Gerry, if you really are afflicted with gas here is a way to harness the natural energy. I think you may be right gerry so I have included a strategicaly placed coriander leaf, see the original here:$file/Fart-Power.jpg The plus point is Xsilver could use this to chase down the thief who made off with his cash.
Now that is what I call a biological weapon! ...I'm not too sure that the mods will approve of your pic though lol!
The end result is that Xsilver will not order from there again. The owner of that establishment will be unsure why. He still wants your business. (Was the food no good?) You must go to the location and explain to him exactly what happened, not so much 'to get your money back' but more just to let him know (about his delivery employees). I predict the owner will be greatful, and thanking you for taking the time, will insist on you taking a Tenner... He can never be quite sure what his delivery people are doing, in the name of his business! He would like to hear your experience, so that driver will no longer work for him - you would be doing him a favour, helping him out :^) Mmmmm, curry.... givin' me spastic colon, just thinking about it! LoL Regards