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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    how about a engine that can run run 900 miles on 10 gallons and has the power of a V8.
    power is pointless without efficacy...and the auto makers are nothing efficant reminds me of the goverment.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    this guy sure has a bitch
    Moral of this story
    remember ye members use ye spell checker..

    Spelling mistake takes tourist 13,000km off-course
    Sidney, Montana not Sydney, Australia
    By John Leyden → More by this author
    Published Monday 1st January 2007 14:41 GMT

    A typing mistake on an online booking form left a German tourist 13,000km off-course on a journey to meet his girlfriend.

    Tobi Gutt left Germany in high hopes on Saturday, dressed in T-shirt and shorts for the Australian summer, but instead of heading towards Sydney, Australia the 21 year-old ended up en-route to Sidney, Montana. Initially Gutt reasoned that it was possible to fly to Australia via the United States and it was only as he was aboard to board a commuter flight to Sidney, an oil town that's home to around 5,000 people, that the terrible truth dawned on him. Up to that point he's flown to Portland, Oregon and on to Billings, Montana with mounting concern.

    "I did wonder but I didn't want to say anything," Gutt told the German newspaper Bild. "I thought to myself, you can fly to Australia via the United States."

    He was left in the stuck middle of nowhere with only a thin jacket to keep out the cold. Fortunately after three days his family and friends were able to send him the €600 he needed to book a new ticket to Australia. "I didn't notice the mistake as my son is usually good with computers," his mum, Sabine, told Reuters.
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch for today is:and this story has me upset..

    Girl killed by pit bull terrier

    A five-year-old girl has been killed and her grandmother seriously injured by a pit bull terrier at their family home on Merseyside.

    Ellie Lawrenson was found bleeding to death in the living room of the house in St Helens shortly before 0430 GMT.

    Her grandmother Jackie Simpson, 46, who is recovering in hospital, managed to lock the dog in a run outside the home in Knowles House Avenue, Eccleston.

    The pit bull terrier was destroyed by police immediately after the attack.

    The owner, believed to be Ellie's uncle, was warned about the dog's behaviour just months before the attack, St Helens council said.

    It is not clear why the dog attacked the child and her grandmother but an investigation into the incident is under way.

    Ms Simpson, who shared the home with Ellie's aunt and uncle, was bitten on her arms and legs.

    Serious injuries

    Her injuries are described as "serious but not life threatening". Police said she may have to undergo surgery at Whiston Hospital where she is being treated.

    Superintendent Jon Ward, operational manager for the St Helens region, said: "This is such a tragic incident.

    "We attended the scene, by which stage the dog had been shut away down the side entrance of the house.

    "When officers arrived it became apparent from a very early stage that the girl had tragically died as a result of the attack.

    "The ambulance service did what it could for her but unfortunately she died at the scene."

    Police dog handlers who arrived minutes later decided the dog, called Reuben, had to be shot as soon as possible.

    Mr Ward added: "They made a decision as to whether it was safe to control the dog and seize and safely remove it.

    "The assessment was that that couldn't be done safely so the dog was humanely destroyed at the scene around 5.40am this morning."

    Detectives understand Ellie's parents were not in the house at the time of the attack.

    Police believe Ellie's parents went out to celebrate New Year's Eve, leaving Ellie with her grandmother, and when they returned Ellie asked to stay there.

    They are then thought to have left the property at about 0340 GMT, shortly before the attack.

    Fireworks investigation

    According to police, Ellie's uncle was not at home when the attack happened.

    However, Mr Ward said Ellie regularly stayed at her grandmother's house so police believe she knew the dog well.

    A large part of Knowles House Avenue was cordoned off with police tape on Monday afternoon as forensic officers continued to examine the end-of-terrace house where Ellie was mauled.

    A white and yellow forensic tent was attached to the front door of the property which is believed to be owned by Ellie's great-grandmother.

    A police spokeswoman said Ellie's body was removed from the house at about1400 GMT.

    She confirmed that several members of Ellie's family had arrived at the property in the morning wanting to see her body.

    She said: "They were obviously distressed and distraught at not being able to see Ellie, but we couldn't let them in while the body was still in situ and while forensic officers were still at the scene.

    "There was some shouting, there are a lot of high emotions flying around."

    Shocked and upset

    Ms Simpson's fiance, who did not wish to be named, said the family were suffering from shock but were comforting each other.

    "They are all in shock, they're too upset to talk," he added.

    "Ellie was just the loveliest girl you could hope to meet."

    Dorothy Watkinson who lives near the family home told BBC News that Ellie was used to dealing with the dog.

    "I've seen her at the gateway with it, stroking it. It never turned on her like that."

    It is unknown at this stage whether Ellie was asleep when the dog pounced but officers will be investigating whether New Year's Eve fireworks may have scared the dog, prompting the attack.

    Pit bull terriers are among a number of dog breeds banned from being bred, sold or exchanged under the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act.

    The law also bans all dogs "appearing... to be bred for fighting or to have the characteristics of a type bred for that purpose."

    Drafted at speed after string of dog attacks, and much-criticised
    Bans breeding and sale/exchange of pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa, Dogo Argentino, and Fila Brasileiro
    Also bans all dogs "appearing... to be bred for fighting or to have the characteristics of a type bred for that purpose"
    Also covers any dog "dangerously out of control"
    But this applies only to public property, or private property where the dog is not permitted
    Out-of-control dogs can be seized and destroyed, and the owners faces a fine or up to six months in prison. If the dog injures someone, that can be up to two years.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2007
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    horrible just horrible !!

    this breed is like a walking time bomb and can't be trusted around small childern or animals
  5. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    No Dogs can ever be trusted...First hand experience...

    My 8 year old nephew was horriblly disfigured by a 1 year old pure breed labrador puppy...He was laying on his back in living room, the puppy walked-up leaned down like he was going to lick his face and tore both of his lips completelly-off in one chomp...His face was removed from just below the nose to the chin...all teeth exposed...It was unreal looking...He was unrecognizable...It was featured on 60 minutes when it happened 20 years ago...My brother lived in colorado he did not tell us of the attack...He did not want to traumatize my mom...He had us watch the show...He was so deformed no one in the family even recognized him as a member of our family...60 minutes arranged for plastic surgery...we only recognized him at the end when surgery was done...After the show our brother called and explained what had happened...and why he did not tell us what happened...

    The dog had never shown any signs of being vicious in any way or form...All dogs are basically wild meat eatting animals that can never be trusted...Period...

    And to top it all off...My brother was arrested and charged with felony cruelty to an animal and felony discharge of a firearm in city limits for taking the dog outside and shotting it...Charges were eventually dropped.

    My nephew is fine you cannot even tell it ever happened...it is amazing what they can do with reconstructive surgery...
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2007
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    wow amazing story

    i have an 110LB. Alaskan Malamute his a big baby BUT i very carefull who i let him around you can never be to carefull with a BIG dog
  7. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    This was a small puppy...I never thought a small dog could do that type of damage...The picture's were simply unbelievable...People do not realize the damage that can be done by a dog...even a small one...

    Just to let people know my brother is not a violent person...He is a penacostal preacher who is an avid hunter...Anyone in his circumstances would have done the same...

    Charges were not dropped until the story on 60 minutes ran...While they were taking his son to the hospital...the police were taking my brother to jail...Living in America...Some things just make No Sense...Lets put pot smokers in prision and release violent offenders to make room...Sometimes I wish I was Canadian...I love my Country...but sometimes are prioritys are way out of wack...

    My Rant for Today...
  8. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I donno its not much a country any more ,more like a corperate outpost 0-o
  9. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    I would never trust a pit bull I am afraid. We have 7 doggies in our house and 5 of them are Chinese pugs, one is under a yr old but they are all real friendly and have never seen them show any violence towards any human. Of the other 2 one is a Chinese Shar-pei and the other a Rotty who i would think if we were "threatened" would retailate but otherwise both are real soppy babies.
  10. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    what is in your pic...rememinds me of 80's GI joe Cobra tank 0-o
  11. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    One more Rant...

    60 minutes picked-up on the story...because the case was receiving national attention at the time...All attacking my brother for being a preacher and shotting a dog...in front of police...after a simple dog bite...they were crussiffing him in the press...

    He would not explain his story or defend his-self...because he was trying to keep the severity of the damage done to his son...away from our mom...My nephew looked like the monster in Hellraiser...I still shutter thinking of the photos...It still amazes me that they were able to reconstruct his face...Not a hint of a scar...It had to be the quality of the surgoens involved...

    I guess my rant is...One part of the press can...sensationalize and create a story that really was not there...They did not talk about the danger that all dogs possess...regardless of size or breed...All dogs are carnivores...

    Definition: straight from American Heritage Dictionary
    Carnivore:a flesh eating mammal,esp,one of a group including dogs, cats and bears...

    I guarantee most people do not include there family dog when thinking about what a carnivore is...The inherent danger of all dogs...was the true story that was never picked-up upon by the press...

    60 minutes ran it more as a human interest story...

    I guess I hope people reading this...never think of their Dogs in the same way again...It may seen harsh...But it's the truth...

    And NO...I do not hate Dogs, or Fear them...I just recognize them for what they are...

    And YES...Any Dog that comes after me...Is Dead on the Spot...Period...
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Colorado woman selling snow on eBay

    LOVELAND, Colo. - Call it a winter sale. Jim and Mary Walker are selling snow on eBay. Starting bids were holding steady Friday at 99 cents for samples from "Blizzard I and Blizzard II."

    The Walkers got the idea for selling snow after shoveling mounds from two storms a week apart that together dumped more than 4 feet along the Front Range.

    "I figured eBay has ghosts and all sorts of weird stuff, so why not snow?" said Mary Walker, who teaches business workshops on employee communications.

    How much snow 99 cents or whatever the winning bid gets depends. Walker's auction notice suggests avoiding shipping and handling charges by stopping by their home and picking it up — in a dump truck.

    Only 10 offerings of snow are available and the proceeds are earmarked for a used snowblower for Jim or a pair of shovels.

    She says she doesn't really expect to find a buyer for their blizzard overstock.

    "We just wanted to just give some folks a laugh," she said.

    Ark. man discovers 2.37-carat diamond

    MURFREESBORO, Ark. - An Arkansas man has found a 2.37-carat white diamond at the world's only diamond-bearing site where visitors are allowed to search for and keep the gems they find.

    Gary Dunlap of Jefferson named the diamond he found the Star of Thelma to honor his wife of more than 10 years. Dunlap's find was the fourth-largest diamond found in 2006 at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro. In all, 486 diamonds have been found at the park this year.

    Dunlap found the gem Sunday while looking near a Bois d'Arc tree on the park's 37.5-acre search field. He said he felt certain the shiny stone was a diamond when he picked it up off the ground. Dunlap has visited the park about a dozen times but this was his first diamond find.

    In March, a state trooper from Nowata, Okla., unearthed the 4.21 yellow Okie Dokie Diamond. In September, a Point, Texas, couple found the 6.35-carat brown Roden Diamond. The following month, a visitor from Ripon, Wis., found the 5.47-carat yellow Sunshine Diamond.

    The largest of the 25,000 diamonds found at the park since it became a state park in 1972 is the 16.37-carat Amarillo Starlight. A visitor from Texas found the white diamond in 1975.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2007
  13. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

  14. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Pit Bull Attacks Child In Modesto

    A toddler is recovering at University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento after being attacked Sunday by a pit bull in Stanislaus County.

    Paramedics who responded to the scene in Modesto said the 3-year-old girl lost a critical amount of blood during the attack, which left bite marks and scratches on the girl's face and upper body.

    Sheriff's deputies said the girl likely survived thanks to the quick actions of her father and the dog's owner. The Sheriff's Department said the same dog also lunged at a deputy who was responding to the incident. The deputy was forced to shoot and kill the animal.

    The dog's owner will likely not face any charges, the Sheriff's Department said.
  15. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    There's been alot of Pitbull & Rottweiler attacks on young children here in the UK during these passing monthes... :-(
  16. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    My bitch of the day:

    My mom is sending me mixed signals about getting a girlfriend. Yesterday I spent most of the day hanging out with my soon-to-be girlfriend. We went bowling, played some video games and watched a movie.

    My mother however, when I got home asked me "Did you kiss her"? and I said "No, it didn't feel right tonight" well my mom then said "Why not, she is a real cute girl and you two would be good together" She then said "At least your not rushing things". Then just before I went to bed she brought up the kissing thing again. That time sounding like she wants me to kiss this girl.

    Eh, who knows, I figured I will wait until her B-Day (approx. a week away) and take her flowers and give her a kiss.

    What do you think? Should I go for it or not? My heart a time or two has told me to try and kiss her (like when I left her house last night) but I just am not sure.

  17. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    @pop smith
    If you feel like she is giving you the signal...then go ahead and give her a kiss...

    Waiting till her B-Day is not a bad idea either...I have found that restraint can be a good thing as well...I wished I had practiced it a little when I was young...I was the ultimate hound...I was a very...very...bad boy...

    Regardless it sounds like it is time...If she will allow you to kiss her next week...she will allow it this week...

    First Girlfriend?

    Everything Estuansis said below is excellent advice...take a chance!!!
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  18. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    You're 18 I presume?

    Go for it! If I learned anything from my time with girls it's that they love surprises.

    Maybe sometime during the week(at school/at her front door) bring her flowers and kiss her. Then ask her to go with you to do something on her birthday.

    Then on her birthday take her a rose and take her out. Like a nice evening at the local country kitchen, then a movie. Make it a chick flick and cry when something sad comes on.

    If you have/can get the money that might be a decent idea

    Or you can ask what she wants to do. Might just end up being the above idea.

    Some girls like simple things like dinner and a movie. Other girls like concerts. Find a local hall and hit up a performance. Even if the music is bad it could still be fun.

    I've done both and it has worked wonders for this sixteen year-old. My girlfriend was found screwing another guy and we broke up. But when I was with her I was truly happy.

    Take chances early in life while you can. Someday chances could screw you over instead of just getting you rejected.
  19. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    hey guys,

    its been a while, but im glad to be back. I felt really unwanted on AD for a while because
    1)I love xbox and halo 2 modding and almost nobody else here does or even has a modded xbox
    2)When I was looking for actors and voice talents, none could be found. All talent was sucked dry
    3)most people here are into computers, not consoles, so i feal extremely left out.
    Thats about all the reasons I was gone. Are all the same people still here?
  20. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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