Everything I have seen is matte finish on the white inkjet printables.Verbatim/Maxell/and Imation cds are the only ones I have used. I don't even know if glossy inkjet printable discs are out in the market? Some peeps have been using a clear gloss spray coating on them.
Shiny Inkjet Printables???? Saug are these available to print in an Inkjet Printer??? If they are tell me more like Batnd and specs?? Thought they were only for Thermal
The Media that I am referring to obviously has not been released in the U.S yet but has in Europeand the U.K.. Its the Glossy Printable DVD-R that I thought Saugmon was refeering to as the "Shiny Finish" ones??? Saugmon can you tell me a bit more about these ones as I was under the impression that they were Thermal Print only ?? Here is the Verbatim Site with all the Guff anyway.. http://www2.verbatim-europe.com/ind...icle_id=663&lang_id=1&menu1=261&menu2=&menu3= I am using ordinary white printable DVDs and print to the Hub and they come out looking awsome,but I think these Glossies may even look beter Cheers and Kia Ora from New Zealand
dannykiwi: That link you posted is what I'd like to get a hold of. Glossy/inkjet full hub white verbs. I haven't seen them here yet in the USA. I'd bet they look superb! Shiny inkjet printable: You gotta watch out for these. You got shiny thermal-which are totally different,and then you have shiny inkjet printables. Here's a link to some Taiyo yuden +8x shiny inkjet printables: http://meritline.com/taiyo-yuden-8x-dvd-plus-r-silver-inkjet-printable.html These are regular hubs,so I have my epson r-200 printer set at: Outer-119 and inner-41.The print position is still set for the full hubs and they are centered up perfect.Despite being reg hub,they look sweet. These cost way more than the dash ty shiny inkjet printables.That's why I bought the dash and they look superb.60 cents each for plus and 40 cents each for dash when buying on the web. Alkyhol usually has one of them in his sig if you search some of his posts. Very distinguished looking backups with a 3d look to them.I don't have any pics of mine to post,but I may have to work on that. There's some crappy shiny inkjet printables out there like Beale/optodisc?/ and prodisc to list a few. Taiyo yuden and verbatim only for me on these. Those shiny inkjet printables are definitely worth trying out.
Is that a good site to buy from? Meritline I mean... If it is... I HAVE FOUND THE MOTHERLOAD!!!!! 50 pk Genuine Taiyo Yuden for 17 dollars US? Good golly miss molly...
Meritline.com is a very reputatable site for genuine taiyo yuden. Along with Supermediastore.com,americal.com and rima.com. I know newegg.com and shop4tech have been known to sell fake tys. There's some other places as well. I keep all those sites bookmarked so I can find the best deal between them.
Saugmon, I have finally found (I think)the Silver Ink-jet Printables that you have sold me on...lol lol lol Unfortunately here in Lil oll New Zealand they are only in CD-R, I think..I,ll post a link below?? http://www.pbtech.co.nz/index.php?item=CDBVER0932 They sound as though they really look the Bomb when they are printed in a good printer, so I am definitely going to give them a go as I burn a lot of CD,s as well.. I am sure If I hunt I,ll find the DVD-R Silvers too.. I have learned the hard way with DVD Media,at first buying the cheapest available like Princo or CCR Mag and wondering why fifty percent although playable,have CRC Errors and the likes..just not worth the Penny Pinching eh??? Anyway Buddy, Happy burning and happy printing.and once again thanks for sharing your knowledge with me)
GET AWAY FROM mertiline.com i hate it i wanted to try it ( yes its good for its bundles) but its customer service sucks... my shipment took over 2 weeks!.... even thou it was cheaper then supermediastore.com they lost a customer...! never again im going 2 mertiline... but thats up 2 you.... www.supermediastore.com best store for your tech needs.
dannykiwi: As long as you see this listed for printable media,you'll be ok: VERBATIM CDR 52x 80min 50pk Spindle [bold]SILVER INKJET[/bold] Printable DataLifePlus. Not the silver thermal or shiny thermal,unless you have a thermal printer. I don't see many New Zealanders around here.
I just became aware of the problem of labeling discs. I have a couple of hundred discs labeled using the memorex program and labels. I have been told that they will eventually corrupt my back-ups. Should I remove them and what is the best way. Also, does using a magic marker cause problems? What is the best way to remove the labels. Someone suggested something called seabreeze. Appreciate any help and/or advice. Bernard
Any facial astringent seems to work fine, seabreeze is just a trade name for a product made in the US, soak the top of the label with it, it will soften the adhesive, the scrape using your fingernail while rinsing under warm water. should take less than a minute. about 50% of the disks I have put labels on them have problems, so I have about 75 more to remove in the future.
A permanent marker, E.G. a sharpie fine point. El Marko, whatever, stay away from the dremel engravers.
1)Sharpies/also cd markers 2) Lightscribe- You'll need capable burner,but it'll burn a pic on that disc for you 3) Thermal printables. Print the labels on your printer,and run them through a thermal printer.These discs will have no writing on the top of them,and silvery in color. 4) Inkjet printable- Epson stylus photo R series have the capability to print directly onto inkjet printable media.Example: R-200/220/300/320/and 340The media comes in white and shiny. Both capable of having pictures printed on them. Very effective labeling system. In europe: Canon makes a printer that basically does the same thing. Some canon printers over here can be converted using a special try bought on ebay.
I removed about fifty Labels using a Hairdryer, it just makes the adhesive so soft they just slide of..then I wiped them over with Glass Cleaner....This way is real fast...Good Luck and Happy Burning+Most of all "Kia Ora" from New Zealand(New Zealand is two little Islands at the bottom of the world that most people think is part of Australia,but we are in fact twelve hundred miles away..so for god sake dont get us muddled up with those darn Aussies)
I sometimes use my label printer that I bought the only thing it does is print the label on the dvd it's a casio
What about the quality of Ritek CDR (Silver printable)? I am putting together a local music CD that will be for sale. We are doing a short run special addition... Are these a good product from anyone's experience? Found them on the site listed on here... http://meritline.com/ritek-ridata-52x-cd-r-cd-silver-inkjet-hub-printable.html It will cost me $145 roughly (500 stack) to get them here by next Wed. Descent price...I have seen the name...any direction would be nice... Thanks in advance.. Chris