go to www.jailbreakme.com on your iphone in safari! it will install cdyia in about 5 to 10 minutes!!!
Damn! >.< You beat me to it! lol This will jailbreak all devices on Firmware version 3.1.2 and upwards. See here for more details! ^o^ For anybody who tries this, please post your experiences with this jailbreak so that others may get an incite as to how it goes.
I have done this with jailbreakme and it was simple as pie. I upgraded my itouch to the latest firmware 4.0 From there I went to jailbreakme.com, slid the bar across and in less then a minute cydia was on and away I went. Very easy with no issues for me.
It works. Fastest and easiest jailbreak ever. I've tested it on my old iPhone 3G and two different 3GS iPhones running 4.0.1 and they all worked.
The best part is you dont need a computer and people who are not computer savvy can now jailbreak their phones . Bad thing is no more side jobs jailbreaking phones . And whats up with the unlock ? I heard it was supposed to be released today ?
If you're talking about the unlock for iPhone 3G&3GS phones running OS4.0.1 then it's already available. iPhone 4 still a no though.
Yeah I did it yesterday afternoon... It was very simple... still playing around with it and learning all the new programs that I can get... took me a while to understand winterboard...
As good as this jailbreak is and as easy as it is to do, there's still the problem of activation for people who can't activate their devices because of carrier lock! :-( I'm not one of those people, but I have seen a few messages around, about this! >.< Anyway, I like this jailbreak! Did it for a friend and it felt nostalgic! Lol remember when I first jailbroke my iPod touch when it came out using jailbreakme! It's funny because I was wondering if this method would be used again! Lol
I have an unlocked 3GS (new boot rom) on o2 and it didn't work the first time as when i updated to iOS 4.01 it then asked me to update the carrier settings and i accepted it and it updated them. I then went to the http://www.jailbreakme.com/ website and it wouldn't work so i restored the phone again and didn't update the carrier settings and it worked great and installed cydia the first time. Maybe the phone carriers or apple are trying to block this already with updating the phone carrier settings? Im also in the UK by the way so if anyone does have a problem with the jailbreak not working to try what i did and it should be ok.
I am new to all this so I have some questions. I have a new AT&T iphone 4 and was wondering what I will be able to do if i jailbreak my phone and what does this cdyia thing do or allow me to do with my phone? Thanks, Paul
Tbh, it all really depends on what you want the device to do. There are so many different things that a jailbreak can do, that it'd be hard to list ALL of the things... Here's a few things which I've got on my iPhone from cydia which I find particularly useful: Locktopus - allows you to individually lock specific applications of your choice. This is good for locking applications that may hold private information such as mail, SMS, ebay, facebook ect. The padlocks below the icons are how you lock the apps. Red = locked, Black = unlocked. You set a master password so you don't need a password for each one... lol SBsettings - Allows you to have a set of toggles which can be reached by simply swiping your finger across the status bar at the top of the phone. This is convenient as it allows you activate an deactive things like wifi and 3g without going through lots of menus. It also allows you to hide icons from the springboard for apps you wouldn't use. 3G Unrestrictor - This removes limitations from applications which require you to have a wifi connection and instead you can use your 3G. This has been updated so you can now use facetime over 3G Insomnia - keeps your internet connection active when the device goes to sleep. This will continue any downloads you have going and won't interrupt them. I found that this drains your battery like nobody's business, so it's worth only turning this on when you really need it. Yourtube (hasn't been updated for IOS4 yet) - allows you to download youtube videos directly to your device from the youtube app. Various emulators - It's very unlikely you need to be told what an emulator is. Off my head I know there's a PSX N64, NES, SNES, GBA emulators. Infinifolders - a new thing for IOS4 which I really like is the folders, but with the 12 icon limit, it's a little limited, but infinifolders allows you to put more in and scroll through them. Ultrasn0w - Allows you to unlock your device to be used on any network. Winterboard - Allows you to put custom themes on your device to pretty it up a bit. this includes icons as well as wallpapers, lockscreens, sliders, fonts ect I don't use it myself anymore since the wallpapering on IOS4, but it is good... lol If that wasn't enough to convince you, research about installous, that's the most worthwhile download around. I don't think we can discuss it here, but it' definately worth a look. There's loads more apps and tweaks on Cydia, but I don't use a lot of them. As I said, it all depends on what you want to do with your device. The above listed are things i use or have used, which I think are worth mentioning. hope this helped make your decision! ^o^
Just for FYI, what if I start having problems or just want to get all of the cydia and all related stuff off my iphone 4, how would I do that? Thanks, Paul
It's unlikely you will experience many problems that would make you want to get rid of the jailbreak and Cydia, but if for any reason you did want to remove it, all you havbe to do is restore the firmware on your device.
Thanks a bunch, I have it on there and everything is going just fine. I love the 3g unrestrictor option....Paul
Excellent! ^o^ You won't regret it. Every idevice I've had since the touch came out, I have jailbroken. Don't know what I'd do without it now! ^o^
I can't run my mobile terminal with 4.0 and this mentioned jailbreak. Does anyone have a fix other than restore and re-jailbreak? Imo btw 3.x.x is miles better than iOS4 for iTouches.
Here's a deb for mobile terminal 426, which for some reason isn't on cydia (which is why I used the deb) which works fine on iOS4. Could you explian why you think 3.x is better than iOS4 for touches, please? ^o^