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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    A Public Service Announcement from me ireland

    Online romance leads to death

    Expectations of love

    By Nick Farrell: Friday 05 January 2007, 15:20
    A 17 YEAR OLD has killed himself after the online beautiful young teen of his dreams turned out to be a rather unattractive older woman.

    According to the Chinese Xinhua News Agency the youth had spent days talking to a woman who called herself "Qunjiaofeiyang" or "flying skirt," who had told him she was a beautiful 19-year-old.

    Authorities said that he became addicted to chatting to the woman and wouldn't leave the café. Finally the pair arranged a meeting in Mudanjiang, a town in Heilongjiang province, on the day after Christmas.

    Xinhua said that to the teen's disappointment, his dream girl turned out to be a plain lady who was more than 10 years older than him. The meeting went so badly he went home and hung himself.

    The case is being used by the Chinese authorities as a cautionary tale about the dangers of the Internet. We would have thought it makes a better cautionary tale about the need to get a good recent photograph of an online love before wasting money on the bus fare to meet up.
  2. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Someone needed to get out more ^^

    To be honest, if you let that happen to you, then you have/had issues. I'm 15, and am perfectly aware of the "dangers" of the internet (not so much dangers, seeing as I'm a very smart 15 year old XD), but I, for one, wouldn't contemplate dating/meeting someone over the internet (that's talking about relationships, not just normal friends/people).

    Some people amaze me.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007
  3. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Love can be deadly,n or offline,cheaters and liars can make anyone life hell.
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That's so true. I have had proposals from almost complete strangers, even though I was careful to mention my pictures on my page were nearly 20 years old.. That's why I took them off and why there aren't any new ones on there now. Meet all sorts online, and AD is no different..actually we have more than our fair share of d**kheads and f**kwits here, as wild(bottom-fetish)77 and his multiple personalities (all with the same interest in private parts..he needs to see a doctor) proved all too well earlier.
  5. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    only took being on the net for 5ish years before I gave up on dating altogether *L*
  6. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Lmao, go for it Dan :p He's been breaking rules here for a long while, I've noticed...
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Bride's Joke Breaks Off Austrian Wedding

    Jan 5, 9:35 AM (ET)

    VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Wedding jokes aren't always funny. When a bride in Austria jokingly answered "no" instead of "yes" when asked if she wanted to marry her husband-to-be, the official performing the civil wedding promptly broke off the ceremony.

    Not even the bride's sobs could reverse the decision and the couple had to wait two and a half months before they could give it another - successful - try, the Austrian newspaper Oberoesterreichischen Nachrichten reported Friday.

    Officials at the registry office in the city of Steyr where the mishap occurred declined to comment directly but noted the incident was highly unusual, according to the newspaper.
  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Boy hangs self after seeing Saddam coverage

    Maureen Balleza
    New York Times News Service
    Jan. 4, 2007 06:18 PM

    HOUSTON - A 10-year-old boy hanged himself accidentally on New Year's Eve after watching reports of Saddam Hussein's execution, the police and relatives said Thursday.

    Family members discovered the body of the boy, Sergio Pelico, hanging from his bunk bed and called the police in Webster, between Houston and Galveston.

    The boy watched television reports on Saturday and asked about the execution, said an uncle, Adolfo Chavez.

    "He asked, Is this how they killed people?' " Chavez recounted in Spanish. "We said, No, but they did it to this man because he's bad.' "

    Chavez said his nephew had said nothing more about the hanging.

    The next night, as adults prepared supper and his cousins played, Sergio went upstairs to his bedroom. Another child found the body, Chavez said.

    Capt. Thomas Claunch of the Webster police said there was no reason to suspect suicide.

    "It was nothing more than a tragic accident," Claunch said. "I think he was trying to mimic the behavior, and it got out of hand. There were no indications of depression, no problems within the home. He was very positive."

    The captain said Sergio, an only child who was in the fifth grade, had given his mother a belated Christmas card. "In it," Claunch said, "he says he will do better in school this year, that he wants to get her a better Christmas present next year."

    Claunch said that the authorities were awaiting autopsy results but that he believed the death would be ruled accidental.

    Chavez said the family would ship the boy's body home to Guatemala for burial.
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Woman Settles Suit in Flour Condoms Case
    Email this Story

    Jan 4, 4:16 PM (ET)

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A woman who was arrested and jailed for three weeks on drug charges for what turned out to be flour-filled condoms has settled a lawsuit against the city for $180,000.

    "Under the circumstances, something went terribly wrong," Janet H. Lee's attorney, Jeffrey Ibrahim, said Wednesday. "We're trying to ensure that nothing like that ever happens again."

    Lee was a freshman at Bryn Mawr College in 2003 when she tried to take three condoms filled with flour in her carry-on bag on a flight to Los Angeles. They were discovered by airport screeners, and authorities said initial tests showed they contained drugs. Lee was held for 21 days on drug trafficking charges until later tests showed she was telling the truth.

    Lee said the flour-filled condoms were a phallic toy students would squeeze to deal with exam stress, and she thought they were funny and packed them to show friends at home. Lee, now a 21-year-old senior, said she did not know that drug dealers often carry drugs in condoms.

    A trial had been scheduled to begin Thursday in Lee's lawsuit. Lynne Sitarski, a lawyer for the city, said the city was not admitting wrongdoing or liability.
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Australian bank issues credit card to cat

    SYDNEY (AFP) - An Australian bank has blushingly admitted issuing a credit card to a cat. Messiah, a ginger tom, was given a credit limit of 4,200 (3,300 US) dollars.

    Messiah's owner applied for an additional Visa card in his name on her account with the Bank of Queensland to test its identity security system -- and was astonished when it was granted.

    "I just couldn't believe it," Katherine Campbell told local media, cradling the cool cat and his card. "People need to be aware of this and banks need to have better security."

    The envelope containing her cat's credit card was addressed to Messiah Campbell and she was not even notified that a secondary card had been issued on her account, she said.

    A Bank of Queensland spokeswoman admitted issuing the card to the cat.

    "We have investigated the issue and it appears the bank has made an error," she said. "We apologise as this should not have happened."

    The incident may have given the bank pause for thought, but any hopes Messiah may have had of making some large purchases of fish and cream were dashed when the card was cancelled.
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Kidney stolen from 'Bodies' exhibition


    Seattle police are investigating the theft of a kidney from "Bodies ... The Exhibition" -- the collection of preserved human corpses on display at 800 Pike St.

    An exhibit manager called police Saturday to report that someone walked away with the organ from a counter where it had been on display with a liver for customers to see and touch, according to police reports.

    "Bodies" is a popular, yet controversial, exhibit of 21 cadavers and 250 organs preserved through "plastination," or a process in which the specimens are injected with liquid silicone rubber. Many of the bodies are dissected or sliced into sections with their innards open for viewing.

    The kidney was from a child's body and is valued at $1,000, according to police reports. A security camera may have filmed the thief at the counter, police reports say.
  12. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    no is not a joke


    Texas the home of hangings!


    cheap phallic toy at that

    mew =0_o=


    Bodily part robbery? 0_o

  13. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    You forgot Drive thru Liquor/Ammunition & Gun Shops...and you can have an open container...Gotta Love Texas...
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    GOOD NEWS...

    Sony convicted in French DRM case

    p2pnet.net News:- Sony has caught a serious dose of iPoditis

    It's been convicted of misleading the French public and ordered to pay 10,000 euros ($13,000) in damages to the Union Federale des Consommateurs (UFC) for selling downloads that'll only run on Sony music players, says Agence France-Presse.

    read more here
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch,
    do members post to see them words all over again..or to increase there post count..

    i see that all the time,here


    did i not say that in what i posted..

    time to take another long walk..
  16. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Agreed, he did just say exactly the same thing as you, but worded slightly differently.

    Lol. Was a classic one a few days ago (not exactly the same), but someoen had copy and pasted an answer that janrocks had given to a similar problem, in another thread!?!? And I mean copied as in word for word... Lmao.
  17. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    @ Ireland
    You are right...pretty much what you said...just not as precise...I thought maybe he wrote his post before yours posted...but to much time between posts for that to be the case...unless they only type 1 word a minute...

    Read the Halofan0 shread...funny...funny...stuff...
    You had me Rolling in the Isles...and buy the way...I like the new sig...
  18. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    My bitch,

    I think I have a hernia. I have had one HELL of a cough lately and now I have some aching pains in my lower right abdominal regions centering around my testicle.

    I'm hoping that it's just a strained muscle or that it pulls it self back into place but the possibility stands.

    I hope I don't need any surgery. My nether regions just went through a urinary infection that left me immobilized from the back pain. I'm gonna get checked out on Friday so I can get surgery on a weekend if need be.
  19. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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  20. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @ Ripper.. I had a good laugh with that one.. it's nice to be quoted, I pulled him up about it (xxteakxx) and we had a laugh, mainly because he couldn't work out how to quote between threads, and the quote function was having one of it's buggy days. It's not like it was anything I'm fussed about, like a tutorial or giude or something, and we xbox seniors are happy to share things a bit to save typing any way possible, especially as it's all been answered before (except some of the emulators stuff..where you will find me mostly these days)...plus we bumped out post count up a bit chatting about it.. (sneaky)

    TBH.. I see it all the time, people who just regurgitate already given info.. It's quite easy to do somethimes when there is a lag, or more than one person posting at once. I have done basically the same once or twics, but always with more info..or a technical explanation of why it is done that way..or even an alternative method to try.. Still gets my goat when somebody reads the previous post and gives exactly the same answer.. You are a mod ireland.. redce his post count, delete it, or take him out for it! Your choice.. :)

    And the bad attitude and kicking off when demands for links to software are not given is still ongoing in the xbox forums.. close them down please..just stop new posts will do for now..it must be possible to make whole sections read only..they are no further use as the xbox was declared obsolete last week!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2007
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