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Is HD-DVD on life support?

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by BAMFstang, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Ryu77

    Ryu77 Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    Goodswipe... I did send you a PM. I am sure you will react to it just as I anticipate.

    Anyway, just to satisfy my curiosity... Do you actually own a HD-DVD player?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2008
  2. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    I didn't get any pm's and yes I do own an HD-DVD player. I bought the Toshiba HD-A3 from BestBuy when they where running it for 100 dollars off plus, 5 free movies by mail, 2 in the box, and 3 instantly in store.

    LILBUCK Guest

    WOW does anybody here have a full time job? I got a kick out of ryu77 pie charts LOL. So HD-DVD IS DEAD(or soon will be).... LIFE will go on there is too little time in this world to argue about a FRICKIN DVD PLAYER!
  4. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Ya the pie charts where pretty comical and yes I have a full-time job but, I basically sit idle a lot so theres time for surfen.
  5. Ryu77

    Ryu77 Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    Have you heard of Wikipedia? They made the pie charts.... so all appreciation should be directed towards them. :)

    Of course I have a full time job, I am self employed. I help run a group of around 70 Karate Schools. I was thinking goodswipe might benefit from a free class. Hey... It's on me... You're welcome any time. ;-)
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    goodswipe and Ryu77,

    The both of you need to knock it off. State all the facts and opinions you want but the next time I see a disparaging comment directed at an individual, ANY individual, you're guaranteed at least a week suspension. This goes for the rest of you as well!

    I, for the life of me, simply do not understand why folks get nasty at each other over a difference of opinion. I see this over and over again be it ATI vs. nVidia, AMD vs. Intel, Playstation vs. XBox vs. Wii, Ford vs. Chevy, sheep vs. women - its all absolutely pathetic. Think about it people. Of all the things going on in your life - bills, work, family, etc - is some smart ass knob on the net really worth it? Its a person you'll probably never ever meet in your life yet you willingly put this idiot at the top of your list of concerns. I've been a mod here for a long time and if anyone's had their share of people talking trash to them its me. I've had folks rejoin three or four times after I banned them just to call me and my mother every name in the book. You know what I do when some dipwad talks trash to me? I tell them to try harder. I keep things in perspective and as such here ain't been nobody in this sea of idiots that even hoped to come close to being worth my time.

    For cryin' out loud folks just ease up.
  7. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Sorry Neph but I have to interject as it really wasn't Ryu's fault in this case as his demeanor and way of handling the situation was pretty level headed (he even tried to diffuse it a few times). Either way hopefully others will abide by what you have said...doubtful, but we can all hope ;)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I hear you my friend but anytime folks start throwing jabs back instead of contacting us it becomes my problem. It takes two to tango and if Ryu77 hadn't gotten personal it would've been a one-sided fight and an easy call for me. I would have loved to send goodswipe on a vacation but it wasn't that simple so I settled for a warning to both being 99% sure that in all probability Ryu77 would be the one to get the picture and take the high road in the future; his level headedness gave me that confidence :)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
  9. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Now that Paramount are keeping HD-DVD (for now) this might boost the chances of it's survival. Although it is important to take into consideration, that many people will probably just buy a PS3, instead of buying a blu-ray player, that way they have a games console and a a machine to play high definition movies on. Microsoft have probably realized this and that's probably why they announced the possibility of releasing a blu-ray player add-on for the 360.

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