. Same thing in real life. Guess my home is and always will be aD. <3
heck, I almost got banned on this site I think within a few months of joining this site after telling a member to do a "RTFMD".
Sorry but it wasn't you, but I'm not in the least surprised you were nearly banned. Was it Oner, you know he's secretly hoping it was?