Hi I hope someone can help I have just lost all my movies and sports channels. It says waiting for code update. I have the kryptview for about 4 months. Is this the end for the box. I am in ntlhell dublin.
ya im missing all my movie channels and all my sports channels except sky spt news any luck getting yours back
i wouldnt think so if we just be patchent hopefully there will be a fix out for it we just got to keep looking out for the fix
what if ya do a factory default setting and put in the latest firmware would that work and i have a kryptview by the way so help regarding it would be very greatfull thanks cheers
its not the box arsenal, its a roll out to stop all the dodgy boxes, seems there isnt a whole lot of hope of them coming back on at all...so to answer ur question doing a default and flashing them wont make any difference, infact might get rid of all the channels.
nthell haved moved the channels to n3 which is the same sercurity as sly and it hasnt been cracked and i reackon it will be a long time for a fix but you never know
Sorry but sly use nds and not n3, n3 is used by many european and american providers and has been out for 2 years in europe and has not been hacked...
Not publically that were aware of, they have also just had a card change thats holding some suprises.
All SkySports are gone All movie channels are gone Plus some other ones that I don't watch too. They went yesterday around 20:30 and have since been informed that N*L moved the Sky channels over to nagravision 3 which was expected. Bottom line is, Will there be some way for me to get my box getting the channels above again?
i just heard it is the fregency and if you get the fregency code they will all come back on i am just waiting on the code at the moment but i will keep you all updated
my channels arnt missing they are just saying waiting for code update the only channels that arnt coming on for me is my movie channels and my sports channels except sky sports news thats coming on for me
Ye well do a factory reset and then rescan ,sometimes NTL just change the frequency whcih the channel is going out on,worth a go.