Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    quote Nephilim (23 Oct 2006 2:21)posted at his shout box..
    Hey guys. I've been around but have been very disenchanted with the number of punk ass auto promoted seniors and addicts around here. They have little technical knowledge, no manners and openly backtalk mods and I got tired of it. The AD I knew and loved isn't here anymore

    and i agree with neph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ad its not the same as it use to be.............

    as i been saying for a quite a while,most of the knowledgeable members moved on..
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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  3. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    ya it dose make since for senior members and addicts to be rated by the mods and staff or at least the community to auto level up blindly can make things...annoying...

    I am more than willing to give up my status for the good of the comunity just don't BANNdarsnatch me unless I been bad *L*
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    If I ever actually hit senior member status you can lock me there and never let me reach addict. I wouldn't care one bit.

    I post maybe 2 or 3 times a day and I maybe have 900 posts. If I really don't have anything useful to say I just plain don't bother to post. It jumbles up threads and bothers me to hell. I only keep track of a few threads and I don't think anyone wants to hear me waste a whole post by saying "lol."
  5. Pain_Man

    Pain_Man Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    From ireland....

    Personally, I do have a problem with Rights Destruction Technology (RDT for short; the accurate name for the DoubleSpeak terms of "Copy Protection" and other propaganda terms).

    In the US, at least concerning CDDAs, we do have a legal right to make personal copies. There's a tax of a few pennies on ever blank CDR,cassette tape or mini-disc (does anyone actually buy the last one?). This money is then paid out to the record companies ostensibly to cover any "losses" they might suffer from people burning CDs for their friends, for example.

    Yet while they take our tax money with one hand, they force Rights Destruction Technology down our throats through things like the Sony Root-kit disaster (one of the best things to happen for the consumer in a long time showing how callous and contemptuous Sony was not only for consumers generally, but for their privacy and even safety by compromising PC security).

    With DVDs, there is NO rationale for RDT. The goal, repeated ad nauseam by the shill for the movie studios, the KGBPAA, is that RDT is there to prevent "piracy".

    Yet anyone even superficially familiar with professional piracy knows that real pirates are not going to be stopped by any copy protection measures, whether software based or the up-and-coming software/hardware combo "protections".

    Not only that, but the vast majority of so-called "piracy" occures not in the US or EU, but in China and Russia whose governments, if they are not actually partners in the piracy as in China, or, as in Russia, can't waste the few resources they have preserving Sony's and TimeWarner's (et al) stock prices.

    Now, the only way RDT makes sense is to condition consumers to accepting interference in their viewing habits to an ever deeper and more instrusive level.

    The ultimate goal? Per fee viewing. Just as there are music services in which one downloads a track--after paying a per-track fee or a periodic subscription--where one has to connect to the company's server everytime in order to play that track, this is Hollywood's ultimate goal.

    They want us to pay $14 to $20 a DVD and then have to pay $1, $2 or $5 every time we want to watch a DVD we already legally own.

    Your set-top, or Media Center PC or whatever, will have to check with the studio server to find out if your license is up to date, if the stranglehold on your hardware is still in place--and terminate the ability to play ANY DVD if it ain't, then your credit card/debit card will be charged the requisite fee before the DVD starts rolling.

    The only good news is that evertime a new RDT scheme, or flavor of an old one appears, it just increases the number of people who look to Slysoft or Fengtao (DVDFab) and other Rights Protection Software makers, in order to restore control over the DVDs for which they've shelled out hard-earned dollars.

    Thus more companies will appear providing these services--though, sadly, due to the DMCA and its EU equivalent, the innovation--and profits--will be in China or other countries that refuse to do the Ankle-Grab Mambo for the MPAA's shills (or kowtow to US gov't pressure, don't we have more important things to do, like kill terrorists?!??!).

    Thus an entirely new industry has been created the benefits from which will not accrue to the US/EU/Japan but to largely to China's who ultimate goal is to become the dominant power in the world.

    Thus, as I've demonstrated, there is no viable argument for the existence of Rights Destruction Technology. It does ZIP to stop professional pirates who supply the vast Chinese market (the majority of which can't afford $20 bucks for a DVD, but can afford a few dollars for some SVCDs or a pirated DVD).

    With the existence of the much-lamented DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink (which still work to make legal back ups for the vast majority of DVDs in existence, even today many new DVDs are only "protected" by CSS) as well as payware such as the superb AnyDVD and its competitors, consumers can easily remove Rights Destruction Technology aimed at robbing us of our rights to protect our investment in our DVDs.

    My final shot, which completes holing below the water line of the argument for RDT, is this:

    If consumers were really the thieves that studios treat us as, why haven't they refused to provide rental chains like Blockbuster or internet services such as Netflix with DVDs?

    BECAUSE THEY MAKE HUGE MONEY FROM RENTALS--even after deducting for the tiny percentage of people who R3 (Rent/Rip/Return).

    Just take a look at some of the Business figures on IMDb. More and more they are included the rental revenue earned by films. In some cases--such as Return of the Sith--it's in the hundreds of millions of dollars. (Because even if a customer R3s, he has still paid the $4-$5 rental fee.)

    And a growing number of films which don't do particularly well--or even downright bomb--at the box office are put into the black by DVD purchase and rentals (e.g. Star Trek X: Nemesis went from disappointment to profitability once it was released on DVD).

    So the industry's mouthpiece, the MPAA's arguments for Rights Destruction Tech don't pass the smell test, let alone the empirical evidence test.

    Just as the RIAA is only making itself both hated and ridiculous by suing 12 year old girls for downloading so-called "file shared" songs, Hollywood is earning the same approbrium with every press release stridently labelling all consumers as thieves.

    Matt Stone (South Park) put irrefutably: "People who are downloading a [song/movie/tv show] are unlikely to buy it in the first place. So how can the [content "owner"] be losing money?"

  6. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    ^nice piece
  7. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Bitch for the day....new members to the site ( more cordial than newbies) refuse to read the entire tutorials and expect someone to walk them thru each step. Defeats the whole purpose of them following the steps so they will learn for themselves.
  8. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Question if they get a copy tax why are they bitching?
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Keep Your Kids Safe and Sound This Halloween

    October 27, 2006 03:57:49 PM PST
    By Robert Preidt
    HealthDay Reporter
    Yahoo! Health: Bioterrorism News

    FRIDAY, Oct. 27 (HealthDay News) -- On Halloween, the scares are supposed to be imaginary. But, all too often, the make-believe fear becomes genuine anguish when children are injured, or even killed, when they're hit by cars or involved in other types of accidents.

    "Research shows that children are actually four times more likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than on any other night of the year," said Olivia Long, program coordinator at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Safe Kids Georgia.

    The end of Daylight Saving Time on Sunday also means that most trick-or-treating will take place when it's dark, making it harder for drivers to spot excited, inattentive kids who may dart out into the road.

    Long noted that on Halloween, many children don't pay attention to the pedestrian safety rules they may have learned at school or at home. Instead, they're thinking about seeing their friends, and about the treats they received at the last house, and the goodies they'll get at the next door they haunt.

    "So, it's just a really dangerous night because there's so many kids on the road, and a lot of times, they're out there without their parents," she said.

    Long said parents can prepare their children to stay safe while having fun on Halloween by reminding kids to:

    * Cross streets safely. Cross at a corner, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. Don't assume that because you can see the driver, the driver can see you. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Walk, don't run, across the street.
    * Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings.
    * Be safe around cars. Watch for cars that are turning or backing up. Never run out into the street or cross between parked cars.

    Even parents who are taking their children trick-or-treating need to educate their youngsters about traffic safety, Long said. Young children can dash out into the street in that split second that a parent may be distracted by the sights and sounds of Halloween.

    To help drivers see them, children should carry flashlights or glow sticks and have reflective bags or reflective tape on their costumes. They should not wear masks that interfere with their ability to spot potential hazards.

    Cars aren't the only threats to children on Halloween. Falls are another major cause of injuries.

    "A lot of injuries do occur when kids are just running through people's lawns," and trip over or run into things such as garden hoses, lawn ornaments, and trees or branches, Long said.

    She recommends that homeowners remove any potential hazards from their lawns, steps and porches and have enough outdoor lighting so children can see where they're walking.

    One way to avoid potential danger and still have a cauldron full of fun is for neighborhoods to have their own private Halloween celebrations or for parents to take their children to community parties at schools or other locations, Long said.

    Here's a grab bag of additional Halloween safety tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Red Cross of Greater Idaho:

    * Children shouldn't eat treats before they've been inspected by an adult for signs of tampering.
    * Purchase flame-resistant costumes.
    * Children should never enter homes or apartments unless they're accompanied by an adult.
    * Candlelit jack-o'-lanterns should be kept out of the way so there's no risk of igniting costumes. If jack-o'-lanterns are inside, keep them away from curtains, decorations, and other items that could catch fire.
    * Children should wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes and costumes that are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flame.
    * Swords, knives and similar costume accessories should be made of a soft and flexible material.
    * Teach children how to call 9-1-1 or their local emergency number in case they have an emergency or become lost.
    * If older children are going alone, parents should plan and review a route with them and agree on a set time when they'll return home.

    Finally, Prevent Blindness America offers these eye-safety tips.

    * Creepy contact lenses, such as "snake eyes," have become popular in recent years. But it's still illegal to buy these contacts -- even if they're non-corrective -- without a prescription. Improper use and cleaning of contact lenses can lead to painful eye infections and even vision loss.
    * False eyelashes and costume makeup can also irritate eyes. Follow the package directions carefully on how to apply and remove these products safely.
    * Use only hypoallergenic or nontoxic makeup. Only adults should apply the makeup to children. Remove it with cold cream or eye makeup remover -- don't use soap.
    * Don't use costume props or accessories such as spears, knives, swords, wands or pitchforks that have sharp edges or pointed ends.

    More information

    The U.S. National Safety Council offers more Halloween safety tips.

    Halloween Safety

    Halloween is a cherished tradition but the excitement of the night can cause children to forget to be careful. There is no real "trick" to making Halloween a real treat for the entire family. The major dangers are not from witches or spirits but rather from falls and pedestrian/car crashes. Many communities officially designate a "Beggars' Night" and assign specific hours for trick-or-treat activities.

    Both children and adults need to think about safety on this annual day of make-believe.

    The National Safety Council urges motorists to be especially alert on Halloween.

    * Watch for children darting out from between parked cars.
    * Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.
    * Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
    * At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.


    Before children start out on their "trick or treat" rounds, parents should:

    * Make sure that an adult or an older responsible youth will be supervising the outing for children under age 12.
    * Plan and discuss the route trick-or-treaters intend to follow. Know the names of older children's companions.
    * Instruct your children to travel only in familiar areas and along an established route.
    * Teach your children to stop only at houses or apartment buildings that are well-lit and never to enter a stranger's home.
    * Establish a return time.
    * Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home.
    * Review all appropriate trick-or-treat safety precautions, including pedestrian/traffic safety rules.
    * Pin a slip of paper with the child's name, address and phone number inside a pocket in case the youngster gets separated from the group.

    Costume Design

    * Only fire-retardant materials should be used for costumes.
    * Costumes should be loose so warm clothes can be worn underneath.
    * Costumes should not be so long that they are a tripping hazard. (Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.)
    * If children are allowed out after dark, outfits should be made with light colored materials. Strips of retroreflective tape should be used to make children visible.

    Face Design

    * Masks can obstruct a child's vision. Use facial make-up instead.
    * When buying special Halloween makeup, check for packages containing ingredients that are labeled "Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives," "Laboratory Tested," Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics," or "Non-Toxic." Follow manufacturer's instruction for application.
    * If masks are worn, they should have nose and mouth openings and large eye holes.


    * Knives, swords and other accessories should be made from cardboard or flexible materials. Do not allow children to carry sharp objects.
    * Bags or sacks carried by youngsters should be light-colored or trimmed with retro-reflective tape if children are allowed out after dark.
    * Carrying flashlights will help children see better and be seen more clearly.

    On the way

    Children should understand and follow these rules:

    * Do not enter homes or apartments without adult supervision.
    * Walk, do not run, from house to house. Do not cross yards and lawns where unseen objects or the uneven terrain can present tripping hazards.
    * Walk on sidewalks, not in the street.
    * Walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic if there are no sidewalks.


    To ensure a safe trick-or-treat outing, parents are urged to:

    * Give children an early meal before going out.
    * Insist that treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten.
    * Wash fruit and slice into small pieces.
    * When in doubt, throw it out.

  10. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    dude i fell down the stairs.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2006
  11. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    Hi guys,
    I have a really big bitch. I was dumped at a halloween party by my girlfriend, who was alot of fun to be around. She said we could still be friends, so i said that was fine. When I tried to just be nice and talk to her, her friends tell me to f*ck off. Why? I hate girls!!!! I never want to have a girlfriend until i can have sex with them! worthless b*&ches!
    I feal like rihgt when he was dumped. This sucks!!!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2006
  12. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i know the feeling. i was pretty devastated for a while, not too long ago. it gets better, just might take a while. you will find someone; all i'll say is that a relationship just based on sex rarely is worth it. i don't know about the rest of the people around here, but i find a definite difference between having sex and making love--just having sex isn't satisfying.
  13. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Sex,money if you can do it without emotion other than passion it might work,but onces jeluosly or anything else sits in its pretty much over,no matter how perfect you are it will end worrying over it will not do you any good,its best to focus on other things and let a relationship run its course.

    relationships can be hard (says the one that has no had any)
    you need to take time off from relationships and in time another girl will find you and then begin another relationships begans and and tis up to fate to keep you together or not.

    meh I am so jaded and old whats the point >>
  14. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    ya, i thought about it and i guess if I had been stuck with her, she would have broken up with me at school, which would have been extremely embarrassing.
    BTW, i forgot to mention. Heres my myspace account
    by ireland
    I agree with you. It's sad, really. What a great community it was. Afterdawn will fall apart in the near future. Mark my words, it will.
    sorry im so negative right now. I'll get over it. I'm gonna take out some of my anger in halo 2. I feal sorry for the other team....
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2006
  15. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Theres nothing at all wrong with aD, the comunitys great & the forums are active as hell, its all fun, aD's been going for 8 years (isn't that amazing..), I can't see this site "falling" apart anytime soon, buddy :)

    The only negative thing I have to say is that some of the best members have left, but they have there reasons and theres nothing we can do, so forget all that and be optimistic.
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Nero CD-DVD Speed released adds disc quality tests

    CD-DVD Speed program for comparing burners is out and has some new, very interesting features. It looks like there are some added disc quality tests for both BenQ and Lite-On drives! Thanks go out to Erik Deppe for this latest version of this valuable freeware, that any optical drive enthusiast would want in their software utility arsenal.

    go here to get it
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2006
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    that sounds useful for my Benq's, will have to snag that one, cheers
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @everyone: I enjoy afterdawn a great deal; I enjoy helping others in matters which I once found difficult and I enjoy learning from the many of you who are so very knowledgable. So too, I enjoy the social side to AD; I help out as best I can in subjects about which I have knowledge and experience but the safety valve and other forums add a certain social dimension which brings it all together somehow. To whatever degree the internet allows, I've grown rather fond of quite a few folks here. I miss the AD addict who got me involved with the site, I miss the involvement and the comments of those friends and members who, for whatever reason, have decided to read and lurk about in the background but still, despite certain annoyances, there are many new members and their participation which I do enjoy. AD is what we make it and I disagree with Antomic who says that AD may soon fall apart ... Antomic, who was once suspended with some regularity and has since made something of home for himself here. I learn a great deal here at AD, knowledgable people have helped me out of some jams, I've been able to help some people as well, and I've met so many who I otherwise would never have had to privilege of communicating with. I think this place is pretty cool; the ups and downs simply come with the territory.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2006
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    nice post Gerry..

    - oh, the joy of the cleanups, i get all the dirty jobs :p
    ..though i'm always very aware of the sheer amount of closed threads you guys must see in most forums every day, unfortunately there's a lot of downs with the ups. but those uncivilised kids don't half bounce so at least we get some fun out of them :)

    i get to socialise enough around the place however, and it's good to hang out on ad_buddies for a break from the posts..
  20. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Now that I think of it... where did sophacles ever get to? He was cool :(
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