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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Gwen, that is certainly frustrating and I agree. I don't assist in the computer forums because savvy, I'm not but I do help out in the receiver/amplifier forums and,despite the fact that its nowhere near as busy as the forums, I still see it with some regularity. Another member named JVC and I have discussed our frustration with this...we've seen "advice" that could damage some rather expensive equipment. Since such posts are made more as a matter of ego than knowledge and a want to help, contradicting the erroneous poster often leads to flaming. When this happens, I usually PM the guy with the question explaining that the guy is wrong and explain why he's wrong. I've never had an occasion where they weren't grateful for this type of interjection.
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Domeris...hey kiddo! When did you make "addict" status? ...CONGRATULATIONS! The forums I help out in aren't all that busy so I'll be older than God before making addict status LOL! Anyway, congrats!!!
  3. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Drag racer Medlen dies of injuries.
    Last Updated: March 24, 2007, 10:02:36 AM PDT

    The last time Eric Medlen came home to Oakdale, he stayed in a motel.
    There was no way the drag racer was going to get any rest staying at his mom's house, where so many friends and relatives were calling or visiting.
    "Of course, everyone wanted to be around him," family friend Kim Bacigalupi said. "Eric was a great guy."
    Referring to Medlen in the past tense is going to take getting used to for thousands of friends, family members and fans.
    Medlen, 33, died in a Gainesville, Fla., hospital Friday from injuries suffered Monday during a test run in his National Hot Rod Association Funny Car.
    An official cause and Medlen's estimated speed haven't been released, but the accident happened toward the end of the quarter-mile run.
    Medlen never regained consciousness after crashing at Gainesville Raceway, where his car turned suddenly into the right guardrail toward the end of his quarter-mile run.
    He was flown to Shands at the University of Florida medical center and underwent at least four surgeries, but doctors said they were unable to relieve the pressure in his head.
    Dr. Joseph Layon, professor of anesthesiology, surgery and medicine and the chief of critical care medicine at the university, said in a statement that Medlen suffered from a diffuse axonal injury, which has a very low survival rate.
    "Despite receiving the most aggressive treatment, Eric continued to have uncontrollable intracranial pressure," Layon said. "His body lost the ability to manage its salt and water levels, and he began displaying the complicating factors associated with" diffuse axonal injury.
    This was Medlen's fourth year as an NHRA driver. Medlen was a member of the John Force Racing team for eight years before becoming a driver.
    He was a clutch and supercharger specialist, then won six national events in three years behind the wheel.
    Funeral arrangements haven't been announced.
    Medlen was single. He didn't have any children.
    A photo tribute to Medlen has been posted at www.nhra.com, including a shot of the driver celebrating his last victory with his crew chief, father John Medlen.
    That win came Oct. 15 in Dinwiddie, Va., after Eric Medlen set a track record with a 4.796-second run at 303.09 miles per hour in the semifinals.
    Another picture on the Web site was of Medlen talking to rodeo champion Jerold Camarillo of Oakdale, who was like a father to Medlen.
    The two were preparing to hit the rodeo circuit as team ropers in 1996 when Medlen was offered a chance to be a crew member on Force's team, where his father worked.
    "Today was a real shocker. I wanted so much for him to come out of this thing. I felt like his whole life, after he was done racing, he was going to come back and rope with me," Camarillo said. "He always had a rope sack for team ropes and a rope can for his calf ropes. His ropes are still in my tack room. I'm going to miss him."
    Oakdale was where Medlen came to relax. After spending the day roping and riding at Camarillo's ranch during the summer, Medlen won the Fram Autolite NHRA Nationals at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma.
    Medlen demonstrated his rodeo skills for Force and his daughters, who appear on the A&E reality series "Driving Force." Camarillo said Force knew Medlen had been a roper but had no idea how good he was.
    Camarillo said Medlen understood the dangers of drag racing, where he could hit a speed of 330 mph in a quarter-mile. Medlen loved the sport, though, and Camarillo thought he could have been one of the all-time greats.
    "Drag racers are kind of like bull riders," Camarillo said. "Riders today don't have long life expectancy. They ride the toughest bulls. Eric drove the fastest cars. This is what they want.
    "Some people are lucky. They go through their whole life. Look at John Force. He's lived through a lot of wrecks. Eric didn't feel no pain."
    Like Camarillo, Force often said Medlen was like the son he never had. The 14-time Funny Car champion repeated that sentiment in a statement Friday.
    "He was the leader of my next generation of drivers," said Force, 57. "(Driver) Robert Hight, my daughter Ashley and I were with the family throughout this very difficult time. This loss is a huge blow not only to the Medlen family, but to drag racing and to John Force Racing."
    Medlen grew up in Oakdale and graduated from Oakdale High. Lifelong friend Tony Bacigalupi, 20, said he thought Medlen would pull through.
    Sitting at the family-owned H-B Bar on Friday afternoon, Bacigalupi remembered buying a horse from Medlen, Medlen taking him to ride go-karts and Bacigalupi taking Medlen snowmobiling when he was home for Christmas last year.
    "He was always telling jokes," Bacigalupi said. "He was never serious until it came time to race. It hasn't totally hit me that he's not going to be around."
    Tony Bacigalupi and Camarillo purchased tickets Thursday night to fly to Florida, hoping to be there in two weeks. That's how long doctors had planned to keep Medlen in a medically induced coma to allow the swelling in his head to subside.
    "My biggest thrill was the first time he ... won his first race" in 2004, Camarillo said. "I was so happy for him. At Sonoma last year, I was so happy and proud of him. It was such an accomplishment. The cowboy from Oakdale does good."

    To comment, click on the link with this story at www.modbee.com. Bee staff writer Kelly Jones can be reached at kjones@modbee.com or 578-2300.


    Oakdale is about 15 minutes outside Modesto...It is where my brother Doctor Bob lives...Eric was one of the area's local heroes...Most of John Forces's Crew is from Oakdale...A recent episode of "Driving Force" was filmed their...It is a Very Sad Day...
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    My prayers for his family.

    Racing in any form is dangerous. I was into go karts for a while. But I quit racing competitively after my buddy John got into a crash that paralyzed his left leg completely. I didn't want to end up like him.

    Someone sticky this thread!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2007
  5. xxteakxx

    xxteakxx Regular member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Exactly, except what frustrates me more is when people answer with a different question to ask the topic starter. Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about. The thread starter will be named A while The replier will be named B.

    Kinda makes you wonder on how desperate people can be.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    My bitch...it's time to start cleaning out the pool. I might as well throw money into a blender and drink it...or buy a boat.
  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I'd buy a boat. Lol.
  8. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Having to go into work on a Sunday night for 3 hrs to listen to a bunch of b/s that has no relevance to me at all!! Really screws up my days off up!
  9. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Having 5 tests in one day! Having homework that takes up 18 hours of your weekend
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Undeterred by Blu-ray hacks, Sony unveils yet another cipher for DRM

    By Jeremy Reimer | Published: March 25, 2007 - 07:55PM CT

    Sony announced late last week that they have invented a new encryption mechanism known as "CLEFIA," a block cipher algorithm designed to help content producers deliver "advanced copy protection" with their products. The name comes from a play on the French word clef, which means "key." We can't help but snicker, given that it has been key-sniffing that has been undoing DRM as of late.
    Related Stories

    * FTC finally settles with Sony BMG over rootkit

    CLEFIA is aimed at portable electronics and home entertainment products, and can be applied to music, images, or even video. The big claim from Sony is that CLEFIA has "sufficient immunity against known cryptanalytic attacks," yet it has relatively low hardware requirements. The company plans to formally present the CLEFIA algorithm at the Fast Software Encryption 2007 conference in Luxembourg.

    Sony claims that the new algorithm is extremely efficient; when implemented in hardware, it can achieve a maximum throughput of 1.42 Gbps using a 0.09 micrometer CMOS standard cell library and gate size of 6.1K, which Sony says is a new record for hardware gate efficiency.

    The idea is to make it possible to implement the protection as a relatively inexpensive hardware component for media playback devices. Software implementations are also possible, and Sony claims that they will achieve "high speed performance on a wide variety of processors," although the company declined to give specific figures.

    Block ciphers are a common cryptographic tool used in many existing algorithms, including the US government encryption standard DES—a variant of which has been used to serve secure web pages—and its replacement, AES. Unlike simple ciphers that translate a character at a time, block ciphers encrypt entire blocks of text at once, using a secret key which can be of varying lengths. CLEFIA uses a block size of 128 bits, and can be configured to use keys of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
    Theory versus praxis

    So are Sony's claims of the cipher being "immune" to attacks real or just marketing? Block ciphers can be made resistant against garden variety brute-force attacks simply by using longer key lengths. The length of the key required to prevent these attacks continues to increase as CPUs get faster—key lengths of 80 bits were once considered completely secure, but today 128 bit keys are commonly used by applications such as web browsers for SSL.

    Yet brute-force is rarely the method by which DRM schemes are cracked. Most approaches attempt to capture the keys directly, either by scanning a computer's memory while it is playing back the movie with a software player, or capturing it while it is transit from the optical drive to the computer by sniffing the data going through a USB cable. The AACS copy protection used on Blu-ray and HD DVD discs, for example, has already been broken in this way, although the specification anticipated this occurring and allows for compromised keys to be revoked at a future date.

    CLEFIA will not magically make future content protection "unhackable," although it may make it cheaper to add copy protection to more types of devices, which is really what Sony is going for here.

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2007
  11. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    For years I purchased nothing but Sony products, ever since they pulled the rootkit scam I never bought anything sony again and never will, sony can kiss my little skinny lilly white ass.
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RIAA Says Accused Students Are Settling
    Posted by kdawson on Sunday March 25, @09:34PM
    from the cheap-at-half-the-price dept.
    Music The Courts
    As we've been reporting, the RIAA has been offering settlements to college students suspected of sharing music online. Reader Weather Storm notes that more than a quarter of the alleged music pirates have accepted the RIAA's offer. Quoting: "...an attorney Ohio University arranged to meet with its students... said $3,000 is the standard settlement offer, though cases have settled for as much as $5,000."

  13. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I'm going to a local tech school when I get out. They'll let me take only just the one class I want. Sweet... no finding me *devilish grin at RIAA*
  14. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    @Those stories:
    Damn bitch! I can't believe she did that to her adopted kids, but it's not the first time I've heard of child abuse from step parents. I hope that bitch rots in Hell for the shit she put those kids through!

    Damn those bastards on that Web chat! Those fuckers should have taken that guy's suicide more seriously instead of egging him on. It's what pisses me off about the internet; anonymity makes people irresponsible for the well-being of others. What pisses me off the most was that he was a generally nice guy; he loved his kids, he didn't hurt anybody, and he was a decent member of society. He wasn't in a right state of mind most likely after his crash. Damn those snuff-loving shit wads!!

    It also sucks for that drag-racer. Never really heard of him, so I can't comment much on that.

    Good job on doing a civic duty; nothing more infuriating than when a bunch of jackasses just watch as someone is in serious help. Granted, if the girl was dumb enough to not wear a seatbelt while trying a dumb-ass stunt like that, then it would be kinda hard not to just let her be >:D

    @Sony & RIAA:
    fusk YOU!
  15. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Thanks mate... I don't even know. LOL, I logged on at School today and noticed it. The area I hang out in is the game console area so the post just keep flowing in. Where are you usually out besides the safety value?
  16. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Time for a new userbar Domreis ;)
  17. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Awww.. I haven't even thought of that.
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Domeris...I'm usually in the home theater/amplifiers forum and sometimes displays but my knowledge in displays is limited but there are some things I can help with. They don't get nearly the kind of traffic that the games forums do so I'll probably be a senior forever LOL! ....doesn't matter though; it's not like one gets paid for the promotion LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2007
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    who wants Adobe CS3 to do there pix's.. i know i will stick with cs2..

    Adobe CS3 ships next month

    p2pnet.net news:- Adobe Systems' Creative Suite 3 (CS3) aimed at print designers, multimedia editors and web designers, is now out in six editions.

    Estimated price for CS3 Design Standard is $1,200 and for the Premium version, $1,800, says ZDNet UK.

    Web editions $1,000 or $1,600, and the CS3 Production Premium is $1,700.

    And the Master Collection, "the most comprehensive package," is $2,500, says the story.

    "It's kind of like the Super Bowl," the Mercury News has Adobe's John Loiacono saying. "It's our largest product launch in 25 years of business."

    And Creative Suite has several competitors, observes the story, continuing, "As Adobe expands in video software and publishing on Apple's Mac operating system, it competes with Apple's own video products, including Final Cut Pro and iLife. On Windows, Microsoft plans to release Expression Studio, a lower-cost competitor to many Adobe design and development products, during the second quarter."

    And, "Microsoft is very scrappy," it has Trip Chowdhry, managing director at Global Equities Research, stating, "they can freeze the market if they say that it's coming, and it's coming at half the price of Adobe's products."

    The Design and Web editions will start shipping next month, while the Production Premium and Master Collection editions will ship this summer, says ZDNet, quoting Loiacono.

    People can also buy individual applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Flash.
  20. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I know I will to. Regardless of price, I won't be switching (cos let's face it, I'm hardly going to pay for it, now am i?! ;-P

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