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Latest TheBox PVR firmware update problem

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by smudger24, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    I am also in a Virgin/Ex NTL area but I have to scan on C&W otherwise I get nothing.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  2. mxmxmxm

    mxmxmxm Guest

    2 download firm onto labtop a usb cabel is required ye went 2 shop maplin great shop they had usb cabel but they said id need a num modem 2 also work it they said usb wont work without num modem and they new what i needed it 4 exactly they had nt got this num modem in stock do i need this also or what please reply its very important as u know and tanks 4 your support
  3. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Maplins giving you bullshit, flashes with a USB cable only
    USB cable fits from PC's USB port the Starviews' USB port.
    No other cable needed. The how to do it is in the eko4 shared link.
  4. mxmxmxm

    mxmxmxm Guest

    please help me have pvr the box not flashed anyting yet have no digital stations downloaded fiem programs ontp my labtop have all leads in from box and 2 labtop its a usb serial connector anyhow read your instructions and i understand all bout hidden menues emu on so on its this 1 ting that has me stuck please help me do i do a serial or usb download and i have b-31 up on box screen wait n 2 be programed all leads in ready how do i flash transfer o labtop read all instructions all goes well till its time 2 flash download please help me man
  5. smudger24

    smudger24 Regular member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    Can you open a new thread please mxmxmxm. This thread is for something else.
  6. mxmxmxm

    mxmxmxm Guest

    1 question 4 u do i need 2 perchase a winrar 3.80beta 3 licence 2 open all these firmware downloads computer wont let me flash

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