I was thinking about picking this up when it releases ... do you guys think it will be able to do the jerb?
i too would wait on that,lG makes decent/ok drives, the technology is at its start, give it sometime for the lasers to be developed, you dont want to buy it now, pay top dollar, and then in a year somebody picks up a $100 dollar drive that has higher speeds, new technology and has a higher burn success rate if its $500 now it'll be $150ish external in about a year btw: my prices are estimates, we have a very vague idea of price of media/burners will be in the next year and so....
i still think i might get it because i work at best buy. i'm sure it will be like 300 for me if that price stands, but thanks for the quick responses guys.
Find out the prices and then your price, maybe if its a huge discount you can get for us and we'll pay shipping...lol