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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I only drive trains part time now...I'm the yardmaster the rest of the time, sitting in an office with a computer, telephone and radio.
  2. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    i buy little fireworks from the 99 cent store at my house...i bought 10 sparklers. :3
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Fireworks are very hard to get in Philly for anyone but the Chinatown folks .. I can't figure out why that is. Come fourth of july, you can get some minor though still illegal stuff on the street but come the Chinese new year, the chinatown folks can sure pull out the heavy artillery lol!
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i get my fireworks from the train engineer who come out of ohio...
    right from the slow moving train...
  5. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    ireland :)
    did you buy some fireworks? anything that explodes?
  6. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    hehehehehe :)
  7. crowy

    crowy Guest

  8. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    Good one crowy!!!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  9. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Man, this sucks. I tried to get a Modchip from Divineo (for the cube) and my mom freaked out. She was like "Why do you want to spend $100 bucks on something you won't use". I told her I wanted to backup my brother's games so he doesn't ruin anymore of them.

    She said "You can if you want to throw away your money but, I suggest you put it towards a 360 or something because your brother isn't that bad with his games now." (Which is HALF true, he is ok with them but still gets them dirty and scratches them although he is better at handling them.)

    Divineo didn't like my mom's credit card (I had to do a "Verify by Visa" and its needs her SSN and stuff so I just said screw it).

    Hopefully things will get better around here.
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Speaking of disks I got a bitch on that.

    I thought I was friends with this one kid at one point. I lent him a Gamecube game(Freedom Fighters.) I get it back and there is a huge gouge and marks from a disk resurfacer(a broken one.) Before I lent that loser my game it was almost mint and I get it back like this...

    I went over to his house and I just about threw up. There's half eaten food and hamster sh*t and all sorts of other things. He had some sort of worm infection under his bed... maggots methinks. It smelled like a cespool and, not wanting to hurt his feelings, I tried to stay the night... that is until retard boy wakes me up at two in the morning screaming at me to clean his hamster's sh*t up from the floor because I(obviously...) knocked it down and spread it all over. I walk into his room to grab my shoes and accidentally step on a Gamecube disk. I pick it up and find out it's mine. Metal Arms no less. He starts screaming at me about how I scratched his disk and I need to pay for it... my name is written on all my games... this one has my name...

    So the b*st*rd stole my games from my house and then leaves them laying on the floor. Then he has the nerve to claim them as his? I punched that loser in the nose and broke it. I picked up my games(there were three more) and took all of his games and walked out. Drove home and called his house... his mom picks up and I tell her. Little pr*ck got the beating of his life.

    Not only that, he deliberately does stuff that p*sses his mom off and he knows it. But he doesn't think about consequences and he gets hit alot. Serves him right. He goes to a special school too for kids too stupid to actually do their work. They give them kindergarten equivalent classes there I think. Not a mental school. A remedial school. And he's failing there too. I can't believe I ever bothered with him.

    And I'd like to stress how hard it is to find retail copies of Freedom Fighters and Metal Arms. I had to pay full price for them from an eBay retailer...


    Ok different story. I'm at my private school last year and this kid named Jared comes in the middle of the year. He's like the worst little maggot ever. He thinks he's the class clown and nobody's laughing. He doesn't know when to quit. He's got like a fourth grade math equivalent and he still made it to freshman year? He should still be in like 5th grade at highest. He acts like a two year old and he thinks he is bad sh*t. Then he's got the nerve to start telling me how my Jacelynn has a nice @$$. NUH UH! THAT'S MINE TO LOOK AT!!!

    So he's screwing around with some traffic cones on his arms and I'm telling him politely to stop. He's like, "Fu*k you! I could kick your @$$ you fag. I tell him again to stop with some difficulty. Then he takes a swing at me with the cone. So... let's check off on my list of buttons not to push...

    1) Telling me to sod off... Check!

    2) Saying he can beat me up... Check!

    3) Taking the first swing... Checkeroonie!

    Notice at this point that he's starting this knowingly and arrogantly. He can see me getting mad and I'm having trouble keeping my hands in my pockets... I walk away trying to avoid hitting him so as not to let my anger win. Then he follows me and jabs me in the back with the cone. I STRESS now that he's starting this by egging me on.

    That's it right there. I turn and grab his shoulder and start pounding him in the face. I hit him so hard he falls backward and out the doors. I follow him out and push him into the railing hitting his stomach. He doubles over and I start slamming him in back of the head with all my strength until he falls on the sidewalk crying... I got suspended for a day... everybody hated him so that was my only punishment just to follow the school policy. But he got to stay at school for a week of in house suspension and they forced him to do loads of work to make uo for goofing off all year.

    He meets me in the hall the next week and whispers to me if I ever touch him again he'll get his brothers gang to beat me up. Now you have to remember he definitely started the last fight and he wasn't able to back it up. When you can't back it up you don't start anything. But he's making threats to go get his retarded big brother's gang on me. He is now, by definition, a little BITCH!!! Right there I punched him in the mouth and knocked him down. I kicked him in the stomach a couple times and spit on him. He never said a word... just cried like the little bitch he was.

    I'm not naturally violent or aggressive towards people. But it's people like jackass boy and retardo(in the first story) that grind my gears. Only two people I've ever lost it on.
  11. pyffy

    pyffy Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    @ Estuansis
    Sounds like a tough week mate and maybe you have been overdosing on that scottish speciality dish ( Haggis) too much. All you needed was to give him a Glasgow Kiss ( http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Glasgow+kiss ) to show him your disillusionment with his actions and all would have been well. Chill out and don't let the weasles get to you. Anger management is only just around the corner <grin>
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2006
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hello All! My bitch for the day is that Sylvester (Sly) Satallone is from Philly and he's all over the news again and its getting tiresome. Some are calling for yet another Rocky movie. As a guy of 54, I can understand aging but lets face it, good old sly ain't no youngster anymore:

    ROCKY I:


    Rocky MXII


    Enough is enough. I live right near the Philadelphia Art Museum which you may recognize from his first movie...the music going as he runs up and down the stairs:


    While you may remember the scene at the opening of the movie, what most people don't know is that Sly, as only a meglomaniac can, had a huge bronze made of himself as a gift to the city which he wanted placed in the center of the art museum steps. This statue has been eveywhere including in mothballs for the last 20 years because no one wants it but it looks like he's finally going to get his way and have a bronze of himself gracing the art museum steps which brought him fame. (I'm sure there was also a huge bribe as the museum is financially strapped and that is an understatement). So here we have one of the best art museums in the country filled with some high art spanning the ages from Ramses the I to ... to Rocky?? Despite the Rodin museum and collection, the front of the art museum will look like this:


    Would someone be kind enough to remove this guy from our city?

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2006
  13. pyffy

    pyffy Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Sounds like quite a quandry going on there Gerry. I remember walking up those steps on my visits and they looked very good without the bronze of rocky. Maybe they should pop it in the middle of the fountain with all the frogs? would look better there. Or better still maybe Wil Smith could have one made, then there could be Sly (Rocky) v Wil (Ali)....might be an idea perhaps <grin>
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @pyffy...I see from your profile that you've been to our not so fair city! That fountain is one of my favorites ... a couple of years ago when they had to tear the thing apart, they took those massive bronze and copper figures and built these large wooden platforms and lined them up ... it was hysterical, it looked like mermaids on beach chairs sunning themselves LOL!


    Philly was a great city in its day. THe first capital of the states and where it all started.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2006
  15. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Oh man, this really pissed me off. I was just messing around on eBay and found some of the lowest levels of humanity ever.

    People were selling stuff from the Croc Hunter such as DVDs etc. as usual but the thing that ticked me off was this:

    Some person was selling a dollar that had his face and name on it instead of Washington's. Its cool, nice little collectors item, but the reason it ticked me off was this:

    The auction was started just a little after the news broke of his death. The auctioner had the description to the effect of "Here is a uncirculated dollar bill that has been approved by the Treasurery of the U.S., its completely legal but is uncirculated and comes with this plastic container to keep it in mint condition. Rest in Peace, Steve."

    Damn people, trying to make people think they are all sincere. Even if they are they are still trying to make a quick buck off this great man and his legendary status expecially while the news is still "fresh".


    Pop Smith
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    ye guys all must be out of step,seems the Russians have the know how..

    A quarter of Russians have sex while driving Drunk, naturally

    Startling research aimed at determining why Russians are among the worse drivers in Europe has revealed that it can be largely attributed to a penchant for getting their ends away while behind the wheel, Mosnews reports.

    Indeed, around 25 per cent of those quizzed for the Goodyear poll admitted to mobile rumpy-pumpy, and a fair percentage of those also admitted driving while drunk and chatting on the mobile, jumping red lights, eschewing the seatbelt and breaking the speed limit. Specifically, 30 per cent have driven while drunk, while 36 per cent "regularly" exceed the speed limit.

    To emphasis just how dangerous driving in Russia really is, we should add that 23 per cent of locals "scold others while driving" and a whopping 60 per cent don't bother checking the condition of their tyres.

    Which begs the question: just how many drunk Russians are right now receiving executive relief while making a quick call on the mobile as they approach a red light at 200mph on bald tyres to the sound of the mother-in-law in the back seat shouting: "Put your foot down, Ivan, I've got to be at bingo by 8.30."

    Well, Russia is a pretty big place, so we'll leave you to do the maths.
  17. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest


    Rocky is cool :D I like all of the Rocky movies and hope another one comes out :D Especially since he is from Philly :D
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I bet the % population of having driven drunk in the USA is a lot higher that 30%! The having sex part depends on what the definition of "IS" is?? Oral sex and masturbation would probably be a high percent in USA also. The combination with alcohol would seem to boost the percentages but dull the senses. LMFAO!!
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAO! I've seen plenty of guys spanking the ol monkey just riding on the bus and looking out the window to the cars on the side! Always on the highway though; guess city driving requires greater dexterity lol!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2006
  20. pyffy

    pyffy Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    @ Gerry, I have visited your fair city on three wonderful occaisions. I loved the area around the museums and the park behind by the river, a lovely place for a picnic. The fountains were lovely [​IMG] and I can imagine the statues would have painted a perfect picture all lined up like beach babes. Though the one thing I miss as much as my friend was the wonderful "More Than Just Ice cream" cafe/ice cream parlour on Locust. We enjoyed many a desert outside watching the world go by, I can still taste it!!!
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2006
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