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Lets Paint The Kettle Black (2) Do You Have A Bitch ? Put On Your Rubbers And Wade In.

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Jul 25, 2007.

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  1. g00n

    g00n Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    The reference to legion is but a simple one, as we ARE many.
  2. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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  3. onya

    onya Guest

    LOL... Thanks gOOn but when I said she runs hot and cold, that was just my nice way of saying the same thing. Yes indeed, she is many that's for sure.
  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Thanks sytyguy!! I've found that's the general consensus from the people that "know", insurance types. :) Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow. gggrrrrrrrr!!! I know that being "nice" is the thing to do but sometimes it involves people that aren't nice. :p


    btw haven't I seen you somewhere else?? :D
  5. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Greensman you are dealing with an attorney...So You know you are not dealing with people that but any value on being nice...When an attorney see a nice guy...all they think is "I'm going to Fu@k Over this Gullible Idealist"...

    I have been dealing with a frivolous law suit for over 2 years...involving my neighbor and his best friend who is also a neighbor...and an attorney...I have spent over $40,000 because my fence between us fell over...They are requesting $120,000 in emotional damages...because of lack of privacy while they garden...They are actually just trying to stop my planned 2 story addition to my house...Which they will not be successful in doing...but it will make the construction more costly...

    @eeffgghh & goon
    Do you really think that anyone is looking at your posts and agreeing with you...Pathetic is all I have to say about the both of You....
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2007
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Greensman, me and sytyguy are both moderators over at the Hounds. At least we were when I last looked!

  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I'm seeing the light when it comes to this "lawyer" and his motives. I may have lost this battle but I think that I can win the war. Who knows, I will report back with either result when the dust settles. :)

    Thanks for the advice buddy. :D

  8. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hmm. Stick to the rules? Or earn an extra £100 and most definately not get caught?
  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    As usual billyboob you have me lost in translation. LOL. WHAT???

  10. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I can either lose money and stick to the rules, or i can gain £100, and not get caught anyway...
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Looks like you've made up your mind!!! Will the decision cause hardships or lost friends, better yet a lost job?? There's always consequences so don't be fooled. NOW on the other hand is the action legal? accepted practice? OR the opposite?? YOU make the call buddy!!! :p

  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok im lost now... oh thats not hard to do..lol

    my bitch, is that im done working but cant go home cause i dont have my hours in...lol


    woof woof
  13. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    My bitches of the day:

    1. My dad freaked out at me because I didn't want to call Best Buy. He wanted to see if they would install some speakers for us in the truck I used to drive. I told him I looked it up and it was $45 to install the dumb things. He told me to call anyway and I said "I looked it up and they won't do it for free even if you buy the speakers from them".

    He got really pissed, due to the fact he thought I should have still called them and starting yelling at me. I am not an emotional person for the most part but I just wanted to get out of the "heat" so I took off to a good friend of mines. My dad later called and apologized but it took him a few hours.

    Also, which is about bitch number 2; My computer has a screwless drive installation system, which rocks, and I got lucky and got a DVR-1810 (Retail version of the DVR-112D) for an amazing, considering it was bought retail, $45. It didn't say it was "On Sale" but its normally $65!

    However, which leads into bitch deuce of today, the screwless system has plastic "Sliders". It came with 2 pairs of extras but, just because I need them, they are no where to be found. They used to be in my room but they are not anymore. Hopefully I can find them soon. :(

  14. onya

    onya Guest

    @ pop_Smith..

    Aint that what Dads are all about? He's just looking out for you there youngen'. I've got two daughters and three sons, and I sometimes have to make "those phone calls" my self ...it isn't easy but sh*t it's worth it. My Dad was never like yours, he was one heck of a cold fish to me. Enjoy these moments you have Pop_Smith, as I've said to another member these times will have to last you a life time.

    My bitch of the day is that my second eldest won't gimme the time of day for the last week or so. What's with teenagers these days? I've got four others that give hugs and stuff when needed, but this one is digging in the heels. Where is my "How to raise teenagers" manual? I'm sure there was one issued...LOL
  15. XEnigmaX

    XEnigmaX Regular member

    Jun 16, 2006
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    Coming with a teenager perspective; I can honestly agree with the statement, "What's with teenagers these days?" I'm sure that going through high school here in the 21st century is similar to what your generation experienced, but most of the kids at my school seemed extraordinarily lazy. For example, I started an Anthropology class with about twenty other kids. By the end of the year, there were four of us.

    On another note, I stole my parents "How to raise teenagers" manual; I didn't want them to get the upper hand.

    Actually, I've never really had a problem with my parents and neither have any of my six siblings (excluding one, which seems to be a similar case with you. During his late teens, he started hanging with the wrong crowd. Luckily, he never got into drugs, but after his two year mission for our church, he turned his life in a better direction and is even getting married to a nice girl in October); we were blessed to be raised in such a great household.

    Now, my complaint of the day isn't really much of a complaint but more of an anecdote.

    While driving past our local cemetery, I noticed flowers and a happy birthday balloon tied to a gravestone. Mixed with the feelings of empathy and curiosity, the morbidly hilarious irony got the better of me and I couldn't help but pull over and have a laughing fit for a good ten minutes.
  16. onya

    onya Guest

    @ XEnigmaX...

    The same? THE SAME? Surely you jest. Compared to todays young folk, we might have been Monks or Nuns.(at least that's what i tell 'em....heheheheh) And give back that manual...please.

    Changeing subjects..as you did..

    Is Anthropology difficult or just deadly dull? (no offense)

    Now the next bit could be un-nerving to some.

    Was this a GOOD laugh or a GOOD laugh? :p

  17. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    The girl wouldn't have become a "statistic" unless her father didn't pay for the repair and it had to be turned over to the insurance companies. Normally cops don't write tickets for accidents unless they see them or something is out of the ordinary, i.e. DUI?

    You learned a lesson. You can be fair, but don't go out of your way to be nice to strangers who ram your rear. Unless you're somehow in the wrong, always call a cop to do an accident report. Then promptly turn your claim over to the insurance company, if the at fault driver doesn't immediately pay for your damages. That's what we pay insurance companies for. Normally it's an automatic at fault when a driver hits another in the rear. Your back lights being out is about all that will get the at fault driver off the hook, or if you cut them off too short.

    I was driving down the interstate when a young college girl swerved her car in front of mine. The highway was slick due to a sudden ice storm. We exhanged license info and insurance info and went our way. There were too many fender benders for the police to handle that evening. Her insurance company initially said she wasn't at fault due to weather conditions. I told them the insurance companies could duke it out, I didn't care as long as my car was repaired. I pointed out the driver of the other car was driving too fast for road conditions and she pulled into my lane out of control sliding sideways. If the road had been dry, she was so close I would have still hit her. With her car T-boned, no one could deny what happened. Needless to say my car was repaired in short order at the other insurance company's expense.

    Long story short, follow your insurance guidelines and don't try to be the bright knight, that is unless you don't mind paying for damsels in distress out of your wallet. Your insurance company retains lawyers to deal with any necessary litigation. The girl's father being a lawyer won't matter as long as you handle things properly through your insurance. I'm not sure what your insurer will say about not reporting the accident to the police. The only thing the girl's father has going for him is the fact you didn't promptly report the accident. The rear ending shows the girl was following too close to control her car. Like I said before, the only thing that could come into play would be your having cut her off too short or your brake lights being out. Next time tell the damsel "sorry, but my insurance wouldn't like that".
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2007
  18. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yes turn it in the the insurance company. and its always a good idea to get a police report anytime an accident happens.good luck GM
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2007
  19. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    whats happening with the quotes...
  20. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    humm don't know bro seems to be ok now
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2007
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