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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Yup :p I installed the game on a friends PC just to try it and it did the same thing. That is until I patched it to the newest version (something like 1.16 up from 1.00). Once I patched it I started a new game. The bus sat their for about 2 minutes (as opposed to the 10+ minutes I waited pre-patch) then it left and came back loaded with prisoners.
  2. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2006
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch for the christmas eve day

    Merry Christmas message will mess you up

    Trojan installed through Powerpoint

    By INQUIRER staff: Sunday 24 December 2006, 10:36
    IDEFENSE said a Powerpoint Merry Christmas message has been modified to install a Trojan on PCs.

    Emails with the following subject and attachment could be a security risk:

    Subject: Merry Christmas to our hero sons and daughters!
    Attachment: Christmas+Blessing-4.ppt

    Ken Dunham, of iDefense, said the characteristics are similar to other Microsoft exploit attacks during this year. He said a remote website used in the attack lives on a server in China.

    Two files are silently, installed, msupdate.dll and sdfsc.dll, he said. µ
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    just info and i like the title

    Rescue robots have a lot of balls

    The price is nearly right

    By INQUIRER staff: Saturday 23 December 2006, 19:56
    CHIP MARKET RESEARCH FIRM Future Horizons sent us an always interesting monthly update about the semi industry which was particularly riveting reading on the robot front.

    Japan's trade ministry reckons that the robot industry will be worth $26 billion in 2010, and close to $70 billion by 2025.

    That, said Future Horizons, will make Japan's robot industry as big as shipbuilding and home appliances combined, although obviously the numbers are open to speculation.

    Forget Sony's stoopid Aibo dog, which appears to be living in the cyber equivalent of the Battersea Dog's Home.

    Instead, consider Roboria, the successor to the highly expensive Banryu. Roboria is a soccer sized transparent ball that can sense a burglar, or fire, and costs around $2,000.

    Roboria is being used to keep an eye on old people living on their own, or allowing people at a distance to re-assure family pets - obviously Aibo is no family pet now. You can also talk via the speaker using 3G tech to a person on their own. And turn up the volume, if necessary.

    Plus, said Future Horizons, the working life of current industrial robots is over 100,000 hours, so the Japanese could be the lead country on all of this tech. Japan could well compete with other countries in robotic expertise, because robots are very much cheaper than human beings in terms of their working lives.

    Also, they don't moan and whinge or get sick. They either work, or they don't work. Plus, they're more resistant to smoke and heat than us lot. Few have developed the ability to drink a fine whisky and muse on the stupidities of life while puffing a life-threatening fine Cuban cigar.

    Increasing miniaturisation, more sophisticated software and the economies of scale are all helping to contribute to the robotic mix. µ

  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA seeks 1.65 Trillion for AllofMp3.com

    Allofmp3Yes you read correctly not 1.65 Million not 1.65 Billion but 1.65 Trillion dollars is the amount of the Lawsuit against AllofMp3.com this number is beyond ridiculous that I cannot even start to comprehend what these idiots over at the RIAA are thinking.

    This number may be so ridiculous that they may finally draw the attention of the general populous in this country to see how insane this organisation is. If I knew how many artist their were we could come up with a number of how much each would collect if the RIAA was actually able to collect on such a insane number.
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Ireland, the rest of the country could give a damn. $1.65. trillion, and where would the trial take place? How can they sue a company in Russia and expect to collect a penny? If the people cared, they would have stopped buying cds and dvds a long time ago.
  8. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Now they've done it......

    EDIT: *Shakes head* its the glitch in the auto quote^^.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2006
  9. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Ok Update:

    I'm finally back home but not for long. I've been doing good during the day with my heart rate lower than my normal(Its still a normal range). But at night(Like 10 PM) it will go back up to the 130s even with the medicine im taking. ANd the wierdest part about it is my heart rate goes up when im laying down and when i stand up it goes down.Shouldn't it be the other way around? lol. Anyway since my heart rate was finally down they can see my individual beats in more detail and they said Atrial Flutter. I was so pissed because thats what i said all along so i basically got admitted for no reason. They wanted to cardiovert me today but fortunetley i had eaten something and you can't eat before an operation(Because of Anestisia reasons). So I finally convinced them to let me go home for the holidays and I will be going back for my operation on Tuesday.

    I guess I can take that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2006
  10. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Man, that's unlucky tocool, but at least you get the hols @ home. :)

    Have to thrash you @ AA some other time then ;)
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    The RIAA, you and I

    p2pnet.net News:- 2006 has been a year of shame and ignomy for the members of the Big 4 Organized Music cartel. The writing is on the wall, bright and clear. Their time as the vampires of both the on- and offline worlds of music is almost done.

    Their RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) accused DeMark Liggins, representing himself, of copyright 'violation," trying to have him found 'guilty' of the non-existent crime of file sharing.

    But it failed. As Recording Industry vs The People explains, the court ruled, "In his [Liggins'] responses to the requests for admissions, Plaintiff did not admit that he copied or distributed any of Plaintiffs' recordings. Plaintiffs have not demonstrated the absence of a genuine issue of material fact, and their motion is therefore due to be denied."

    This doesn't mean the case is over. But Liggins can demand a jury trial and to date, the RIAA hasn't risked letting things go that far. It prefers to keep things running up to, but not including, trial. When the time approaches for RIAA lawyers to actually stand in front of 12 Americans, ordinary people just like their victims, they cut and run in the manner of all bullies.

    Blustered and blundered

    Almost exactly a year ago last Christmas, Patti Santangelo, the single mother of five children, decided she wouldn't be beaten down by the multi-billion-dollar Big 4's RIAA. When it tried to extort $7,500 in 'settlement' money to leave her alone after falsely accusing her of being an illegal distributor of copyrighted music, she refused to pay.

    Instead, she elected to force it and its team of expensive lawyers into a New York court room where they'd be compelled to try to prove their case in front of a jury of her peers ------ and their customers.

    RIAA is short for Recording Industry Association of America, but it couldn't be less American. To all intents and purposes, it's owned and operated by EMI (Britain), Vivendi Universal (France) and Sony BMG (Japan and Germany), with Warner Music as the only US component. And even that's run by a Canadian.

    Warner, et al, blustered and blundered but finally had to abandon their specious claim against Patti, although not before they'd put her and her family through a long year of grief and misery. And having lost their bid to blackmail her into handing over $7,500, they're now suing Michelle and Bobby, two of her children.

    However, neither Patti nor Michelle or Bobby are giving up and new chapters in their story, starting with an online petition which'll be launched just after Christmas, will open in the New Year.

    The Big 4 believe they can drop out when cases reach the point where they have to be proven. The media is exposure already gained is enough, their strategy says, and indeed, it used to be like that. The carefully crafted flim-flam press releases implied thousands of Americans had been found 'guilty' copyright infringement when in fact, not one person has yet gone to trial.

    But the bizarre sue 'em all marketing scheme dreamed up by the major record labels, and now aso employed by companies in other corporate sectors, is causing a massive paradigm shift.

    We hold the whip hand

    The Big 4 have, individually and together, splashed hundreds of of millions of dollars which, not at all incidentally, would have been better spent wooing instead of suing their customers, to re-define the people upon whom they depend, characterizing them through the mainstream media as unprincipled thieves out to rob the innocent and hard-working labels and their contracted artists.

    That isn't true. Their customers aren't thieves. They are, all of them, intelligent men, women and children who expect to be treated fairly, not like brainless idiots who have to be sued to into behaving reasonably.

    The labels are coming face-to-face with a double-headed horror they've never had to confront before: competition and an informed customer base. Because for the first time in history, thanks to the internet, men, women and children everywhere can, and do, communicate person-to-person, p2p, through blogs, web sites, irc, charts, IM, texting and so on, 24/7, 12/12.

    They're all 'customers' with free will instead of 'consumers' with none and they're asking themselves (and each other) if they really want cartel 'product'.

    And they're finding that with the wealth of free and reasonably priced music made available through the p2p networks and growing numbers of indpendent artist and download sites, the answer is a resounding No!

    Marshal McLuhan's global village is becoming a global universe. The Powers that Used to Be are doing everything they can to convince us we depend on them, but that's nonsense. It's the other way around.

    We hold the whip hand, and we've only just begin to use it.

    They'd better stay tuned because 2007 could be a watershed year not for them, but for us.

    Cheers! And all the best for the New Year ...
    Jon Newton - p2pnet
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Xmas letter from Patti Santangelo

    p2pnet.net:- Hi Jon:

    First, a very healthy and happy holiday season to you and all your readers who have been so supportive of our efforts. I say "our," because the effort is no longer just mine; "efforts" includes everyone who made donations of any sort, my lawyers – Jordan Glass and, before him, Ray Beckerman, and all the people who help them, my children, especially Bobby and Michelle, who are now being attacked themselves for things they allegedly did when they were 12 and 16, and all the other defendants and their attorneys who are also standing up for themselves against the RIAA.

    Even our detractors are helping us: the RIAA "shills" who post hateful messages here and elsewhere, and even those who just genuinely disagree - at least they're opening the dialogue.

    I think (and hope) your readers and donors see we've made a difference for those of us who've been sued by the RIAA: that we can stand up to them, that we can enforce our legal rights; that we have at least the same rights as they do; and, that we should all stand up to them as much as possible.

    Now, I'm not being glib or cavalier about "standing up" to the RIAA: I know how much I'm in debt over this, even though I could have settled for their initial demand of $7,500.00 (you'll be reading some discrepancies about this number, but it was $7,500.00, and not a penny less). I realize other people like me can't afford lawyers, and that the p2pnet community can't support every defendant. I'm truly blessed that you have all been willing to take a chance on me, someone you don't know and have no reason to trust.

    I hope you see that your kindness and faith have been worth it. The fact that the RIAA dropped the case against me shows what we've been able to accomplish so far.

    They dropped it "without prejudice", which means they can still sue me all over again, but we're not going to sit still for that and wait to be victimized all over again. I know I was silent for a long time, but there was a purpose for that.

    Now they're attacking my kids, there's little motivation to do anything other than treat it as a full scale war, just as they've done.

    Isn't it interesting how the chairman of Warner's (I think it was for Warner Canada) own children's downloading was resolved with a "good talking to" and that he wants to keep the information secret within his family. But the rest of us, accused of stealing from the same company, are sued, publicly humiliated, and brought to our financial knees.

    I was asked whether I thought that the holiday season would make them see things more charitably. I think the activities you have seen publicly answer that loudly. While it's important to remember they have their legal rights, it's equally important to remember we also have ours.

    Just after Christmas, I'll be opening an online petition to send to the US Congress. I'll keep you informed about the URL and other information, and I hope you'll join with me again to right this societal wrong. It's wrong at so many levels - I think Jordan wrote it best, so paraphrasing him:

    It's our country; let's take it back!

    A healthy and safe holiday season to all and, again, on behalf of myself and my children, thank you all for the generosity of spirit, kindness, and financial and personal support you have shown me all year long.

    Patti Santangelo
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Xmas email from Michelle & Bobby

    p2pnet.net News:- Dear Jon ---My brother and I just wanted to let you all know how much your support means to us. We have to take a stand for what's right, and our mom has started all of us along that path.

    We've been accused of many things, which our attorney tells us we can't talk about directly at this time, but which will come out at trial.

    It's heartwarming, especially at this time of year, to know so many people have stood by our mom over the last year, and we've received great support from everyone and we really appreciate it.

    Thank you all for considering us.

    We know it makes a difference for us to have your kindness and support behind us, and we hope that what we are doing will help other children, teenagers, and young adults (and their parents) to deal with the lawsuits being thrown at them, too.

    Let's hope that the new year sees the end of these types of lawsuits!

    Happy and safe holidays too all,

    Michelle and Bobby Santangelo
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    no bitching from me, using the thread as an excuse to wish loads of you regulars a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year as it's officially Christmas Day (well 7mins ago) here in the UK
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2006
  16. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Dang it ireland just got home from work and seen this and started laughing out loud.To You and all the other AD members have a Merry Christmas. Chris
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    you must all be on the booze :)

    Merry Christmas one and all, and i've saved the pic ireland, very nice, cheers.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2006
  18. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    **Gasp** Lol! X)
  19. consul

    consul Regular member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Brought my son a legit copy of PES 6 for christmas (the way I buy all my games ;-) ) He ripped open the wrapping with much exitement, opened the case and the dickhead shop worker had forgot to put the disc in
  20. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Ouch, I am sorry consul.

    My bitch:

    I don't really have one, I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas (including Rainbow Six: Vegas, which I didn't think I was getting). I didn't get a Play and Charge kit but I got a $15 gift cert. from my aunt to Best Buy so I figure with a bit of my own change and that I can pick one up. :)

    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas day!!


    Pop Smith
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