With you sig... Click My Account..-> Edit Personal Info -> and change ur sig there... And type [img.]http://media.mediaplazza.com/t_24/64x64/031210flyingcow2.gif[/img.] without the . Regards CoZZa
Yes i do live in Ausrtalia (NSW) Lets not get off topic , if u read the Where Do You Live thread in Safety Valvue... Regards CoZZa
Whoa whoa ... for testing out sigs and stuff theres http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/82901 You can do this however from personaly experience I wouldn't reccomend it -- it's a real pain in the arse to do stuff like port forwarding etc with that kinda configuration. You do need however on the computer that is going to be doing the sharing 1+n number of network cards where n is the number of computers you are going to be sharing internet with ... therefore, this becomes ineffective after two or three computers
i have tried sharing a connection using a cross over connection, but one of the computers has a lot more bandwidth than the computer directly connected to the internet
If you are using a single computer with network sharing I dont think you have to use a crossover cable That's a good thing --- this means that your home LAN wont be bottlenecking your internet line
when you quoted: 'If you are using a single computer with network sharing I dont think you have to use a crossover cable' i ment i was connecting one computer into the other one which had the internet. EG: PC without ---------> PC with connection connection
That was what I was referring to... you dont need to use a crossover cable (you might be ABLE to) but you dont have to (its prolly cheaper not to)
Well you could just use regular RJ45 cables instead of the more expensive crossover type There's lots of useful guides on sharing 'net here: http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/sharing.htm
Yes but I was just suggesting that a cross over cable isnt required at all (sure you can use it if you want to but if its not required, you might as well save yourself some money and/or effort doing so hehe) Cheers
Yes but thats why i said "save yourself some money and/or effort doing so" -- if it aint broke there are things: A. It doesnt have enough functionality B. Dont break it. Why would you want to buy a RJ45 and convert it when you dont have to? Sure practise is good but the objective is get the internet sharing to work, not practise cable conversion hehe.
What I meant before was that you kept insisting that you can make your own crossover cables etc but I was just saying that, sure, you can make them -- you just dont have to. As for wired vs wireless .... that depends on your use .. for file xfers definitely wired but if you have a laptop then wireless might be for you.
I've never heard of a NIC that could do a direct connection to another NIC without using a crossover cable. I'd love to have one, but unless I'm mistaken there isn't such a thing. If you use a regular cable then you'll be connecting transmit wires together and receive wires together so PC 1 will transmit to the wrong connection on PC2 and vice versa.