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Kernel Loading... won't reflash using ifa

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by haris_49, May 14, 2007.

  1. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    In a nut shell NO there is no other way to flash if your Stuck with lOADING KERNAL OR KEIN SYSTEM ,IFA is the only way out
    Not knocking you mate but the amount of times people say they have been at it all night ,When they realy mean 20 mins is Unbeleivable
    Av done an hour on afew boxes
    May i add i have never sold, or charged anybody for fixing or adviseing .its just a case of passing knowledge on ,wot ive learnt on various forums.Stick with it mate
    For all with little knowledge Read up then Post
    Dont post then read
    Good luck to all .........Always here to help .......paul
  2. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I have found that the warning IFA give is true with duo processors, when I turn it off in the bios it works far easier.

    If you dont know what I am talking about then dont worry, the warning only comes up if you do have a duo core processor.
    Last edited: May 30, 2007
  3. haris_49

    haris_49 Guest

    with due respect to all n u, i hav spent 3 hours on it but bin unable to do so!!!
  4. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    If the cursor is flashing then it is going to end up "lade" with a possible flashing. If the cursor is static it is a "kein system" so no need to wait around for it to say "flashing"- it wont.

    I found if I had used FTP software and then IFA without rebooting it didnt work well. Also if the scart or coax in is attached it seemed to not work as easily, might be coincidence. Diabsableing the duo processor definitely helped.

    I have to disable everything, AV, windows firewall, bluetooth, and any other network stuff, not just turn off, disabled. Sagems are much harder to flash than nokias.

    I also find timing of switch on is important, best is 1-2seconds after pressing OK. Get it hooked up to a wall switch, once you get in the knack of it, you can be attempting every 10 seconds
  5. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    Forget all that things.
    You see in the log above every step via nullmodem cable log.
    The bootp request from the box simply doesn't reach IFA via network.
    Something is blocking the network.
    I guess the winxp firewall is blocking.
    Its also possible the network is misconfigured. The network part from the log was not posted.
  6. haris_49

    haris_49 Guest

    i aint got win xp, i got vista runnin on it!
  7. ManofS

    ManofS Guest

    have u managed to get it working b4 on Vista?
  8. haris_49

    haris_49 Guest

    yeh worked lyk a charm!
  9. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    Hi All,

    First of all it's great to see a wonderful site with such useful info.

    I have a problem using IFA (1.56 and 2.31) I recently prchased a nokia dbox 2 with a blade trinity image which upon on startup will not respond to Remote. Therefore, the ftp method is out of the question. I have used the guide to flash with IFA and each time I reboot the DBOX the kernal starts and I do not get the flashing message on the lcd display. I am using a cross over cable but no null modem cable.

    This is what I have done so far:

    IP Address:
    Default Gateway:

    After lauching IFA and selcting the image (sportster 1.10) I press the OK button followed by the start button. I do notice that the pinging DboxII failed message appears in the bottom left corner in the boot assistent. I then plug the dbox and this loads the kernal instead of flashing.

    Can anyone confirm I have done all this correctly or if I have missed anything? or if there is something that needs tweaking. I can honestly say I'm baffled to say the least. Please can someone come to my rescue.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,

  10. haris_49

    haris_49 Guest

    have u got windows xp installed on your system because no matter what, it won't do it on windows vista and i would highly recommend a null cable!
  11. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    Hi Haris,

    I'm on xp but I don't have a null modem cable. If it helps I will get one but can I ask what the null modem cable provides over and above connecting via crossover cable?

    Please can you tell me if I'm doing everything else right (as per my previous thread) I'm sure I am other than not using a null modem cable although in all the guides I have read it is deemed not essential.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.


  12. haris_49

    haris_49 Guest

    heya there jen,
    yep, you are right in saying that most ov the guides infact i think all ov them say that the null modem cable is not essential, however sometimes you need it, i don't exactly know how it helps but the only advantage that has been told is that you can see the progess ov the communication between your dbox and the pc!

    In my case, i was having the same problem as you with the flashing but by getting a null modem, it worked like a charm for me, i don't know what guide you are exactly using but pm me and i will send the link that i used to fix it up and also the sportster 1.74 image that i have used for three boxes and it's been working fine for the last 6 months or so!

    ny more questions, feel free to write...


  13. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    The advantage of the null mowdem cable is
    You can see the activity while it is going on
    It also gives you a bootlog of the problems
    Which can then be copied and pasted as a text doc
    Up load it here and some of the the more advanced members (mgb)
    will be able to tell you were the faults are .......paul
  14. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    Thanks for the info guys,

    I have just bought a null modem cable from ebay so I will try agian using this when it arrives.

    Will provide you with feedback as to how things progress.


  15. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    Hi Guys, I managed to flash the dbox through IFA with the sportster image. However, as with the blade trinity image which was installed when I bought it the nokia dbox2 does not respond to any of the remotes buttons (apart from the blinking green light each time the remote is pressed) it also does not respond to the stand by or up down buttons on the dbox itself. I don't know what to do now. Having managed to get IFA to work I am still in better position as before. Have I missed anything?


  16. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    Which remote do you got?
    The small one with the premiere sign is programmable and maybe programmed for the wrong box.
  17. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    I've actually managed to to succesfully flash a commando 8 image and got the remote working. However, after a bruteforce scan which found 308 transpoders no channels were found. My cams are set evocamd and ucode to 001A. I have another dbox which I flashed via ftp with the same image and it had found the channels. The only difference here is that I have flashed using IFA (as I had to due the remote not responding).

    Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong or is it a case of flashing via ftp to get it to work.
  18. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    On the box that dont work
    Press blue on remote
    Set my location
    Scroll to yours and select
    Box will reboot and be ready to scan for your Area
    Ftp to your Working box
    Back up image to temp Extract to pc
    Then send it back via ftp to the non working box
    Transfer working service and bow k s from working box to non working box
    Options are endless
    But its nothing to do with one being FTp
    And one Being IFA d ...................Paul
  19. jennylv

    jennylv Guest

    Hi bigdunc,

    I've tried these options. Apart from ftp image and flash.

    I have set my location (no joy).

    I have copied my services.xml and bouquets.xml from working box (I have these backed up on my pc) and transferred to non working box. When I do this the box freezes and does not respond to the remote. This is similar to the problem I have had initially where the dbox will respond to the dbox.

    Is there anything else I can do? do you have any recent images that will definately work? I know the commando 8 image works as I have flashed my other box and another box (both via ftp)
  20. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    ihave them all tell me wot you need
    Pm me your e mail addy
    And ile post you One .................Paul

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