Lets Paint The Kettle Black (2) Do You Have A Bitch ? Put On Your Rubbers And Wade In.

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jul 25, 2007.

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  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I hope so for all our sakes. Best of luck in that endeavour... :D
  2. Phlax

    Phlax Guest

    I'd like to point out he can be alright when he wants to be, he's just a genuine idiot most of the time :)

  3. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Have a nice vacation..}:)

    I have read more posts by Ireland then by anyone else...In my opinion Ireland has contributed more then anyone I know on AD...I hope you stick around and help those who appreciate all your work...I know I do..:)
  4. Phlax

    Phlax Guest

    Lol, I wonder why.

    Poor tocool.


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    When and where did I say to pretend that nothing has happened? If the people who loved ireland so much love him as much as they claim why not start a thread to honor him instead of fighting about something that isn't going to change. You know I've had my disagreements with ireland in the past, but I don't want to see anyone leave for good. The leaving is ireland decision, no one else's. He merely carried a title under his name for a site that was dormant. He had no powers here at all, so why no just carry on? Do you think people would taunt him because of a different "title" below his name? I think it is really futile to continue arguing about this too because ireland, the one who the argument is about, won't be here to defend himself or make any statements that allow the conversation to continue. Ireland made one post and one post only since this has all gone down and it was in the thread that has carried on for three pages now. Defending a freind or not, you must admit you are fighting for a lost cause. The reason you see ireland as the "the one who helped you out the most here" is because this, the SV, is where you stay (not to mention the stereo threads), so it isn't a far stretch to say that he is the only helping "you". If you had a problem ripping a DVD and you would have posted it in the DVD Shrink forum I'm sure someone besides ireland would have come to your aid. If you had a question about converting an avi and posted it in the appropriate forum, someone would have helped you...that someone might not have been ireland. So to say that he has helped you more than anyone else here isn't exactly a qualifying statement.
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Phlax, my anger isn't against you, but a look below the surface wouldn't hurt. It's got nothing to do with "Titles" ...Ireland would be the first to tell you that they don't mean squat anymore anyway. Put yourself is his shoes: he and others like him advanced this site since its inception only to be thrown out like yesterdays garbage when they're through using you.

    I'll say no more on this subject I am, admittedly pissed off that one of the very anchors of this site was treated without a single breath of gratitude but rather, treated like shit; its time to examine the worth of things.
  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    perhaps with photoshop or somewhere in the the digital photography forum; i don't know, i don't frequent those. but most of what i've seen him post in the past few years has either been a link to the rules, one of his (rather well done) animations on the sig rules, jokes, or news. i'm not saying i won't miss that stuff, but i am saying that's pretty much all i saw him posting on any regular basis.

    maybe because i have been of the mindset that titles mean jack (not you, brit-boy) for so long now, i'm not sure, but this just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. none of ireland's privileges on afterdawn changed. he would still have been known the forums-over for being a joker and helpful in whatever way he could offer.

    like i said before, they were disused forums that were closed. and as said by others, i doubt this would be such a bad situation if ireland kept his title. for over a year, as drd said, this has been coming. it was destined to happen. ireland wasn't demoted, he was just...re-titled laterally.

    seems kind of petty to me, is all.

    but then again, folks, i'm rather jaded and would have been driven insane by now if i took my love-hate relationship with this forum seriously.

    "don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive."
    -Elbert Hubbard
  8. Phlax

    Phlax Guest

    Gerry, finally, an answer that isn't anger channeled at me. I'm not going to say anything else on it to you either, I don't care to.
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    but that is exactly how forums, and the internet in general, work. when a page or site is no longer useful, it is archived and progress stops. if there's no longer any reason to keep it for archival purposes, the page is deleted. otherwise, it's just wasted space and a target for scrip kiddies.

    according to the admin, ireland had been pm'ed in the past. i think drd handled this as well as could be expected by anyone put in his situation.
  10. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Instead of lurking I must bitch in the bitch thread.
    Why is everyone crying about titles, and why would it effect an adult enough to "take my ball and go home?"
    Lets step back and look from a different angle.
    The head of a website has every right and should be expected to clean up old forums/ threads. If no one uses it, should XCopy forum be immune? If there is no XCopy, technically there is nothing to moderate...
    I moderate a forum on a different website too but I dont ask to have the title The Dirty Sanchez next to my nick...
  11. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    This is really all about Respect...Ireland deserves Mine...He does not deserve to be Attacked by the people he has tried to Help...whether you were helped or not...is not the point...He took time out of his day to try...and that is the only thing that matters...

    Kicking Someone when they are Down...Is Cruel and Uncalled For...there is No Excuse for such Behavior..:(
  12. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    ...where was ireland ever attacked?
  13. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    You can't be serious with that question...or Obviously You Can Not Read...
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thank You for your words, LP531, it's certainly a refreshing change from the "I don't give a shit attitude" and the "he didn't do squat, outlived his usefullness and should therefore go the way of the admittedly dead forum he moderated" I'm sadly hearing.
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I sure hate to see all this go down like it has. The reason being almost all those on both sides of the fence are in my buddy list. Ireland has left and come back so many times I believe he will come back again. Until I see under his sig that he's banned or inactive or whatever that he has left permanently, he still an addict member.

    So I predict he will return by Oct 16th, what else is he gonna do with a gazzillion pictures. So all ye make your own predictions right here in his thread.
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i've seen no attacks on ireland. i've only seen people stating their observations and giving their honest opinions with no ill intent implied.

    just as a sidenote, ireland has threatened to leave a few times before, and he kept coming back. he was here almost constantly, and that isn't really healthy. if this pushes him into some vacation time to otherwise fill his day, i say good for him.

    not one person, admin or otherwise, told ireland to bugger off, gerry. i imagine people had no idea he'd leave over what amounts to relatively little. he was still respected and a part of the community.

    it's not that i don't give a shit, it's that i don't understand why this is such a big deal. the bonds between people are still there, the reputations still exist on AD, the privileges are all still the same, so on and so on. the forums are simpl adapting with the times.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I used to leave here for a week at a time due to lack of broadband at one of my abodes; lately i'm here every day (and at night a few times too due to increasing insomnia); too much screen time makes us all dull boys/girls, however if anyone starts fussing if i threaten to leave for any reason i'll be most annoyed and i'll be putting on my bovver boots to kick people up the back passage (and by the same token i wouldn't be annoyed it everyone was happy if ever i threatened to leave). But Garmoon is right, Ireland has (like a few other people) threatened to leave a few times, few people ever really go thru with it permanently.

    As i said in the other thread, if I was no longer needed, or was got rid of, demoted, or whatever, so what ?, that would only be an issue if i was paid for said work and it threatened my income in some way.

    - now how's about everyone shuts the hell up (inserts joking tone here), i'm trying to watch TV and my email account keeps beeping at me (if i don't clear them down i'll be deluged with mails when i wake up numerous times in the night). I'll unsubscribe at some point though..
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007
  18. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    And to clarify things, I dont think his personal usefulness is outlived, I am still talking about a rating system on an internet site.
  19. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    am i missing something on old-world civility or something? in general, it seems the younger crowd (excpet creaky...as he's older than dirt) doesn't understand why ireland and jaybo were so upset while the more experienced guard seems to feel for them.

    what link am i missing in the chain of logic here? i would like to understand opposing viewpoints as much as possible.
  20. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    eh, this old duffer is having trouble undertanding your post :p
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