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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    My bitch of the night:

    I have an OCR I am messing with and the stupid program won't save the settings I change in the options! I click "Save settings" then type in a name (both without the extension and with it due to how I have my computer settings) and it won't save 'em.

    I wonder what I am doing wrong but can't find anything (so far) in the documentation or online. :(
  2. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    This is a subject that can be so argumentative, I've witnessed a lot of angry views on this subject on both sides, hey who are any one of us to say we are right or wrong, but thank god we have our opinions.

    I disagree at our society that has turned into milktoast when it comes to our kids, kill them with love and kindness, both you need of course, but there's a limit to everything, now when kids screw up its talk to them, take thier tv's games, pods, phones away for a day or two, yeah right.

    Ever since these psychiatrists and lawyers got into the picture with thier books a goofy analasys things went down hill fast, now you can holler at your kid and people will call the cops on you, how in the hell did it get so out of hand, hell I screwed up I got my ass beat, and I never got one I dind't deserve, next time I would plan a screw up I either did it smarter and don't get caught, if you did you knew what was coming.

    I never heard of sexual pretators when I grew up, and I don't want to hear it was kept silent, maybe it was from us kids, but knowing were I grew up if there was one in the nieghborhood it would have been taken care of by them in there own way and the cops probably looked the other way, Ive never seen it but I would bet on it.

    I went to a catholic school, I didnt know it at the time but the nasty almost happined to me once, I sensed something wasnt right, I told my Mom, she grabbed me by the hand and she rushed me to the rectory which was down the street, we found him, my Mom coal cocked him with one shot, man I was shocked, but boy was it funny, and everybody found out about it he stayed in embarrasment for the rest of the year and disapeared after that.

    Hey it was a tuff world back than, but I think it'tuffer today for the kids and I blame the parents for listining to all that Dr. Spock crap, without some obiedience, intergrety, honesty and care for your fellow man we will turn into a pagan society, its already in motion.

    And these predators who do they go after and have success with, the meek and the weak, and how did the kids get that way, with all that extra love and attention, and the pretators, torture the pricks than off with thier heads, I'll admit I was not a 100% law obiding citizin, when you get older you wise up, but anybody that hurts kids or older folks, death sentence period.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @FredBurn...you're right of course but incidents the likes of which Ireland posted are so over the line that I don't think anyone, even the most conservative on this issue, had to agree that its not only abuse but outright sadism. I too went to catholic schools (I didn't know anyone who wasn't catholic until I was 18!). I hung around with the priests all the time but fortunately I was never molested (I must have been an ugly kid LOL!) In later years, I found out that one of the priests I hung around with and went camping with abused some of my friends.

    When I was in the third grade, I was really hurt by a nun because I didn't know the roman numeral for 36. She grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed hard enough to damage the glands in my neck and she smashed my head in the desk repeatedly. I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. I didn't tell my parents because she was a "nun" and a third grader, particularly a very religious one, has their superstitions about such things. I did everything possible not to go to school. My parents when along for a couple of days because I'd just gotten out of the hospital and maybe still didn't feel good. I'm lucky I didn't kill myself ... day after day I would mix these nasty concoctions to make myself vomit so I didn't have to go to school...then my parents caught me. They went to the pastor of the parish and "Soeur Juliette-Marie" (we're frenchies) was never seen again. Catholic schools use to discipline kids and it was accepted (right or wrong there isn't relevant here) but a third grader doesn't know when that line has been crossed).
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA wins Golden Sh@t award,[​IMG]

    p2pnet.net news:- The Big 4 music cartel's RIAA has won the not-coveted Consumerist title, Worst Company In America 2007, reader poll.

    "We predicted an RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America)landlslide, but they only managed a 53.8% majority over Halliburton's 46.2%," says the Consumerist, going on:

    The message is clear. The internet cares deeply about being able to download music illegally.

    Congrats to you, oh RIAA! Your lucky golden shit trophy will be arriving at your headquarters shortly.

    The message is clear. The internet cares deeply about being able to download music illegally.

    But, "Wow," says winnabago in a comment post. "Talk about completely missing the point of the entire issue," going on:

    Ok, if you said it in jest, I get it. But the root of 99% of the hatred for the RIAA is outside of illegal downloading. DRM, extortion of college students, refusing to share profits with artists, locking out download services like eMusic, trusted computing, killing services like slingbox, buying contracts for emerging artists and shelving their music to prevent competition, the "easy settlement webpage", and the mindless drivel that many of their labels churn out.

    It's not about downloading, get that out of your head.

    Meanwhile, by way of reminder, it's March, the Boycott the RIAA month. In other words, leave out EMI (Britain), Vivendi Universal (France), Sony BMG (Japan and Germany) and Warner Music (US).

    Same for next month, and June, and, and ......

    Slashdot Slashdot it!

    Also See:
    Boycott the RIAA - It's March! RIAA boycott month!, March 1, 2007
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA Wins Worst Company In America 2007
    Posted by CowboyNeal on Thursday March 22, @11:09PM
    from the best-of-the-worst dept.
    It's funny. Laugh. Businesses
    An anonymous reader writes "After 15 punishing rounds of combat involving 32 of America's most hated companies, 100,000 voters have spoken: More hated than Halliburton, more despised than Walmart, the RIAA has defeated all comers to become the Worst Company in America 2007."

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007
  6. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    i'm sad to hear RIAA didn't get the double golden, i'm sure is comming to them sooner than later.
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    LMAO!!!! F the RIAA
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  8. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I hear ya gerry1, I wont even go there about our nuns, I would fill the next ten pages.
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @FredBurn..There is nothing more hysterical than a group of former catholic school guys having a few drinks and telling nun stories. Those who aren't catholic and unfamiliar with the experience are totally shocked and just can't understand why you're laughing instead of crying in your beer LOL!
  10. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    gerry1, lol, I know, I still have dreams about our Sister Rose, man she was like a marine medal of honor winner, I'll never forget her Octopus, it was a sawed off broom handle with 8 straps nailed on the end, but let me re-confirm, I never had a whoppin I didnt deserve, you knew what would come if you got cought lol, what I hated you could'nt tell your parents cause you would get your ass whooped again.
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Chatroom users 'egged on father to kill himself live on webcam'

    A father-of-two hanged himself live over the internet in Britain's first 'cyber suicide'.

    Kevin Whitrick, 42, took his life after being goaded by dozens of chatroom users from across the world who initially believed he was play acting.

    But as they watched in horror, Mr Whitrick climbed onto a chair,
    smashed through a ceiling and then hanged himself with a piece of rope.

    Kevin Neil Whitrick, 42, was found dead by police in Wellington, after being alerted by a web user who is thought to have watched in horror as the man harmed himself

    Stunned by what they had witnessed - broadcast on a popular chatroom website used by millions of people across the globe - chatroom users immediately contacted the police.

    Officers rushed to the electrician's home in the Wellington area of Shropshire within minutes, smashing down the door to try to save him.

    Kevin Whitrick had two 12-year-olds who he visited regularly
    But despite their efforts to save him, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

    Last night it emerged that Mr Whitrick had been suffering from depression after being badly injured in a car crash last year.

    Friends said that the breakdown of his marriage with wife, Paula - with whom he had 12-year-old twins - and the recent death of his father had also been causing him some distress.

    Mr Whitrick told users of web-chat site PalTalk what he was going to do two hours before he killed himself on Wednesday night.

    He was logged on with around 50 other users to a special "insult" chatroom where people "have a go at each other".

    Today distraught users of the site said that they felt sick and had previously thought the web broadcast was a hoax.

    They confirmed Mr Whitrick told friends in the internet chat room of his plans to kill himself but, thinking he was joking, they egged him on telling him to make sure the his webcam was on.

    Mr Whitrick, using the user-name Shyboy-17-1, switched on his webcam and went ahead with his grisly plan.

    One anonymous user said: "He tied a rope around an uncovered ceiling joist and stood on the chair as he tied the rope around his neck.

    "Some of us chatroom users, talking to Kevin over text chat, microphones and video tried to convince him to step down, but others egged him on telling him to get on with it.

    "We just couldn't believe he was doing it - it was surreal.

    "One chatter said: 'F***ing do it, get on with it, get it round your neck. For F***'s sake he can't even do this properly'."

    Another user who did not wish to be named said: "When Kevin stepped off the chair and was left dangling, the mood in the chatroom changed and people began to realise what they had just seen.

    "We started asking if anyone knew where he lived and saying they should contact the police.

    "I think someone contacted the police in their local area but sadly no one could get to him in time."

    Shortly after, moderators on the site closed the feed from Kevin's webcam.

    'Considerate and kind'

    Mr Whitrick had been living in his flat, a converted house, after splitting from his wife Paula two years ago.

    The couple, who married in 1988, had 12-year-old twins Lewis and Melissa who live with their mother in a three-bedroom, semi-detached home close by.

    They are said to have visited their dad, who worked at family firm RMW electrical services in Shrewsbury, at weekends. His older brother Malcolm Whitrick is an associate director at Shrewsbury Town Football Club.

    Kevin Whitrick's sparse profile on the paltalk website
    Last night Mrs Whitrick said: "Kevin was a loving father and family man. He was always the life and soul of the party, an extremely considerate and kind person and loved by many, he will be so sadly missed by us all.

    "Unfortunately Kevin had a very serious car accident in July 2006 and had never fully recovered back to full health."

    Mr Whitrick's stepmother Betty Whitrick, 74, told the Mail: 'Kevin was a bubbly kind of person, full of fun. I just don't know why he would do this.

    "He lived alone but he always cheerful when I saw him. I knew he was very into computers and he also used to like playing bowls."

    Detective Chief Inspector Jon Groves who is leading the investigation said: "Our enquiries to date have revealed that Mr Whitrick was using a chat room with a number of other people at the time of his death.

    "We are liasing with the internet service provider at this time to contact other users who were online at the time of this incident and who may have information that could assist our enquiries.

    "We are also working to ensure that witness support facilities are available to those who may have been affected by what they saw."

    Sharon Atwal, who works in a cornershop opposite Mr Whitrick's flat, described him as "subdued" the last time she saw him.

    She said: "Every night he'd take eight cans of Boddington's bitter from the fridge and re-stock it with the cans from the shelf. He always seemed quite cheerful.

    "On Wednesday night, though, he didn't seem himself and it was the first night that he did not re-stock the fridge. It was as if he knew he wouldn't be coming back.

    "He always struck me as very happy, he was friendly and had two perfect kids. I cannot believe he has done this."

    Her brother Bobby added: "Kevin has lived in the flat for the past year and I have seen him every day without fail.

    "Last week, he told me about his chat room. He was excited and said he had set it up himself. He said he had been speaking to people in Australia on his webcam.

    "His two children used to visit at weekends. He had a very good relationship with them and always gave them lots of money to buy sweets."

    The case appears to echo that of Brandon Vedas, a 21 year-old from Phoenix, Arizona, who committed suicide online using a mix of alcohol and prescription medication.

    In that case people in the chat room egged the young man on, while others tried desperately to find his address.

    Local MP for the Wrekin, Mark Pritchard, said: "This is a very sad and rare incident. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

    "It is important that the use of the internet in this death is fully investigated."

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007
  12. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    my bitch: auslander is a jerk. i hate him. :p
  14. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    YOU GOT THE RIGHT! Oh wait did I just post that? LOL!

    Just Kiddin Mate!
  15. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I have a bitch.

    I had to use my favorite Johnny the Homicidal Maniac shirt to soak up a ton of blood squirting out of a teenage girl's head after her friend tried to run over a transfomer in their car. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt which caused her to crater the windshield with her head and face. The geniuses did it right in front of my house so I was one of the first there and the only one with enough sense to try and stop all the damn blood pouring out her face instead of running around calling 911 like the 15 other bystanders doing the same thing.

    I had to wait and wait and wait for the paramadics to get her strapped up and on the wagon before I could get my friggin shirt back.
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    JtHM rocks. i've got all the comics in my desk back in the dorm. (i need to give them back to ash. >.> )

    good job, though, neph. it sounds like no one else said it, so....

    ....thanks, not just for bein' a man, but bein' a good man. society doesn't give a rat's cancer-swollen ass, but i still feel gratitude.
  17. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Neph, just soak the shirt with luke-warm water, use some shampoo on it, let soak for a few hours, then toss it in the laundry *or hand wash it*.
    Should get it all out just fine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  18. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    My sisters boy friend is a swat medic and he uses this stuff called Simple Green to get the blood stains off his uniform.

    He says he soaks it in a tub of water and Simple Green for about 15 minutes then washes it. He says 4 parts water 1 part Simple Green.
  19. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    You're right Aus, Johnny's a great comic. I have all first printings bagged and boarded.

    I don't know about people these days. At the wreck, I came up to the driver side first so I checked on the driver. She was okay because she'd worn her seatbelt but while I was checking on her there were two guys on the other side just watching the one who got banged up crawl out of the car and lay on the sidewalk. Not because I didn't want to (obviously) but I shouldn't have been the one to offer up my shirt because those two guys saw how bad off she was way before I did but they just stood there like a couple of lumps. I said a few words to the driver then went around to the other girl and knelt down beside her to see how bad she was and that's when I could see her head was leaking pretty bad. Those two dumbasses weren't going to do anything to stop the bleeding so there went Neph pulling off one his favorite shirts..................

    Thanks for the tips Fiend. The shirt made it fine. As soon as I got it off the sidewalk I ran across the street and tossed in in the washer on cold :)

    And for the record everyone - Toyota Paseo's don't fare well against large transformers and noggins don't fare well against safety glass!

    *Edit - I take waaaaay too long to type :p

    Doremis, Simple Green is awesome stuff but I never thought to use it on blood. I'll remember that.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007
  20. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    That is what they use at the station! They are suppose to have their uniform's spic and span and when they are busting caps in people they are going to run into some blood.
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