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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    you know it Fred everyone pretty much agrees that Adriana is beautiful
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Iwant ye guy to know i am sent about 40 to 50 scans a day.i think i have about 60--70gb pixs on my computer,and they are backed up to two hard drives.you name it i should have it.been saving pixs since 1999..........
    in my pix program called picture it 2000 i have 3gb saved to call on as i need them.and they are backed up....

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  3. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    aabbccdd shouldn't have a problem with his sig now (in my opinion) as here are the "Properties" of his sig:

    Width: 500
    Height: 197
    Size: 44.22KB

    If I remember right the requirements are:

    Maximum Width: 500
    Maximum Height: 200
    Maximum Size: 50KB

    Like I said eariler unless someone complains (and in my opinion it should be more like 4-5 before action is taken) I think aabbccdd should be allowed to keep his signature, but again thats just my opinion.
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  5. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    wow, not bad at all, but I cant say what my wife says as a compareson to adriana, I would get totally, permanatly, under the jail suspendid.
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    lol Ireland about how many pics you have , i am not even close although iam sure i have more of Adriana than you do . heres my current fav of her which is my desktop at the moment

    http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/9346/lima4eh3.jpg edited by ddp

    note: to all i will not fill this thread up with pics so no worries please lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2007
  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Her right eye in that pic is messed up ;-)

  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  9. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    That's actually her?! Lol.
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    ripper you have to be kidding right LMAO!!!! shes flawless man.

    and NO ripper thats not her Ireland is joking around as always lol, Ireland

    and thats one i don't have Ireland i have one something like it though
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2007
  11. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    It's all blurry ;-)

    Heh. And meh, I didn't think it was her tbh, but you never know... Lol?

    Haha, I'm such a bitch. ^.^
  12. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    that ariana is something else, and that little girl was so cute. I know, proud Daddy.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my new ariana sig,if i deside to use it

  14. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    lol, thats exactly what woman look like after they get thier lips done by them goffy plastic surgens, I'll never be able to understand that all it looks like is like they got punched in the kisser. yuk.
  15. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i always knew you'd make it in prison. XD
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    2 posts' pictures changed to links because of dialup members.
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    ddp ye got the small one's not more then 75k,ye missed the one i make for you which id 500k..
  18. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    LMAO ireland if you do that pic right i can use it as a sig.please lol
  19. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    And you were looking at her eyes?? LMAO
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Unlimited bandwidth isn't here yet

    Comcast shutting down heavy users

    By Nick Farrell: Sunday 11 February 2007, 23:10
    US telco Comcast is shutting down users who seem to think that its 'unlimited bandwidth' actually means what it says on the tin.

    Writing in his bog, u235sentinel has complained that his service has been switched off for going over a few hundred Gigabytes for two months in a row.

    Comcast apparently does have a monthly download limitation which it is not telling punters, even though it advertises its service as 'unlimited'. u235sentinel says that while many would be happy to see the back of a bloke who they dub a bandwidth hog, no one is really sure what they think a user should be downloading.

    When he called up Comcast to ask why he had been disconnected he was told that what he had bought was not unlimited bandwidth but something called "unlimited access". He said that if there was a limit in bandwidth it would be nice if Comcast could tell him what it was so he didn’t go over it.

    Comcast on the other hand is telling him that he must shell out $1700 for a commercial account.

    u235sentinel said that the only reason he stuck with Comcast was because it had 90 per cent coverage of the Salt Lake Valley and the only competition, Qwest, keeps pushing DSL availability back.

    Well sheesh kebab. µ


    February 10, 2007

    I really appreciate the work of the Consumerist and Digg in getting the word out about Comcasts practice of terminating HSI service.

    I've been accused of many things these last few weeks. Let's be clear. The reason my HSI service was terminated was because I violated a monthly download limitation which Comcast is not willing to disclose. People online have mentioned they were happy to see me gone as I was a "bandwidth hog". Those same people however have been unwilling to post what they believe a internet user should be using monthly. In my research I've found people terminated for downloading anywhere from 60-100 Gigs. The number seems to change depending which state they live.

    When I signed up, here is the advertisement I saw on Comcast's web site. They stated they were offering "Unlimited Use for a flat monthly fee". This was many years ago. If you speak with someone from their abuse department, they will tell you "it's not unlimited use, it's unlimited access. "It's true they currently don't advertise unlimited use anymore and I'm ok with that. If there is some limit I am required to obey then they should state what it is. Other companies are not afraid to disclose the limitations. It should be noted that Cox Communications fought for some time to hide the limits until consumers forced them to disclose.

    I've been asked why not fire Comcast and go with another provider (like DSL or utopianet). I'd love to. Unfortunately it's either Comcast HSI or a 28.8 dial up connection. Comcast has 90% coverage of the Salt Lake Valley and Qwest keeps pushing DSL availability back month after month. In my research I've learned that Comcast isn't Clark Howard's favorite company. I found an article here and here which clearly shows how he feels about them. The issue he has seems to be their "very strange and unprofessional way to let customers know." For those who don't know who is he, Clark Howard is a self made millionare who is involved in consumer advocacy. I've been listening to him for years on KSL radio 1160.

    So here we are. According to Jackie and Sara of Comcast's escalation department (did you guys know they had one?), we don't qualify for a residential OR a business account. Our only option now is to sign up for a Commercial account. For only $1700 and $1000 monthly we can have Comcast HSI back to our home. Of course I've been asking for a quote for the last week and am still waiting. In all fairness, the one guy who could provide the quote was away most of last week. I'll be following up with him on Monday.

    Feb. 1, 2007

    My wife's conversation with Sarah, head of Comcast's escalation dept. about 10 am.

    Me- Hello
    S- I'm looking for Frank or Elizabeth
    Me- I'm Elizabeth
    S- This is Sarah from Comcast ...
    Me- Oh yes you called last night and I tried to call you back and left you a message.
    S- I know, I had to leave early yesterday.
    Me- Ok, So what's going on?
    S- Well we aren't able to give you residential or business acct., but we can give you a commercial acct.
    Me- What is that?
    S- It would be a direct line for your own use connected to your house.
    Me- Wow, how much would that be?
    S- About $1700 to install and then about $1000 a month service fee.
    Me- What the? Are you kidding me, we can't afford that!!
    S- Well that is your only option.
    Me- Why not the business account?
    S- You use to much to be eligible for those accounts and since you have a business that uses so much broadband, you need to have your own direct line.
    Me- We have a very! Small business and have had it for 3 + years and never had this kind of usage as has been the last few months. That is a ridiculous thing to suggest and doesn't make any sense. We have 6 children and a budget. This is outrageous and I can't believe you would even consider suggesting such a thing. Would you do it?
    S- No, I don't need it and you have a business that apparently does use that much.
    Me- Haven't you heard anything that we have been saying as to our ideas of why the usage was so high. Like the spyware that my husband found on his machine that was piggy backing and downloading through our line. Also it isn't a coincidence that the same month our modem was switched that the usage went through the roof. That would cause it if it wasn't capped.
    S- We have never had that happen before. It was checked and it doesn't seem to be the problem and as to spyware you should be using an application to detect such things so you don't have those problems.
    Me- He does have those and it still can happen and did, and as to the modem I don't believe you could have checked it, since it isn't running right now and it is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
    S- What is done is done, we can't reverse it, but you can get the commercial line.
    Me- No we aren't going to do that. There is no way we could afford that. You are basically leaving us without any real options and that is unacceptable. We don't have any other ways to get high speed internet and DSL isn't in our area. But that doesn't matter to you.
    S- I understand how you feel but we can't do anything about it.
    Me- I don't think you really do understand or you wouldn't be doing this to begin with.
    S- I am sorry you are having this problem, but you ignored the warning.
    Me- Are we back to that again. As far as I am concerned you all are responsible for our loosing the internet acct. If the customer service had actually confirmed to us that there was a problem we would have looked into it and tried to resolve it last month. We wouldn't have ignored it. We rely on internet a great deal. My husband needs it for work and we wouldn't have wanted to jeopardize that.
    S- We are sorry that the customer service didn't deal with you properly and we are dealing with that. All the same you were called and you were given a direct number to call the abuse team directly.
    Me- We tried with what we had and just got messages and so we tried to call customer service to help us. They told us it was probably a hoax and to ignore it. They should have had some kind of note logged in our acct. to confirm a problem. Based on what they told us, what were we to seriously think. Want to talk about confusing.
    S- I can understand how you feel and they shouldn't have said that.
    Me- It seems to me that you all should take responsibility for your part in this mess. Your customer service should have given correct information to us. As a result you should be dealing with the result and be apologizing and trying to rectify the problem.
    S- I understand how you feel, but we can't do anything about it.
    Me- You know thinking about it, when I did talk to the abuse team that they even had suggested a business acct. upgrade and based on what you are saying we wouldn't have been able to do that either.
    S- They shouldn't have suggested that. Based on your usage the business acct. would have been to light for your use.
    Me- So they gave us the wrong information too. So how can we be blamed for something you all are telling us. How are we supposed to know what to do?
    S- Well you should have limited your usage for starters.
    Me- We don't normally use that much. We have been with Comcast for about 4 years and have always been doing the same thing, nothing has changed and now we have excessive usage. I just don't see how that is possible. We need a residential or business acct. We will make sure we don't go over our limits, whatever those may be.
    S- I understand your dilemma. But based on recent history, you would be back to square one and we can't take that chance of reversing the acct. and letting you back on to do the same thing again. You will have to wait til Jan 2008 to get reconnected.
    Me- I don't think you are getting it. Aren't you caring at all about the predicament you have put us into? There is no way we can wait a year and you know it. That is nuts.
    S- We apologize for your inconvenience, but you should have dealt with it.
    Me- It seems to me we are just running this around in circles, not getting anywhere. So it doesn't matter our reasons and no matter what I say nothing will change your mind. Is that where we are at?
    S- That is right, we can't help you at this time.
    Me- (Looooooonnnnnnngggggg pause, trying to keep from crying). I finally say, well I guess there isn't anything left.
    S- I'm sorry.
    Me- I'm sure you will be. Bye
    S- Thank you and have a nice day.
    Me- (mumbling and rolling my eyes) yeah right.

    Both hang up.

    At this point my wife calls my cell and gives me the run down.

    We decide it's time to get the word out and tell everyone what Comcast is doing. Neighbors are shocked to hear what's going on and express concern. I called Bill Gephart, spoke with Matt at the news desk and will be working with him to setup a time to be interviewed. He said “I'm not blowing you off but we have the next few days booked. Give me your Comcast account number so I can call them and start investigating this”.

    Gave the number ... “Ok. I'll call them and find out what's going on”. What would like like them to do?

    I said “turn on the service as I'll be watching it and throttling anything that would cause problems. I also promise once their competition visits West Jordan I'll be jumping ship. This has left a bad taste in my mouth”.

    Matt. “I understand... I'll get right on it and thanks!”

    So now it's time to bring competition to West Jordan Utah and time to get even more involved with my cities politics. It's time to bring UTOPIANET.ORG to West Jordan.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
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