I agree with half sonnet79's comment. Once you master the new way to use Dvd Decrypter, there is no movie that can't be backed up. As for AnyDvd, I really can't comment because I haven't had the need to purchase this product. I have backed up all the recent movies using all freeware except for one product. If I have a movie that I'm concerned about the quality, I use Dvd Rebuilder.
In another thread I posted, VobBlanker is another program you should take a look at. I know this topic is about whether or not to use AnyDVD but if you want your backup's to be less compressed take a look at VobBlanker. Just throwing that in there. If your curious just check out my links in my signature.
It all depends and the choice is yours. However, I've never seen any movie(s) that I can not rip and backup using FREE tools. I used and still use (A) DVDFAB Decrypter + VobBlanker (95% to rip), (2) DVD Decrypter + PSL Plugins (5% to rip) and so far both methods has worked 100% flawlessly. Yes, it is true that it looks complicated at first, but once you've mastered the technique, it's all piece of cake, easy as sippin' on a Corona. On the other hand, I might get AnyDVd one day in the future, but as for now, I'm good. Best of lucks to all.
i started only with dvd shrink and its great, then i had a few dvds from overseas with different region codes, thats where decypter came in. even with the toughest encryption decypter uses it brute force method to crack the ccs. now i have any dvd and as it runs in the background everything copies automatically. so you really only need any dvd if you are copying other region codes.
Below are two examples of why you can use AnyDVD. Summary for drive F: (AnyDVD Drive (Hardware) Region: 1 Media is a Data DVD. Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite) Size of first Layer: 2084960 sectors (4072 MBytes) Total size: 4169920 sectors (8144 MBytes) Video DVD (or CD) label: ULTRVIOLET Media is CSS protected! Video Standard: NTSC Media is locked to region(s): 1! Found & removed RCE protection! Found & removed wrong DVD structure! Found & removed structural copy protection (Arccos, Puppetlock)! Found & removed bogus title set! Found & removed invalid VOBUs! Changed firstplay: Jump directly to Title 2! Autorun not found on Video DVD. Found & removed 5 bad sector protections! Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1! Summary for drive F: (AnyDVD Drive (Hardware) Region: 1 Media is a Data DVD. Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite) Size of first Layer: 1644816 sectors (3212 MBytes) Total size: 3171760 sectors (6194 MBytes) Video DVD (or CD) label: ANNAPOLIS Media is CSS protected! Video Standard: NTSC Media is locked to region(s): 1! RCE protection not found. Found & removed wrong DVD structure! Found & removed Macrovision RipGuard protection! Found & removed error zones between files! Found & removed invalid program from program chain! Changed firstplay: Jump directly to Title 1! Autorun not found on Video DVD. Found & removed 2 bad sector protections! Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1! The debate will forever rage on about software & technique, own your software or freeware. What cannot be refuted is the simplicity of backing up a single DVD with AnyDVD. These two movies (above) I purchased and backed up 2 travel extras (FULLSCREEN & Unrated versions) using NERO Recode2 and AnyDVD running in the backround....That's It! You want to save time and hassle, mind you on the tuff stuff i.e. Arccos PuppetLock, RipGuard. Not to mention the flawed disc that are created while attempting to break these encryptions. The answer is then evident, Get AnyDVD. For most if this program was sold in stores this topic I feel would not be debated, But I think because it's an online purchase and really the ability to make this type of puchase seems to be a problem for many guised under online security concerns. The other question is, Is this a hobby for you? or is it something your making money from "THAT's ILLEGAL"!!!!!! which draws on other major concerns for those individuals. When it comes down to it anyone who wants this program can have it. For many who oppose it's necessity and use I feel they've got to face their guised precautions again if backing up a single DVD disc copy is just a hobby, purchasing AnyDVD from slysoft should not be a problem, but an end to most of the known complications all are confronted with, when making single copies of their privately owned DVD's.
All you have to do is learn the proper way to use Dvd Decrypter and you can save your money. There is plenty of documentation on how to achieve this and you don't have to wait for a program to be updated.
Personally I run AnyDVD with DVD Shrink. It's quick simple and it works everytime. I have tryed the DVD Decrypter / VOB Blanker route, yes it works but it was just a longer process. But again it all about personal preferance.
http://my.afterdawn.com/alkohol/blog_entry.cfm/234 This is a very usefull guide on backing up you own store bought movies. Its used with all free programs (Nero Rencode u must buy) and just takes a little longer to do then using ANYDVD and CloneDVD2