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Is piracy a bad thing? Not bootlegging

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by MckinneR, May 27, 2006.

  1. L2T

    L2T Member

    Nov 19, 2005
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  2. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    @L2T, Whats with the link to ThePirateBay ????

  3. L2T

    L2T Member

    Nov 19, 2005
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    Sorry to intrude. Seemed relevent at the time & I hadn't noticed that the story is featured in another thread.

    I'll go home now.

  4. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    Didn't Slysoft just release software that SUPPORTS Windows Vista! Anyways, about the Windows Update, how will I know if it will deactivate my burning applications? Will it tell me it will, or will I have to address it on this forum?
  5. ratbastid

    ratbastid Member

    May 19, 2004
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    Here's the issue I have: Every time the RIAA and MPAA release a statement saying 'Last year we lost x dollars to piracy.'

    That's flawed logic. They are assuming it's a loss because every single person that downloaded/stole the movie or album would BUY it. That's bullcookies. If people were willing to buy it, they would. By and large, most folks I know that get flicks from P2P sites, it's something they don't enjoy enough to pay for. Now, if they DO end up liking it, guess what? Many times they go buy the real thing, or at least, are more willing to pay for the next release from the artist (or sequel, or what have you).

    Movie and Record studios are losing money because they are relasing garbage that less people want to buy than in years past. Period. The amount 'lost' to piracy has got to be orders of magnitude smaller than what they're assuming, like 1/10000 what they estimate.
  6. mudearies

    mudearies Guest

    if u work for a musik,movie,software compnay then piracy is not good for you.

    if u r cheap bastard who complains about life and probabably dont have a life ,then its good for you.

    how embarrasing must be to invite your friends to watch and movie and play a video game and there u plug a pirate game or movie.

    my god how awfull but thats just me piracy sucks and all pirates should die.
  7. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    Going back to the reselling book/car etc sceneario - the publisher, mfc ,dealership already got their cut of the profit from the original sale.

    Used cars actually do continue to bring in profits for the mfc, the dealerships. the Original MFC keeps making money from parts being used on those used cars (since some used cars are still under warranty, the parts come from the MFC or one of their suppliers thus they still get paid). Also used cars can be leased vehicles, the previous owner chose to get outta the lease ealier, new owner agrees to take over the lease , pay the balance and prolly even start a new lease to pay to own the vehicle. so where is the MFC and dealership lossing all this money in this scenario? The only way I can see them losing money is private person to person sales as since the dealership isnt involved, vehicles may no longer be under warranty etc. Previous owner takes usually cash/check payment just to get rid of the vechile. Said owner has every right to sell their own vehicle and keep the profit, he/she already paid for it and the MFC/dealership got their cut from the original sale.

    Now in the case of used cars, dealerships actually do make a profit buying back used cars and turning around selling them for more than they paid to buy it back.

    Now IF we could sell our used read books back to the publisher, we would but since nobody but other ppl, libraries , the Salvation Army and collectors are interested in used books that option of selling em back to the publisher isnt vialable. Plus the cost of shipping the physical book back alone isnt viable. Barnes & Noble, Borders Books dont even bother sending back the whole book of books (paperbacks, magazines, comics) that dont sell well - they just rip off the cover w/ the UPC and other vital info, box em up ship em back for a refund/credit. I oughta know, I used to do it for B&N!

    So is selling back our used books,videogames stealing? NO, the original publishers already made their money. they dug their own graves by refusing to partake in the used product market. Publishers point of view being once weas consumers buy a product we keep it regardless of the fact we outgrew it, completed it , didnt like it etc. We should NEVER be getting rid of the product unless it is to completely get rid of it via disposal - in the trash
    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  8. Tybro9

    Tybro9 Regular member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    personally, i like the P2P softwares. When i find a song or whatever that i like, most of the time ill download a couple of songs from that particular band, and if i like it, ill go and buy their CD, just to support them. If i dont like them, then ill just keep those one or two songs that i liked, and thats that. The RIAA make such a big fuss about every little thing, i think that its really a waste of their time and money.
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    tax payers' money at work!!
  10. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I actually prefer to use my backups when watching movies. I hate watching that anti-piracy message, the FBI warnings, interpol warnings, endless previews, etc.... The whole reason I purchased a DVD player was that the FBI warnings and previews annoyed me with the VCRs. Too bad they killed that benefit of DVDs after a couple of years.

    It is the best feeling to pop in a DVD and less than 1 second later the main menu pops up.

    As for pirates, I think everyone that makes a movie or music is more of a pirate than people who download/copy. The reason being that movie writers and musicians rip off older generation music for profit while downloaders do it for personal use.

    Don't believe me?? Analyze all music and you will see that at least 50% is directly copied from a short section of any one piece of music composed by J.S. Bach. And if he is too old or dead to hold any type of copyright, you can give ownership of the work to the most recent musician that uses Bach's music and claims it as his/her own. Yngwie Malmsteen comes to mind, though you can say that Yngwie also rips off Paganini who was "influened" by previous composers as well.

    Modern music is so simple in terms of structure that it is impossible for it not to be ripped off from something else.

    And movies, ever watch a movie where you could NOT predict what was going to happen next based on movies you have seen in the past???

    Games are the same as well as most other items that are "pirated".

    While I do not support downloading/copying/bootlegging and such, I do not like the attitude that the MPAA, RIAA, and similar have. They accuse everybody of being a pirate or potential pirate. The reason they shut down pirate sites and software that breaks copy protection is that they are "protecting" consumers from becoming pirates.
  11. gozilla

    gozilla Regular member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    wow, that's a bit harsh. :)
  12. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    very good point JaguarGod take rap for instance thats pretty much all they do lift bits of music from older artist and re use them ,another reason to dislike rap lol
  13. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Whooah, lol thats very harsh!, you know theres around a qaurter of a million pirates on this site, there good people and all, piracy is bad for the idustry, it must really be annoying to know everyone is getting hold of your albums for free etc, but aslong as they can do it, they will continue to pirate as its the easy answer.

    Dont get me wrong, I actually pay for alot of the stuff... bottom line is, piracy is far too tempting and easy, everyone does it and theres always a way around the latest protection etc, so lets wait ans see if anyone can stomp it out, as long as people can do it, they will, but yeh..its bad, I agree with that much.
  14. gozilla

    gozilla Regular member

    Oct 16, 2003
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  15. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest

    When downloading music for free of limewire...Is it easy to get caught?

    I don't agree with you there.
    As i said before if music weren't so expensive,then ,yeah, I'd agree with you.
    In my opinion if you're the type of person who downloads stuff and then goes and sells it, you deserve to get punished, But for people who just download a couple of songs for home use it's a different case.
    It's not like Eminem or Iron maiden are hobos, they've got tonnes of cash and they don't need more!
  16. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Think of how many people do it and are doing it. Your one of the many millions of fish in the sea. But as we have seen it is possible, so If you do download music or anything else, you should have PeerGuardian 2 or any other IP-based blocker. PG2 is very good because it has millions of IPs of the RIAA/MPAA/Anti-piracy group and does it's very best to block them. The best way to not get caught, is however not to upload/download of course.

  17. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest

    Thanks mike but what do you meran by "block them"?
  18. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    You get caught by them downloading from you, or you downloading from them. There is where they get your IP/ISP addresses. Peerguardian refuses them to download/you download from them, and shows up in the log files, showing which company was blocked.

    Take a look - http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/

  19. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Well, they would be if everyone downloaded their music, they would be, if you where a artist I know you'd be real pissed about everyone downloading your music...

    Face it, even though we all do it, its technically wrong and its illegal, its simple, piracy = bad, purchasing=good

    But, its free !!

    Theres two sides to the argument, both have there good's and bad's.
  20. safc_66

    safc_66 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    As its been said countless times, there are two sides to this argument. As far as i'm concerned, the only way piracy's bad is if you're on the pirated side, too many people on low income, come Christmas and birthdays, if you have a few children, are you gonna pay £30-£40 for a new xbox/ps2 game, when spending the same amount of money on the shady side of the street will give you 8 times as many games ? As long as there's a demand, there will always be a supply, and if i was in the position of a lot of families in the UK or wherever, i know where my £ would go.

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