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Is this woman taking her religious beliefs a bit too far?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Dela, Apr 22, 2006.

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  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You got any idea how he's gonna get us out of the mess that Iraq has become?
  2. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    He won't be able to finish with Iraq. If you have noticed he just goes in and invades but does nothing else but he say's that we are creating democracy but may i remind you before he went to Iraq he went to Afganstan and that has not even ended yet???

    Now he wants Iran. In my personal opion its all about black gold and nothing else.

    The sad thingg is how many inoccent people have to have their lives destroyed before we realise that just because we come from different lands and races religous backgrounds we are all human, just trying to survive.

    If you study religion all religions in their core belifs belive in the same things. It's only the misinturprutation of the teachings of their religions that make people go wayward.

    [bold]Religions underlining purpose is to Unite Humanity.[/bold]
  3. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Wow; this is going somewhere really fun. I'm staying out of this one until it goes back to the original topic. I tend to get really bullheaded in these ones. But I see a lot of very educated opinions forming, which is better than the average:

    "You're stupid! We should do this!"
    "No! You're a stupid bigothead!"

    ....I'm used to seeing arguments that are just that ignorant.
  4. Buik

    Buik Regular member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Unfortunately, it has nearly always been to unite humanity under their particular view of diety worship. Or non-worship.

    What that Church does is so disrespectful to the deceased, family and friends is unconscionable. Attempting to add more hurt to promote their views is sadistic. What did that individual do, by himself, to anger these people? By serving in the US Military? I am sure his option to serve in the military was not specifically to promote or promote homosexuallity in the USA.

    @GrandpaBW..... I know where you're coming from.

    As for the group from Kansas who are using this tactic to create grounds to file civil lawsuits and reap the benefits from awards..... What the hell do you think the ACLU is doing everyday??

    This woman/church has the right to say what ever they want to say. They are not prosecuted for it. But as "handsom" has pointed out, more moderate voices are being stiffled in the move to curb or deter "Hate Speach". Freedom of speach being infringed here? It seems that you are allowed to speak about & promote "alternate lifestyles", but not speak against "alternate lifestyles".

    The world is going crazy. If a woman pats me on the butt, and says "nice" buttocks. I am not sure if I can sue or have her prosecuted for sexual assault, sexual harrasment, unwanted physical contact or simple assault. The same if she calls me honey or baby. And she ain't my old lady.

    Anyway, I agree with the concensus, she is nut's.


  5. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    garmoon, its a mess if you look at it from the liberal side of things (which most will in here) the people of Iraq have freedom for the first time in years .or we could just be cowards and let the terrorist win it doesnt happen over night and freedom is worth fighting for!!!!!

    and Garmoon Burce(Grandpap) fought in Vietnam so the idiots you talk of(and maybe you) could burn draftcards and flags ,i would hope you would rethink that statement.

    i can see this turning ugly with the liberal veiwpoints in here as it has before so its ON !!!! if you guys want it belive me!!!!!!!!
  6. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Liberal or not, I see people agreeing that the video and views which this topic was started on, is a wrongful abuse of basic rights. Just because you can say something horrible doesnt mean you should. I also see people agreeing about the war that started all this
    I thought it was WMD's just like we were told and had faith in government about.
    How was there knowledge of WMD's? Bush has the reciept.
    I dont think anyone disagrees about what the best outcome of all this could be. Some liberals might disagree with the dishonesty of the beginings and tactics throughout. How come the major companies the Bush family represents or are affiliated with are the ones making the most money from this? Back on topic, I think we now see extreme craziness from all religions from all sides, good ideas twisted into something unrecognizable. Follow my math here a minute.

    I dont like your philosiphy and that lifestyle displeases my God + certain type of religion = Run airplanes into buildings to proove a point.

    I dont like your philosiphy and that lifestyle displeases my God + certain type of religion = Protest funerals of those who died letting you have the freedom to protest a funeral. Any similarities?
  7. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Here we go with the liberal viewpoint bashing again....
  8. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    if you people really think there wasnt any WMDs then people are bigger idiots than i even thought!!!!! sadam gased millions of people with it remember duh!!! looks like its on guys so lets do it politics and aD isnt it great!!!!!! hummm and tech fourm well used to be anyway!!!
  10. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    politics + internet forums = trouble
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    your damn right!!!!!!!!!! it does!!!!
  12. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Ahh, but who armed Saddam to begin with? Politics make strange bedfellows and unfortynately we now live in an era of rampant wife swapping and bed hopping. Our downfall as Americans is that we are apathetic, undereducated, and too dependant upon the golden icon of truth...the TV. Heck if you want to blame someone for the current situation in Iraq, blame Jimmy Carter for letting the Shah of Iran lose his family dynasty in the late '70s. Heck maybe we can blame the Brits for trying to do the same to Iraq back in the late 1910's..
    they walked away from the whole mess in the early 20's without accomplishing much. Bottom line we are in a world of hurt over there and will be until the current administration can place someone in power who can control the country again, otherwise Iran my be the dominant superpower in the region once again.
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    aabbccdd, saddam didn't gas millions of his own countrymen but thousands. the only countries to gas more people was europe of ww1. than the germans of ww2 with the gasing of the jews. the terrorists didn't get involved til the us & the uk invaded irag under the pretenses of wmd which even the lead us inspector said did not exist. that said this thread is closed as politics got involved which will always happen when religion is involved.
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