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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    update anydvd, 2006 11 20
    - New: Added support for new versions of the SONY Arccos protection
    to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
    - New: Improved fix for DVDs with wrong title set search tables.
    - New: Higher compatibility with 3rd party IDE or SATA drivers.
    Using AnyDVD's "SafeMode" should no longer be necessary.
    - New: Safe/Normal Mode setting now supported on Windows Vista.
    - New: Improved removal of bogus title sets
    - Change: Improved "Jump directly to Tile Menu" function
    - Fix: Removing Macrovision RipGuard didn't work sometimes
    - Fix: Bogus title set removal could be triggered without reason
    - Fix: Setting subtitle transparency did not work correcly with
    some DVD titles
    - Fix: Audio-CD protection removal did not work on 64-bit OS like
    Windows XP64 professional
    - Fix: SPTI I/O-requests from 64-bit processes on 64-bit OS like
    Windows XP64 professional were not processed by AnyDVD
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2006
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Coping With the Holiday Blues

    November 21, 2006 01:58:08 PM PST
    By Krisha McCoy
    HealthDay Reporter
    Yahoo! Health: Anxiety News

    TUESDAY, Nov. 21 (HealthDay News) -- With the holidays just about here, so, too, are the comforting seasonal images of cheer -- family get-togethers, lavish dinners, and the bustle of shopping and gift-giving.

    But for some, the holidays are a source of sadness. The period from Thanksgiving to New Year's can offer unwanted reminders of loss -- perhaps the death of a loved one or a recent divorce, said Dr. Eric Hollander, director of the Compulsive, Impulsive and Anxiety Disorder Program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

    A number of factors can contribute to the "holiday blues," including troubled family relationships, stress, fatigue, lack of sunlight, unrealistic expectations, images in the media, and financial constraints.

    "The holidays also come at the end of the year, when people tend to evaluate what they have done in the previous year. If they feel like they haven't made sufficient progress, they may feel a sense of loss," said Dr. Boadie Dunlop, assistant professor of psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta.

    People struggling with the holiday blues may experience feelings of sadness, tension, and stress; changes in sleep patterns; a lack of energy; diminished interest in favorite activities; or excessive drinking or eating.

    Fortunately, there are ways to cope.

    "Maintaining healthful lifestyle patterns and getting together with others is especially important during the holidays," said Hollander.

    He suggests making a special effort to get as much sunlight as possible, exercise regularly, eat a healthful diet, and keep up social connections during the holiday season.

    If you're feeling sad, stressed, or tense during the holidays, Dunlop suggests the following:

    * Set reasonable goals. To avoid overextending yourself during the holidays, plan ahead, avoid chaotic situations, and stick to a budget.
    * Have reasonable expectations. If your holidays aren't perfect, that's OK. Prioritize what is and isn't important for you to do.
    * Get enough rest. Set aside time for yourself to relax and sleep during the busy season.
    * Avoid dwelling on the past. If you find yourself focusing on unpleasant thoughts, find something else to do, such as taking a walk or visiting a friend.
    * Focus on the positive. Instead of worrying about what you haven't done in the past year, talk with someone about all the positive things that have happened during that time.
    * Don't overindulge in alcohol or food. Enjoy holiday meals in moderation, because excessive food and drink will just make you feel worse.

    Fortunately, the symptoms of depression associated with the holiday season usually don't last. "The holiday blues should lift within a couple of weeks after the holiday season ends," Dunlop said.

    But get help if you think you need it. According to Hollander, if you have a marked change in your sleep or energy patterns, or struggle with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, seek the help of an experienced mental-health practitioner.

    More information

    * Coping with Depression and the Holidays American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry (also in Spanish)

    * Depression (Holiday) University of Alabama, Birmingham

    * Depression and the Holidays Columbia-St Mary's, Milwaukee WI

    * Depression and the Holidays Elder Care Advocates

    * Holiday Depression and Stress National Mental Health Association

    * How Not to Fall Victim to Holiday Depression Black College Wire

    * Valentine's Day: Coping Tips for Those Who Feel Excluded Mayo Clinic

  3. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Well, I looked up a review for the PS3 and it looks incredible. I was eventually going to get an XBox 360 but I think Sony has done it right this time :)

    FREE online, an internet browser, more powerful than the 360, BluRay out of the box, and the core system even still has a 20GB HDD. Take that Microsoft! And Oblivion will come out for it soon. HELL YES!!! I'm going for it when the holiday and release rush dies down and all the bugs get worked out. Imagine flight games with a motion sensing controller. It would be very intuitive and smooth. Better than a thumbstick by FAR!

    Also, I remembered a phrase from G Gundam that was VERY well done by the English voice actor:

    These hands of mine SHINE & ROAR! Their BURNING GRIP TELLS ME TO DEFEAT YOU!!! My Love, my Anger, and ALL OF MY SORROW!!!

    It inspires me.
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    My bitch (and this should be the bitch of every comcast user) is that their outrageous cable bill is going to build this beastie of a building which will be called, what else, The Comcast Tower (the tallest of them, naturally). At the moment it is nothing but a bunch of concrete and rhubarb (sounds like rhubarb but I know it isn't) out side my window but its getting there too quickly for my liking.


    Bitch numero deux is that it is yet another building made of mirrors. I recently moved to this new apartment in Philly's center city west and noticed something strange ... I have sunlight from sunup in the east but still a living room full of sunlight as the sun sinks in the west...reflected off skyscrapers and into my living room. Think I should grow a garden in here or something. It's close the blinds of wear sunglasses in my own living room.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2006
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch for today

    Firefox 2.0 Password Manager Bug Exposes Passwords
    Posted by kdawson on Tuesday November 21, @06:25PM
    from the be-careful-out-there dept.
    Security Bug
    zbuffered writes, "Today, Mozilla made public bug #360493, which exposes Firefox's Password Manager on many public sites. The flaw derives from Firefox's willingness to supply the username and password stored on one page on a domain to another page on a domain. For example, username/password input tags on a Myspace user's site will be unhelpfully propagated with the visitor's Myspace.com credentials. It was first discovered in the wild by Netcraft on Oct. 27. As this proof-of-concept illustrates, because the username/password fields need not be visible on the page, your password can be stolen in an almost completely transparent fashion. Stopgap solutions include avoiding using Password Manager and the Master Password Timeout Firefox extension, which will at least cause a prompt before the fields are filled. However, in the original case detailed in the bug report, the phish mimicked the login.myspace.com site almost perfectly, causing many users to believe they needed to log in. A description of this new type of attack, dubbed the Reverse Cross-Site Request (RCSR) vulnerability, is available from the bug's original author."

    link here for more info
    CIS Finds Flaws in Firefox v2 Password Manager

    Master Password Timeout
    by Simon Gill

    Locks the master security device after a predefined period of inactivity to prevent unauthorized use of saved passwords. By default, 300 secs (5 min) of inactivity will lock the master security device, but this value can be adjusted in the extension manager options window. Users can also log out of the master security device manually from the tools or context menu.

    When the master security device is locked, the master password must be entered to gain access to saved passwords. You may assign a master password in Tools > Options > Privacy > Passwords > Set Master Password.

    Works with:
    Firefox 1.0 - 2.0.0.* ALL

    Install now (3 KB)
    Version 0.2.5, released on Sep 26, 2006.
    Version Notes

    Version 0.2.5: updated maxVersion.
    Developer Comments

    The latest version allows users to log out of the master security device manually from the tools or context menu.

    In response to comments: there is no point locking down the "view passwords" screen, because your passwords will always be exposable unless you protect them with a master password. See this bookmarklet for an example: http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/forms.html#view_passwords
    Rating: 4.43
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    5 out of 5
    Set Master Password...

    by Ozzie , Nov 21, 2006

    Maybe this was changed in Firefox 2.0, because for me the location of "Set Master Password" is in Tools > Options > SECURITY > Passwords > Set Master Password.

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    3 out of 5
    What I would like

    by Infinity , Oct 9, 2006

    I agree with tipu.

    I want the ability to lock the 'View Saved Password' dialog in Firefox's Tools > Options, but to NOT be prompted for a master password when browsing sites.

    At the moment you can't do this in Firefox. You either get nagged every session, or you have to leave you password dialog wide open.

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    5 out of 5
    I've wanted this feature for some time

    by noliver , Aug 2, 2006

    Now the only thing I'd like is to have an option to log out after x minutes, regardless of my usage.

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    Add-on Details

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    * Last Updated: Sep 26, 2006
    * Total Downloads: 13170 — Downloads this Week: 703
    * See all previous releases of this add-on.
    * View the homepage for this add-on.

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2006
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA attacks Marie Lindor's son

    Richard Gabriel

    p2pnet.net News:- The Big Four Organized Music cartel's attack against New York home health aide Marie Lindor, accused of being a "massive" online distibutor of music, has taken on a new dimension.

    Actually, it's an old one.

    Having wrung the cloth dry with Lindor herself, Warner Music, EMI, Sony BMG and Vivendi Universal have switched their attention to her son, a paralegal in a law firm.

    And they've come up with a refinement to another old ploy - trying to access victims' hard drives, a trick they'd tried on Lindor.

    It's SOP to initially target parents such as Lindor, who's expertise in the areas of computing and computers is zero, knowing full well the cases have absolutely no merit.

    Then they turn their attention to their vicims' children, the real targets in the first place.

    In UMG v Lindor, the RIAA has now subpoenaed the computer of her son, Woody Raymond, who lives four miles away, says Recording Industry vs The People.

    Raymond is represented by Richard A. Altman, "one of the first lawyers to take on the RIAA's ex parte 'John Doe' subpoena process, back in 2004, in Elektra v Does 1-9," says the post.

    Demanding access to victims' computers has become routine, but the Big Four have now escalated their demands to include, "production of '[a]ny and all computers and/or music listening devices including iPods and MP3 players in your possession, custody or control,' by November 27," says Altman in a court document.

    On November, Raymond told the RIAA's Holme Robert & Owen lawyer Richard Gabriel he'd retained Altman, "and Mr. Gabriel called me later that day," says Altman.

    "He asked me to accept service of the subpoena on behalf of Mr. Raymond, but I refused to do so, and instead requested that he withdraw what was clearly an improper and harassing discovery demand directed to a non-party witness. He refused to do so. I demanded to know the evidentiary support for his position that Mr. Raymond had any evidence in his possession which could justify the fishing expedition or affect his legal position with respect to the defendant. I further informed him that Mr. Raymond was employed as a paralegal in a law office, and that his computers contained numerous client files of a confidential and privileged nature."

    In another case, disabled Oregon mother Tanya Andersen had for months been begging the RIAA to look at her computer so they could see for themselves that she was innocent of their charges.

    They didn't want to know until one day, they suddenly changed their minds, demanding complete access to her hard drive.

    However, by then Andersen was wiser to the ways of the RIAA and to the Big Four's frustration, judge Donald Ashmanskas told her to hire her own independent private forensic expert to look for specific files, also ordering the RIAA to pay for the examination.

    "Finally!!!" - declared Andersen. "I'm glad the judge has finally given me the opportunity to show I didn't do what I'm being accused of, and that the RIAA won't be able to just search through my entire computer and invade my privacy by looking at stuff they don't need to look at, like tax info, family photos, financial stuff, etc."

    Stay tuned.

    Also See:
    Marie Lindor - RIAA victim wants case dismissed, October 25, 2006
    trick they'd tried - Judge denies Lindor HD request, November 4, 2006
    Recording Industry vs The People - RIAA Subpoenas Ms. Lindor's Son's Computer, November 21, 2006
    innocent of their charges - RIAA p2p file share defeat, March 19, 2006

    (Wednesday 22nd November 2006)
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    The Thanksgiving Menu of the Gods

    By Lore Sjöberg| Also by this reporter
    02:00 AM Nov, 22, 2006

    Thanksgiving is upon us, and soon it will be inside us. Sure, you could go in for the dishes of tradition -- a big browned bird, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and/or relish, so on and so forth. But where would we be if our culture clung pointlessly to outdated traditions and refused to acknowledge the onward march of time and technology? Somewhere in Alabama, presumably.

    I think we can do better. I think we have an obligation to find alternatives to plain old boring food. In the interest of forever reaching out to pluck the cheese from a better mousetrap, I've researched an innovative menu for your Thanksgiving table. Some ingredients are new, some have been around for a while, but they're guaranteed to give you a Thanksgiving almost completely lacking in tradition. Me, I've got reservations at a nice restaurant.

    Freeze-Dried Turkey

    The most difficult part of cooking a turkey is keeping the breast meat from drying out. So why not give in to the inevitable and make a turkey where everything is dried out? Imagine the looks on the faces of your family as everyone tears open their own individual packet of freeze-dried turkey chunks! OK, now imagine that those looks are happy! Plus, with a shelf life of one-and-a-half to three years, you can get the shopping for next year out of the way early.

    Purple Mashed Potatoes

    Thanksgiving is a kaleidoscope of colors, most of them brown. You get some moves into orange and a little bit of green, but for the most part it's up to the cranberry sauce to liven things up. Finally you can put some cool colors on the table thanks to purple Peruvian potatoes. Mash them up and you have a dish that looks like someone ran Barney the Dinosaur through a meat grinder, and what says "family togetherness" more than that?

    Ultra Cranberry Extract
    Now that the potatoes are making things festive, we're free to reduce cranberries to their very essence: tiny capsules of pure urinary tract health. Let's admit it, if it weren't for bladder infections, cranberries would have been replaced by Fruit Roll-Ups years ago. Well, now you can pop your cranberries like a common junkie and get on with the rest of the meal.

    White Castle Stuffing

    People put a lot of weird things in their stuffing, but one of the oddest recipes includes White Castle hamburgers. I have to admit, I've never had a White Castle burger, but I'm led to understand they manage to be compelling without actually being delicious. When you make a hamburger by steaming it with dehydrated onions, I guess spending a couple hours in the cavity of a bird can't hurt it any. Of course, we're not making a bird, but I'm sure you'll figure something out.

    Dinner Roll Soda
    Every year the Jones Soda Company comes up with some startling and appalling holiday-themed beverage flavors, and this year the holiday assortment includes a dinner roll soda. This is handy for two reasons: First, with the freeze-dried turkey there won't be any gravy to sop up, so you don't really need physical rolls. Second, if you end up running a medieval prison, you can give prisoners their bread and water all in one handy package.

    Pumpkin Pie Fragrance Oil

    Why have dessert when you can smell like dessert? Instead of serving everyone fattening, sugary, stomach-distending, incredibly delicious pumpkin pie, just have everyone dab a little bit of pumpkin pie fragrance oil behind their ear. Then, instead of feeling bloated and ill while watching TV, your family will feel great and smell better while running you out of town. And that's what Thanksgiving means to me.

    - - -

    - - -
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    What happend to fiend?
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    partially explained here
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Very unlike him. He has an edge we've all come to love but he must have been having a bad day. I don't think, for all his amusing rants, that I've ever seen him mouth off to a mod / staff.
  11. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i can see where he's coming from sometimes, though...lots of jokes are subtle and you really can't read a tone online...he really doesn't over-react that often.
  12. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    It's about time someone did that. He's always rude!
    So no bitch for me today. That made my day.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2006
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    he may be rude, but it's typically for good reason. i miss the nutter.
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I agree with you aussie ... I can see why rihgt682 said what he did though; Fiend takes a little getting used to as does his humor; I've rather come to like it but I reacted that way initially until I realized that I agree with him 99% of the time LOL!
  15. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    ACK fiendy not go bubyes did he??? 0_o

    say it aint so...ooooo font buttons!
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    he'll be back...he's too petty to just quit. ^.~
  17. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    He's too pretty to quit??? Well just doesn't make sense. Pretty people don't quite AD? I don't know that he'd like you calling him pretty ;)
  19. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I thought he might have gtten bandersnatched but it seems he just go inactive..I do that netzero dose not ping all the time *L*
  20. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    well, you saw him with the mowhawk. that's some hot stuff right there! XD
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