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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    You shouldn't need to make a back up to run CleanUp. That's just cautionary rubbish. The most it does is clear out your internet history and temp folder. Plus any trash from downloads that have long been used and left in your temp folder. It can usually clear over 1GB of space on the first run. I run it almost daily to keep my PC shiny new.

    EDIT: It will also clear any saved website passwords you might and change your Google back to moderate safesearch as well. And it will clean and residual reg files left over from Internet use and downloading. I have NEVER had any problems after a run.

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2006
  2. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    I've got a bitch!


    Ahem...I mean I've got some thing/s to bitch about.

    - Immature members creating new accounts and posting crap on threads! I'm sure most of you will figure out what I'm talking about...ban them! I was incorrect in posting this. I didn't have my facts straight...sorry.

    - Not enough mods to be around all the time. We had an uproar of those immature people posting very offensive pictures, but no mod around for miles to ban them. They are still posting as I type this so I'm sure they will stay posted until a mod hops on with in the next few hours and bans them. Some of the pictures they are posting are very offensive and I wouldn't recommend letting people see that crap here an aD. But I understand mods have lives and have to sleep(unlike me :) so I'm not going to bitch too much.

    - Crap music being played on Sirius satellite 21(Octane). I listen to the station all day everyday and most of what I hear is crap! I want some good music played damnit! :)

    I'm done...have a good day everyone, and let's see some modding going on around here. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2006
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i shall have a look-see; us mods spend hours on here each day clearing up all the pointless crap, someone must've found that i do actually sleep a little (just don't tell anyone). there's only a few of us but we got it all covered.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2006
  4. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Yes, sleep is good creaky, something I don't do very often these days. It's in the Saftey Valve, but I'm sure you won't have trouble fining them. We've been reporting for hours. :) You've got your work cut out for you, I know that...

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2006
  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    /me wants to say that he thinks Gerry's artwork is pretty cool :D
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    :) THANKS!

    I need to learn to use graphics software rather than merely talking about it. I loved Irelands work. I can only remove scraches and dust, clone or smudge is the nasty bits, but I'm not good by any stretch of the imagaination. I just bought this neat book on how to use my photoshop which uses photos of the actual screens which is so easy to use! I need to get more books like that. Sh** I can't even understand the dummy books; how embarrassing is that LOL! But these new ones with the pics are aresome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2006
  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Hehe, It's not rly hard to pick up. I am by no means the best, but I'm OK with PS, and all I did was mess around with sigs for myself, therefore picking up techniques etc along the way.

    You'll pick it up in no time Gerry :)
  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Nov 26, 2006
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAO!! How befitting given my oh so noble self from the blood line of Provencal Kings! I'll post that one as my desktop in my office! Thank you so much!
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    no bitch,just having fun as i am home alone today..

    Grease on floor Approximately 10 ft. X 20 ft. viewed best from a distance of one inch
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Words come easier after a singalong

    * 11:06 26 November 2006

    IF YOU have trouble finding the right words, maybe it's time to join a choir. Singing in a group seems to help people with aphasia to speak again.

    Neurologists have long known that people suffering from aphasia, in which brain damage disrupts the ability to produce and comprehend language, can sing words that they cannot produce otherwise. No one is certain why this is, but researchers had suspected it could be because singing slows the rate of speech and makes word retrieval simpler by limiting the number of syllables pronounced per beat. Therapists have tried different methods of getting patients to "reawaken" their powers of speech through singing, but these have met with only modest success.

    Isabelle Peretz and colleagues at the University of Montreal in Canada gave people with aphasia familiar and unfamiliar songs to sing on their own and with others. Singing alone did not improve speech, but singing in a choir dramatically improved their ability to recall and pronounce words, regardless of the song (Brain, vol 129, p 2571).

    It is not the singing itself that helps language memory, but the sharing of mood and experience between singers, Peretz says. She believes that choral singing could be a potent method of speech therapy.
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  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Maybe that's why I can never shut the hell up. I've been in choirs either singing, accompaniment or directing since I was a boy. Now I can't stop talking (or typing as the case may be). I always thought it was my drugs that made me chatty!
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    How to live long and prosper

    * 10:02 25 November 2006

    WANT to be the first one on your block to live to 100? You are in with a fighting chance if you're the first-born child of a young mother.

    Natalia Gavrilova and Leonid Gavrilov of the University of Chicago sifted through data gathered on 991 centenarians born in the US between 1875 and 1899 and used US census and Social Security Administration records to reconstruct the family histories of 198 of them, searching for anything they had in common.

    It turned out that first-born children were 1.7 times as likely as their siblings to live to be 100. An even stronger predictor of longevity was how young their mother was when they were born. Those whose mothers were less than 25 years old were twice as likely to survive beyond a century.

    While the researchers aren't certain why this should be, they suspect younger mothers are less likely to have acquired latent infections during their life that could damage the health of the fetus. Younger mothers may also have better-quality eggs. "If the best, most vigorous maternal ova cells are used first - very early in life - this could explain why particularly young mothers produce particularly long-lived children," Gavrilov says.

    The results were presented at a meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Dallas, Texas, this week.
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  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    My dad turned 100 in June and is going strong save for the tiny fact that he sometimes forgets what he's talking about in mid sentence and then he laughs at himself. His older sister (101) treats him like a kid. His mother died when I was about seven but I remember her because she looked and acted like a french speaking "Granny" from the beverly hillbillies; she was 103. I had two older brothers both of whom died in their early fifties. My sister is 65. In my family, one lives to be over a hundred or dies around fifty ... I'm 54 and in a rather precarious position LOL! I have a pic of my Dads mother and grandmother taken just after he was born in 1906. His grandmother was over 100 in that photo but no one knows how old. Dad was the youngest of 18 kids (Catholic farmers who needed a lot of farmhands and got them the fun way LOL!) Needless to say, I've got some great family photographs that date back to the time the camera was invented .... even scores of old tins. Great icebreaker on my office walls.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2006
  15. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I got acoupel 90 soemthigns here...scary they can be from mild forgeting to bitchign at each toehr liek kids.....and to think theres 2 mroe of them 2 (4 sisters in all 2 live here one up the road in ehr 80s and one in another city)
    they are are mobile and go yard work cook and clean...csary they are.....
    BTW the 2 here are yard natzis only one kind of grass is allowed int eh yard anyhtign else and weeds and sticks and leafs are to be removed.....
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Nov 27, 2006
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    wow i haven't seen that one for many years, cheers :)
  18. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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  19. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    I've invented a new word :)
    An object or thing that is both pleasurable and fantastic. EX.
    Used in a sentence:HALO 3 screen shots are orgasmitastic
    Can i submit this to a dictionary or something. Maybe add it to wikipedia.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2006
  20. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Weird sh** found while roaming..

    daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (blitz thru)
    Sat Aug 26 04:33:10 2006

    From: "blitz thru" <odlulgxz@t-dialin.net>
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    List City Pages
    kids go.I happily.I
    boss New

    ridor chat online support gt ddp Moderator blitz thru glee offensive =
    posts flames face If banned likely members. Only accounts thanks Jamaal =
    xyqo needed. neph often fed up. sometimes much awarded. others touch =
    fully why. neat theyre always flamers convos waisting theads scrolls. =
    Ill volunteer moderate month house doesnt cleaned. trouble makers. =
    Anyway spoil site. many scum stays Yeah WELCOME TO JAMROCK cell pm =
    tycobb crazy kids go.I happily.I are. already goodthey signing again.Its =
    wii released becomes hack fest.pc gamepad tycobb. starters around =
    myself.If stop IP addresss coming another profile. banning proxy
    mystery Your Life. rides leaves Campbells hands producer advice: hung =
    wouldnt let him drive car. Thats saying. With winner. p.m. MCPHERSON =
    June Straggler w/ Future Lisa Friends Tonight songs sometime different =
    set two Set links lowfi demos below:I Like It Wendy singalong expected =
    here: Never recorded must updated keep current. universal themes girls =
    drinking colored musical palette focused mainly beiges worked tans =
    browns. Rachac mistake Mr. Green hell Dennis Young. friends. are: Beckey =
    Autumn Leaves Bryan Miller Codger Paul Collette Rich Horton Rift =
    Magazine Shakey Shaman Caveman KING group Hollywood fronted actors whom =
    Hawkes lead HBOs
    idiotic nb stickied above. here.. quotbest run moderated words somebodys =
    team xecuters theres lesson Afterdawn there. Losing skilled talented =
    future prospects AD. pack jungle finding stupid leading totally cases =
    basic subject.. hundreds thousands rubbish.. Yes lurking helping =
    bastards them. Surely tech educated opinions problem. Then solving =
    yourself. threads. laugh obscure recieved Anybody Ubuntu handle modules =
    properly download burn xbox games.I water gave GASOLINE Debian dRD =
    agree ridor chat online support gt ddp Moderator blitz thru glee =
    offensive posts flames face If banned likely members. Only accounts =
    thanks Jamaal xyqo needed. neph often fed up. sometimes much awarded. =
    others touch fully why. neat theyre always flamers convos waisting =
    theads scrolls. Ill volunteer moderate month house doesnt cleaned. =
    trouble makers. Anyway spoil site. many scum stays
    spoiling everyone. Just drd figure know. pretty sure attention informed =
    decision solve problems. Hey couldnt. AD janrocks Boorhan case.. abuse =
    forums. lazy ignorant slightest research. When messing consoles quothow =
    insert machine gamesquot simple quotGet reading Cquot standard months =
    treated decided share learned. hasnt improved
    Daniel afternoon kick exhbit. Heres Spaghetti Western Company: Tin =
    Sisters: Mike Gunther His Restless Souls: Brass Kings: Gleam: Gee Jesus: =
    debut Shutter new series Ritz organized over Sendero Flamenco Cirque =
    Rouge Gus Cabaret Burlesque Fatala Express Jehovahs Shitlist. Also =
    Bearded Lady Rally hosting event parking time. inside out. Wednesday =
    Writers Meeting tonight. paint wall across baby blue sad Christmas =
    lights Curtains been such part room away.Even sadder just before El Olio =
    Wolof stage bar. walking
    sometimes much awarded. others touch fully why. neat theyre always =
    flamers convos waisting theads scrolls. Ill volunteer moderate month =
    house doesnt cleaned.
    Content-Type: text/html;
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    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>List City Pages</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>kids go.I happily.I</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>boss New</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dcenter><IMG alt=3D"" hspace=3D0=20
    src=3D"cid:000a01c1bab2$71ff8240$7dd6ba54@gman" =
    <DIV align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>ridor chat online support gt ddp Moderator blitz thru glee =
    offensive posts flames face If banned likely members. Only accounts =
    thanks Jamaal xyqo needed. neph often fed up. sometimes much awarded. =
    others touch fully why. neat theyre always flamers convos waisting =
    theads scrolls. Ill volunteer moderate month house doesnt cleaned. =
    trouble makers. Anyway spoil site. many scum stays Yeah WELCOME TO =
    JAMROCK cell pm tycobb crazy kids go.I happily.I are. already goodthey =
    signing again.Its wii released becomes hack fest.pc gamepad tycobb. =
    starters around myself.If stop IP addresss coming another profile. =
    banning proxy</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>mystery Your Life. rides leaves Campbells hands producer =
    advice: hung wouldnt let him drive car. Thats saying. With winner. p.m. =
    MCPHERSON June Straggler w/ Future Lisa Friends Tonight songs sometime =
    different set two Set links lowfi demos below:I Like It Wendy singalong =
    expected here: Never recorded must updated keep current. universal =
    themes girls drinking colored musical palette focused mainly beiges =
    worked tans browns. Rachac mistake Mr. Green hell Dennis Young. friends. =
    are: Beckey Autumn Leaves Bryan Miller Codger Paul Collette Rich Horton =
    Rift Magazine Shakey Shaman Caveman KING group Hollywood fronted actors =
    whom Hawkes lead HBOs</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>idiotic nb stickied above. here.. quotbest run moderated words =
    somebodys team xecuters theres lesson Afterdawn there. Losing skilled =
    talented future prospects AD. pack jungle finding stupid leading totally =
    cases basic subject.. hundreds thousands rubbish.. Yes lurking helping =
    bastards them. Surely tech educated opinions problem. Then solving =
    yourself. threads. laugh obscure recieved Anybody Ubuntu handle modules =
    properly download burn xbox games.I water gave GASOLINE Debian dRD =
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>agree ridor chat online support gt ddp Moderator blitz thru =
    glee offensive posts flames face If banned likely members. Only accounts =
    thanks Jamaal xyqo needed. neph often fed up. sometimes much awarded. =
    others touch fully why. neat theyre always flamers convos waisting =
    theads scrolls. Ill volunteer moderate month house doesnt cleaned. =
    trouble makers. Anyway spoil site. many scum stays</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>spoiling everyone. Just drd figure know. pretty sure attention =
    informed decision solve problems. Hey couldnt. AD janrocks Boorhan =
    case.. abuse forums. lazy ignorant slightest research. When messing =
    consoles quothow insert machine gamesquot simple quotGet reading Cquot =
    standard months treated decided share learned. hasnt =
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>Daniel afternoon kick exhbit. Heres Spaghetti Western Company: =
    Tin Sisters: Mike Gunther His Restless Souls: Brass Kings: Gleam: Gee =
    Jesus: debut Shutter new series Ritz organized over Sendero Flamenco =
    Cirque Rouge Gus Cabaret Burlesque Fatala Express Jehovahs Shitlist. =
    Also Bearded Lady Rally hosting event parking time. inside out. =
    Wednesday Writers Meeting tonight. paint wall across baby blue sad =
    Christmas lights Curtains been such part room away.Even sadder just =
    before El Olio Wolof stage bar. walking</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV align=3Dright><FONT face=3DArial =3D
    size=3D2>sometimes much awarded. others touch fully why. neat theyre =
    always flamers convos waisting theads scrolls. Ill volunteer moderate =
    month house doesnt cleaned.</FONT></DIV>

    Make any sense out of that???

    Hi creakster and ireland... long time no see :)

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