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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. hawthorne

    hawthorne Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Google earth needs to fix that zoom focus. Anything below 1200 to 1000 feet sucks bad. I checked on my house and the picture was over a year old. If they could set up somthing in real time that would be cool.
  2. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    I agree!!! I don't know about you but my last computer was windows 98 and when i upgraded to windows xp about 2years ago. I was actully happy what microsoft created. I mean blue screen never came up. Freeze like once in a while. The best part is the speed. and i don't know what you guys are complaing about virus and spyware but i have a program norton. I suft all the adware and spyware virus site, which is porn. But i never got one. I always scan my pc everyone month and it's always good. I love windows xp. It's the best OS so far and it's a good product. Freezing might be your hardware problem. Get a better hardware and it will barely freeze. TRUST ME.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  3. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    every computer that goes on the intnet is bound to get at LEAST 1 or more viruses and or spyware. I just scaned my xp-poop with adaware and I had 25 spyware files and a small virus (level 1 threat, so no worries) It was easy to take off. I just really hate the fact that everyone only makes viruses for windows......COMON! AREN'T WE SUFFERING ENOUGH!!!!
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  4. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Do you have any firewall or something? I"m downloading fearless right now and the DOWNLOAD is taking FOREVER!!!
  5. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    ya i've got zone alarm.
    Edit: Am I on the watch list? I hope I am. Do you get special privileges, or is it a bad thing?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    another bitch

    How to Block Internet Explorer VML bug

    ie Although Microsoft has acknowledged that in the wild exploits are taking advantage of an unpatched flaw in Internet Explorer, the developer has not committed to cranking out a fix before next month's regularly scheduled update on Oct. 10. Users who want to protect themselves now, however, do have options.

    Disable the vulnerable .dll: In the security advisory posted yesterday, Microsoft suggested that users can disable the vulnerable "Vgx.dll" from the command line.

    - Click Start, choose Run, and then type

    - regsvr32 -u "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll

    - Click OK, then click OK again in the confirmation dialog that appears.

    To undo the command, use:

    - regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll

    How to defend against IE's VML bug - Security - www.itnews.com.au Linked by shanmuga Wed Sep20 2006 11:47pm EDT


    What's the problem? A vulnerability newly discovered in Microsoft Internet Explorer could allow an attacker to take over a targeted machine even a machine whose patches are all up to date.

    What's it called? The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list tentatively designates this vulnerability as CVE-2006-4868. McAfee calls it Exploit-VMLFill; Trend Micro calls it EXPL_EXECOD.A; Symantec calls it Trojan.Vimalov, reflecting its probable Russian origin. SecurityFocus assigns it a Bugtraq ID of 20096. FAQ: What you should know now about the latest IE bug Linked by shanmuga Wed Sep20 2006 11:41pm EDT
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  7. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    thanks,ireland :D I can browse my tang in peace :3
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Does this security problem with IE affect the aol browser? I can use it until M$ fixes the problem. Thanks for the info buddy. :)
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    quote garmoon
    Does this security problem with IE affect the aol browser? I can use it until M$ fixes the problem. Thanks for the info buddy. :)

    i am sure its only for ie

    this is what i have on aol

    New AIM worm may prove difficult to fight

    aim A sophisticated computer worm spreading via AOL Instant Messenger is setting up a botnet that may be difficult to combat, security researchers said.

    The worm, known as W32.pipeline, propagates when AIM users click on a Web link that appears to have been sent to them by someone on their buddy list. They receive a message along the lines of, "Hey, would it be okay if I upload this picture of you to my blog?" If the recipient clicks on the link, an executable file that looks like a JPEG will download into a Windows folder, according to researchers at security company FaceTime Communications Inc. New AIM worm may prove difficult to fight Linked by shanmuga Tue Sep19 2006 11:55pm EDT

    more read here
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    we do need a security board and thread,i see that stuff every day...
    and i do post to me friends per e-mail..or web site..every day...

    no good place to post that stuff here..so all can see..

    i said it over and over i need my own board...

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  11. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    you're right! anyway, i was so pissed off at the IE, I said F%&k it and switched to firefox. HOLYS&*( I can't believe what i have been missing! This browser is amazing. F#$@ internet explorer.
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    more dam bitching....from me...

    Spyware, Bots, Rootkits Flooding Through Unpatched IE Hole

    bug1 The newest zero day flaw in the Microsoft Windows implementation of the Vector Markup Language is being used to flood infected machines with a massive collection of bots, Trojan downloaders, spyware and rootkits.

    Less than 24 hours after researchers at Sunbelt Software discovered an active malware attack against fully patched versions of Windows, virus hunters say the Web-based exploits are serving up botnet-building Trojans and installations of ad-serving spyware. Spyware, Bots, Rootkits Flooding Through Unpatched IE Hole Linked by shanmuga Tue Sep19 2006 11:59pm EDT

    Spyware, Bots, Rootkits Flooding Through Unpatched IE Hole
    By Ryan Naraine
    September 19, 2006

    15 comments posted
    Add your opinion

    The newest zero-day flaw in the Microsoft Windows implementation of the Vector Markup Language is being used to flood infected machines with a massive collection of bots, Trojan downloaders, spyware and rootkits.

    Less than 24 hours after researchers at Sunbelt Software discovered an active malware attack against fully patched versions of Windows, virus hunters say the Web-based exploits are serving up botnet-building Trojans and installations of ad-serving spyware.

    "This is a massive malware run," says Roger Thompson, chief technical officer at Atlanta-based Exploit Prevention Labs. In an interview with eWEEK, Thompson confirmed the drive-by attacks are hosing infected machines with browser tool bars and spyware programs with stealth rootkit capabilities.

    The laundry list of malware programs seeded on Russian porn sites also includes a dangerous keystroke logger capable of stealing data from computers and a banker Trojan that specifically hijacks log-in information from financial Web sites.

    According to Sunbelt Software researcher Eric Sites, the list of malware programs includes VirtuMonde, an ad-serving program that triggers pop-ups from Internet Explorer; Claria.GAIN.CommonElements, an adware utility; AvenueMedia.InternetOptimizer; and several browser plug-ins and tool bars and variants of the virulent Spybot worm.

    eWEEK has confirmed the flaw—and zero-day attacks—on a fully patched version of Windows XP SP2 running IE 6.0. There are at least three sites hosting the malicious executables, which are being served up on a rotational basis.

    In some cases, a visit to the site turns up an error message that reads simply: "Err: this user is already attacked."

    eWEEK Special Report: Securing Windows

    The attack is closely linked to the WebAttacker do-it-yourself spyware installation tool kit. On one of the maliciously rigged Web sites, the attack code even goes as far as referencing the way Microsoft identifies its security patches, confirming fears that a well-organized crime ring is behind the attacks.

    The URL that's serving up the exploit includes the following: "MS06-XMLNS&SP2," a clear reference to the fact that the flaw is a zero-day that will trigger a quick patch from Microsoft.

    A Microsoft spokesman said the company is aware of the public release of detailed exploit code that could be used to exploit this vulnerability. "Based on our investigation, this exploit code could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the user's system. Microsoft is aware of limited attacks that attempt to exploit the vulnerability," the spokesman said in a statement sent to eWEEK.

    The company plans to ship an IE patch as part of its October batch of updates due Oct. 10. An emergency, out-of-cycle patch could be released if the attacks escalate.

    Microsoft has added signature-based detection to its Windows OneCare anti-virus product. A formal security advisory with pre-patch workarounds will be posted within the next 24 hours.

  13. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    I dont believe this!!! More exploits! I feal like sony when their losing the homebrew war. Why do people do stuff like this?
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i can post this stuff all day...what i posted so far is a sample

    Rootkits getting more devious

    rootkit1 Rootkit attacks are becoming harder to remove because they are "residing deeper in the operating system", an antivirus firm warned today.

    "Rootkits are continuing to get more stubborn and are penetrating at the kernel mode level where previously they were attacking the user mode level," Ed Kim, director of product management at Symantec, told vnunet.com. Rootkits getting more devious - vnunet.com Linked by shanmuga Wed Sep20 2006 11:43pm EDT

    go here and read the article

    cheers and a irish lollipop to ye all
  15. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    damn it! i'm getting a mac! they may suck, but at least I wom't have to deal with this!
  16. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    NEVER get MAC. You'll regret it forever!!!! Only good apple has is ipod.
  17. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    then what other options are there???
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    get ye self a tandy computer,*(so their.....

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  19. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    that probably doesn't even hoold 1mb. that thing is older than I am :)
  20. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    My bitch tday,
    Bus drivers who think they are special and decide to drive on the wrong side of the street to cut ahead of cars in line. AFter several weeks of the wife calling and complaining to the school district about this, I took a camera with me and waited in the usual spot for one of the offending idiots to come by. Now mind you they are not just passing a few cars, but sometimes their run is over 300 yards on the wrong side of the road, and the road is barely wide enough to hold two busses side by side.
    I emailed this picture to the local news station and within 10 minutes got a phone call from their reporter, next thing I know the wife is agreeing to speak on camera about the problem, and we get plastered on the local news here in Charlotte. I was only hoping that they would station a camera crew to record the busses running the wrong way, but instead got my ugly mug on the news. Made the wife happy to finally get someone to listen to her. Today I didn't get passed by any busses so I guess they all got chewed out.
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