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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    It's not an invite system...anyone can get in. Hell they let me in. LOL
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Aug 30, 2006
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch xp is not as stable as 2000.

    what i was doing for the last 10 days was comparing xp-pro and win 2000 pro..
    both are installed on the same computer through a abc switch.

    both a fresh install..installed and ran the same programs,the programs are for xp and 2000.

    10th day checked both defrag programs.xp reported it needed defrag,win 2000 reported defrag not needed..

    ran speed test on both c-drive b-4 defrag xp b4 213x35603,after defrag 338x50706

    win 2000 the same b4 and after=378x59765

    xp had three reported errors and 2000 reported none

    my conclusion xp is not as good as win 2000...
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    LMAO my bitch is 2000 is atrocious, i had sooo many problems with it, even on a dual cpu machine; when 2000 works it works, but once it starts to crash, it does Microsoft proud, bigtime, and for good
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i still use the original 2000 operating system since late 1999,
    to this day..moving hd from home build computers to another and i can report the problems are few..
    i never had a crash...or blue screen with 2000...

    in fact i am posting to you right now with that original system..
    its name is the ash-tray computer...

    i had more problems with xp running side by side with 2000.

    note the key was a ghost image...
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2006
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    just building a spare PC triple-boot - ie 98SE, XP and whichever Linux i decide on. Can't get the wireless card to work in 98SE bitch bitch bitch but that's ok as i'll only surf in XP and Linux on there.

    but i hear ya, when 2000 works it's great but i ended up rebuilding a few PC's so many times as it started letting me down; but good on you for still using it, just as i will still have two trusty 98SE machines when this one is done..
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    did ye ever see me post in the past..that i use a home build abc switch.
    i select operating systems i want to use..with a switch..
    {a} is for win 2000 {b} is for xp and {c} is for 98se

    i do not believe in a double or triple booting operating system..

    reasom if the hd goes down ye loose the whole ball of wax.

    i for got to mention this i was one of the original beta tester for xp,
    and i was given free a copy of xp-from microsoft with a free upgrade to pro.. i called it crap then and its still crap

    it made from win me and parts of win 2000,did ye ever wonder why 2000 and xp operating system looked the same.but xp has a couple more bells
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2006
  8. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Amazon.com has posted pre-order prices for Windows Vista that also claim the new operating system will be available on Jan. 30, 2007. Tuesday, the e-tailer confirmed that it got the prices from Microsoft Corp. price sheets, but said that the delivery date was its own estimate "based on conversations with both Microsoft and others."

    -- Windows Vista Home Basic: $99.95 (upgrade), $199 (full version) -- Windows Vista Home Premium: $159 (upgrade), $239 (full version) -- Windows Vista Business: $199 (upgrade), $299 (full version) -- Windows Vista Ultimate: $259 (upgrade), $399 (full version)
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    it's ok, it's just one of a few spare PC's; 98SE is only to load games onto my Super Famicom for my kids (can't find a program that works in XP that uploads the games to the Famicom you see).

    what i won't be going near is Vista, methinks Microsoft has done it this time, especially as far as this poster is concerned
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA copyright education is contradictory, critics say

    By Greg Sandoval
    Staff Writer, CNET News.com
    Published: August 30, 2006, 3:36 PM PDT
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    The music industry's educational video about copyright law is full of "baloney," according to several trade and public interest groups.

    The Consumer Electronics Association and Public Knowledge are among the groups to issue a joint statement condemning some statements on the Recording Industry Association of America's video, which the RIAA has plans to distribute to the nation's universities.

    The RIAA's video, a copy of which can be found on its Web site,
    go here

    suggests that students should be skeptical of free content and that its always illegal to make a copy of a song, even if its just to introduce a friend to a new band, said Robert Schwartz, general counsel for the Home Recording Rights Coalition, one of the groups opposed to the video.

    The RIAA has feuded often with groups representing companies, such as CD-burner manufacturers, that have a stake in music sharing. They claim the music industry tramples over the rights of individuals as it fights music piracy. The RIAA has aggressively litigated against people who share music files on the Web for the past several years. The RIAA's strategy now is to launch a campaign to educate young people of the consequences they face when they download music illegally.

    "First, we were told we should not enforce our rights," said an RIAA representative responding to critics of the video. "Now we are told education is wrong, too. We won't accept such a do-nothing approach. We'll continue to work with respected higher-education groups to engage students to think critically about these issues."

    The RIAA says that more than 350 universities have expressed interest in the video.

    In the RIAA's seven-minute video, the narrator attempts to explain copyright law and some of the other hazards with downloading music from the Web, such as being sued or arrested. At one point, the narrator tells viewers it's okay for them to make a copy for themselves "as long as it's for you."

    "Making copies for your friends, or giving it to them to copy, or e-mailing it to anyone is just as illegal as free downloading," the video narrator says.

    This appears to contradict a statement made in the Frequently Asked Question section that accompanies the video, Schwartz claims.

    An FAQ-section question asks whether someone who has bought music has the right to ever upload or download music. The RIAA's answer says that it's okay for productive or scholarly works. The video's critics say the response makes no mention of allowable uses for home recordings, even for individual use, which the law allows.

    "The RIAA seems to be making up the rules instead of citing any consistent interpretation or precedent as to the law," Schwartz said.

  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Time Warner increases speeds to 10Mbps/1Mbps in Fios territory

    August 30, 2006 2:06 PM PDT

    Here's one more example that competition benefits consumers.

    Time Warner said last week that its Road Runner high-speed Internet customers in Syracuse, New York will be getting faster download and upload speeds as part of their standard package at no additional charge. Starting September 15, Road Runner cable modem speeds will be bumped up to 10 megabits per second for downloads and 1Mbps for uploads from the standard speeds of 5Mbps/384 kilobits per second.

    Excluding promotional offers, this standard offering still costs $44.95 for customers subscribing only to broadband and $39.95 for customers also subscribing to cable TV service.

    Not so coincidentally, Verizon Communications has been offering its Fios, fiber-to-the-home service in Syracuse for over a year. Verizon offers Fios in three flavors: 50Mbps/5Mbps service for $89.95, 20Mbps/5mbps for $44.95 and 10Mbps/2Mbps for $34.95 with an annual contract.
    Posted by Marguerite Reardon
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Browzar leaves no tracks (on your PC)

    August 30, 2006 1:24 PM PDT

    Everything you do on your Web browser leaves a trail on your PC. You may not want this, for a variety of reasons: Say you're looking up information about a medical condition while you're at work. Or you're replying to personal email at an Internet cafe.

    A new browser, Freeserve's Browzar, leaves no tracks. It's a very small application (only 264K) that uses the Internet Explorer engine on your Windows PC (versions for Mac and Linux are in development). When you use Browzar instead of IE, nothing that happens is recorded -- not your Web history, not data you type into forms or search engines, and not Web site cookies (they're deleted when you close the application, along with your session's page cache). What happens in Browzar stays in Browzar.

    Browzar doesn't even need to be installed into Windows. The downloadable file is a self-contained application. It can also run directly from a USB thumb drive.


    However, Browzar is no security panacea. It does not stop your ISP from recording what you do, and Browzar would not prevent a person from being exposed to search data leaks of the AOL kind. Total online Web anonymity requires that you also use a Web proxy service, which Browzar is not. When I mentioned this to a Freeserve representative, I was told, "There are other products in the pipeline," so perhaps we'll eventually see a more complete privacy solution from the company.

    The Browzar browser also has interface limitations. It does not have tabbed browsing, and standard UI shortcuts are not implemented (the extra "back" button on a mouse won't work, for example).

    If you need desktop security when you're browsing, and especially if you want a somewhat secure browser you can run from a USB drive, Browzar is a good solution. But it's not the only one. See also Heatseek (designed for adult content and definitely not safe for work). And if you use Firefox, don't forget the "clear private data" keyboard shortcut: ctrl+shift+del.
    Posted by Rafe Needleman
  14. Pyroglade

    Pyroglade Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Lethal_B and all,ye's are welcome to use it if a member wants to know how to add a sig and he should also see the rules..

    i made up a new Signature rules pixs in flip-book Animation


  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i's got a bitch,where the hell is everybody? or did thay move on?

    Nero CD-DVD Speed adds support for new Asus drives

    Posted by Dan Bell on 31 August 2006 - 22:32 - Source: BetaNews

    Here we have the latest update to Nero's disc testing program, for all you enthusiasts out there. From the BetaNews site we can read the publishers description:

    Nero CD-DVD Speed is a benchmark which can test the most important features of an optical drive. These tests include: Transfer rate, Seek times, CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage, Burst rate, DAE (Digital Audio Extraction) quality & Spinup/spindown time. It can also check the CD (Compact Disk) and DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) media quality.

    What's new in this version:

    * New icons
    * Improved support for HD DVD
    * Improved support for BD-RE and BD-R(E) DL
    * Bitsetting: added support for new Asus drives
    * Small improvements and bug fixes

    Head on over to FileForum to snag this latest download.

    go here to download
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  18. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    @ireland. We're still here. Right now, in North Carolina, we are getting wet. Ernesto is going to give us a scare.
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yup, still here, been on most of the day, it's just been a little quiet around the forums.
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    @ireland and anyone with a heart...

    heres my BITCH.....

    a mother and father take in a foster child, he is autistic. the beat and torture the 3yo boy. they have a family reunion , they bound and gage the 3yo boy and stick him in a closet for 2 days as they leave there ohio home and go down to kentucky for there reunion... they come back home after 2 days and the boy is dead, they then take him out to the country and burn his body and try to get ride of it by dumping the remains in the ohio river.

    now this is what really piss'es me of they try and say someone kidknapped him from a park, lead the police on a wild goose chase looking for poor marcus knowing the killed him and burnd his body.....

    makes it even worse is i know these 2 sorry ass, and they have watched my neice and nephew......

    here is a link of the story here if anyone is interested.. i dont know if this story has gotten any national newws or not, but alot of it has to do with the placement of foster kids in homes they dont belong....

    sorry everyone for talking so much but this type of shit just gets to me and i needed to let off some steam.....

    here is the link for anyone interested....
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