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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch for today

    Windows Genuine Advantage's newest setting: "you might be a pirate"

    Although the Windows Genuine Advantage Notification tool is "optional," Microsoft is in the process of pushing out the tool as a "critical" and thus automatic update (affectionately dubbed WGA Notifications 1.7 KB905474). The update has been known about for over a month, but users are just now seeing it show up as a critical update to Windows XP.

    link to story

    i just checked it up at the update site,i do advise ye to use custom and uncheck to show this update,which means it will not show up in express to be download and installed...
  2. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    I can't see that James Cameron has necessarily found anything interesting. It was on tv tonight that "Jesus" was a very common name & bearing in mind that Jesus's body was "removed" from the earth (according to the bible) I really fail to see how it could be him. Wait for the "follow up" to the Da Vinci Code LOL!
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was: "Name seven advantages of "Mothers Milk". Worth 70 points or none at all. One student, who had partied late the night before, was frustrated to think of seven advantages.

    He wrote:

    1. It is perfect formula for the child.

    2. It provides immunity against several diseases.

    3. It is always at the right temperature.

    4. It is inexpensive.

    5. It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa.

    6. It is always available as needed.

    And then, the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just
    before the bell rang, indicating the end of the test, he wrote:
    7. It comes in such cute containers!

    He got an "A"
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    One day mom was cleaning juniors room and in the closet she found a bondage S+M magazine. This was highly upsetting for her.

    She hid the magazine until his father got home and showed it to him.

    He looked at it and handed it back to her with out a word.

    She finally asked him, "Well what should we do about this?"

    Dad looked at her and said, "Well, I don't think you should spank him."


    A couple desperate to have a baby went to their priest and asked him to pray for them. "Next week I am going to Rome and while I am there I will light a candle for you," he replied.

    Three years later the priest returned to his parish and went to see the young couple's house and found the wife to be pregnant and busy attending to two sets of twins. The priest felt very elated and asked the girl where her husband was so that he could congratulate him.

    "He has gone away for a while," came the harried reply.

    "Where has he gone," asked the priest.

    She replied," To Rome, to blow the damn candle out!"


    This man and this woman share a bunk bed with their son. The man and woman sleep on the top and the kid sleeps on the bottom. One night when the kid is asleep, the parents climb to their bed. The man says to the woman, "Say ham when you want it harder, say cheese when you want it softer."

    All through the night the kid hears, "HAM, HAM, HAM, cheese, HAM, HAM, HAM, cheese!"

    When the kid wakes up the next morning, he tells his mother, "Mommy, you got to stop making those ham and cheese sandwiches at night cause I end up getting mayonnaise all over me!"
  5. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    LMAO! Good jokes... except the last one was a bit corny ;)

    If you want real comedy look up Demitri Martin. He's got alot of jokes that so dry you can't help but like 'em :)
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Restaurant creates 123-pound burger (there's no way you finish this one!)

    Feb 26, 2007 - 9:20 PM - by Digital Dave
    Oh... my... god...

    I have to order one.

    The sizable sandwich features an 80-pound beef patty, along with a pound each of lettuce, ketchup, relish, mustard and mayonnaise, 160 slices of cheese, up to five onions and 12 tomatoes.

    It's topped with a couple of pounds of banana peppers, then sandwiched into a 30-pound bun. Don't forget the garnish of 33 pickles.

    There's a pretty hefty price tag, too: $379.

    Yahoo News.com Post LINK
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Critical JavaScript flaw hits Firefox
    Feb 26, 2007 - 6:54 PM - by Digital Dave
    So, was it fixed or not? Well, after reading this I guess not.

    Mozilla has confirmed a potentially serious flaw in its open source Firefox browser.

    Developer Michal Zalewski, who uncovered the flaw, described it as " seemingly pretty nasty, and apparently easily exploitable".


    Critical JavaScript flaw hits Firefox

    Error could allow for remote exploits
    Shaun Nichols in California, vnunet.com 26 Feb 2007

    Mozilla has confirmed a potentially serious flaw in its open source Firefox browser.

    Developer Michal Zalewski, who uncovered the flaw, described it as " seemingly pretty nasty, and apparently easily exploitable".

    The vulnerability affects current versions of Firefox for all major PC platforms, according to Zalewski's report.

    The use of a certain JavaScript instruction can cause Firefox to crash, allowing an attacker complete access to a system and the ability to run malware remotely.

    Zalewski said that the attack could be carried out by convincing a user to access a specially-crafted HTML file that hosts JavaScript code targeting the vulnerability.

    Bugzilla, the error-tracking system used by Mozilla, classifies the vulnerability as 'critical', the second-highest priority.

    The vulnerability has only been demonstrated as a proof-of-concept code and there have been no reports of active exploits.

    The disclosure comes on the same day that Mozilla released an update for Firefox, which does not address the JavaScript flaw.

    Mozilla and the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team urged users to mitigate the vulnerability by disabling JavaScript in Firefox.
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    My bitch, my best buddy Brandon has been in and out of home since he got kicked out. Got into a nasty fight with his mom and she tried to choke him. He kicked in his bedroom door and it came off the hinges.

    He had been with a girl who already had a kid and they were going to stay together, now he broke up with her and is with another one.

    We all think he got her pregnant and we all don't know what to do, I'm hoping she's not... hes 16 and still in a remedial school and my best friend.

    Man, I'm worried sick about him.

    I might get to see him on friday if all goes right and really talk shi* out.


    I've also been having home problems. Been lying to my mom about homework and got into some serious trouble with the cops. Got it sorted except for homework. I'm trying to catch up so I don't repeat the 10th grade.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Don't make me come over there and put a whoopin' on you! Just get your ducks in a row and keep 'em there buddy ;)
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Hang in there for your friend. And learn when to party and when you need to study. Just takes a little discipline to achieve that balance. Sometimes it means you're home alone studying /homeworking while buddies are out partying. Sure beats repeating a grade tho!
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    a note to ye,do not tailgate a woman,reason she's a bad shot...

    Woman allegedly pulls out a handgun and shoots at the tires of a tailgator

    HARRISON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) - A woman who told authorities she was fed up with tailgaters pulled out a gun and shot at the tires of a pickup that got too close, police said. Officials believe the bullet missed the pickup, and no one was hurt. Bernadette Headd, 39, was in rush-hour traffic Wednesday in suburban Detroit when the pickup pulled behind her, police said.

    Headd changed lanes and fired one round from a 9 mm handgun, police said. The driver followed her and flagged down a deputy, who stopped her and found the weapon.

    "She said she was tired of people tailgating her," Macomb County Sheriff Mark Hackel said.

    Headd, who had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm from a vehicle and use of a firearm during a felony.

    She was ordered held on $50,000 bond.

  12. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Thats why I don't carry firearms with me...I would not have been shooting at the tires...

    Tailgaters...You are risking the well being of the person you tailgate...BACK-OFF...There is No Excuse for doing it...
  13. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I hate cars cant drive them but mom tought me 2 thigns abotu driving 1 stay at the least a cars length away from the car in front of you in this day and age drive defensively!!
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  15. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Neph, the cop trouble wasn't that serious... but it got me a nice fine.

    I guess I'll tell.

    I had smoked up the night before and after cleaning out my pipe I was too blazed to get up and put it back and threw it in my pocket just so it wouldn't be laying on my floor(parents don't care but it pays to be careful.)

    But I wasn't careful enough and put the same pants on the next day cause I woke up late. It fell out of my pocket in the locker room after gym and the teacher saw it.

    I was lucky to get off with just a fine for drug paraphernalia. $109 which I paid out of my own money and a months grounding for getting caught.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm no pothead or druggie. I've never tried hard drugs(crack, dust, meth,) and I never will. I get high once or twice a month, luck permitting.

    And the home work situation is improving by far. I fell to a D+ average but brought it back up to a B-.

    So no ass whooping needed Neph :)

    EDIT: I'm still missing a few assignments and such but I've been getting them in almost all at once now :)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  16. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    No real complaint today my new job is going well although I don't like getting up at six to go to work it is good to get off at 2 instead of working nights like I did with my old job.

    Plus I got to pick my own schedule when I got hired which is awesome considering most places say "Hey you want to work for us? Good while here is your shift" and you don't get a say in what your hours are.
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    dude getting up at 6 should be easy if you worked 1 shift at the place i work and you were working OT you would be getting up about 3 or 3:30 am , so feel lucky getting up at 6 lol
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    now this sure is a bitch

    Microsoft to charge for Daylight Saving hotfixes for older products
    Posted by Mary Jo Foley @ 10:52 am Categories: Windows server, Corporate strategy, Office, Exchange Server, App Compatibility
    5 votes Worthwhile?

    March 11, the new date on which Daylight Saving Time (DST) will take effect in the U.S. and a growing number of other countries, is fast approaching. And Microsoft is working overtime to get the message out that users need to patch a bunch of their Microsoft products, from Exchange Server, to Windows Mobile, in order to head off date-change headaches.

    There's one bit of DST fine print that Microsoft isn't sharing quite so readily, however. (I discovered it by wading through a slide deck that Microsoft is providing to analysts to get them up-to-speed on the company's DST guidance.)

    Page 20 of the deck mentions that Microsoft has decided, due to the number of customers and products affected by the DST 2007 changes, to "amend the regular Extended Hotfix support program." If you need to patch older Microsoft products that already have moved from "Mainstream" to "Extended" support phase, Microsoft will give you a chance to buy the hotfixes you need — for $4,000.

    Microsoft explains:

    "For products that have entered into the Extended Support phase, Microsoft will provide customers with the opportunity to purchase the DST 20007 hotfix at a reduced price of Four Thousand Dollars (US $4,000). Customers will only be charged a single fee of $4,000 to obtain all hotfixes, for products in Extended Support phase, needed to update their systems for DST 2007.

    "For customers who have previously purchased DST 2007 hotfixes for products in Extended Support, Microsoft will reimburse the difference to them under the new pricing category."

    A Microsoft spokesman said that the $4,000 price represents a substantial discount.

    "Originally, all the out-of-support patches were $40,000 each. However, we realized this hardship and lowered the price to $4,000 for ALL THE DST PATCHES for our customers best interest. The $4,000 is to just cover costs," he said.

    Windows Server 2000, Exchange Server 2000, Outlook 2000 and a number of other Microsoft products are currently in the Extended Support phase. The full list of Microsoft products affected by DST 2007 changes is here.

    List of products affected by daylight saving time
    Product Family No Update Needed Update Available
    Windows Server Windows Server 2003 SP1
    Windows Server 2003
    Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 4
    Windows Embedded for Point of Service
    Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
    Windows Client Windows Vista Windows XP Home SP2
    Windows XP Professional SP2
    Exchange Server Exchange Server 2007 Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2
    Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1
    Exchange Server 2003 Lotus Notes Connector
    Exchange Server 2000
    Exchange Conferencing Server 2000
    Outlook Outlook 2007
    Outlook 2003
    Outlook 2002 (Outlook XP)
    Outlook 2000
    Windows SharePoint Services Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Windows SharePoint Services 2.0
    SQL Server Notification Services SQL Server 2005 Notification Services
    SQL Server 2000 Notification Services
    Office Live Meeting Office Live Meeting
    Dynamics CRM Dynamics CRM 3.0 (as of March 2007)
    Visual SourceSafe Visual SourceSafe 2005 and 6.0d
    Windows Mobile Windows Mobile
    Windows CE Windows CE-based devices
    Entourage Entourage
  19. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Thats probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard, MicroRich, I mean Micro$oft, charges you for them to fix something they broke? After you buy a $300-$3000+ operating system (~$300 for Windows XP Pro, more for the real business OS's)

    They expect you to pony up $4,000 to fix something that they probably broke on purpose just to get themselves more money?
  20. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    What else would you expect from them? Go Linux!
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