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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    this is what it says,at the start of the thread

    Where Did All The Old Timers Go ? Also Say A Good Morning Or Afternoon Or A Good Evening Or A Good Night Thread

    from what ye posted i can read the writing on the wall..

    i am in a bad mood,as my bride has to go in the hospital tomorrow..
    good night,and over and out
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2007
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    but not 2 or 3 copies of the same post in 2 or 3 different threads all the time. your tech news posts goto your "*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info,Vista" not into "Where Did All The Old Timers Go ? Also Say A Good Morning Or Afternoon Or A Good Evening Or A Good Night Thread". if you are going to do that than decide which thread is to get everything, retitle it & we'll close the others so people don't post into them by mistake.
  3. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Now that's what I call a good bitch..
    I saw the start of this rumbling a few nights ago on IRC.. I'm naming no names, they can own up for hitting the button themselves if they choose.
    Suffice to say, for a change it wasn't me reporting anything.

    When I saw a comment about this elsewhere I thought ireland was pissed about nobody replying to any of his posts.. Be assured I read those that I have an interest in, and if I can think of something I try to at least make a funny comment about the content.. It's not nice feeling like you are posting into thin air... A common feeling in the console areas....
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i got up to check on me bride,and decided to check the site..as my computer is always on..

    i'm on his shit list. take a look in safety valve.

    ddp,i am not pissed off at ye,but i am pissed off of those that had no blue balls to pm me with there complaint..and taking it off site..
    as far as i am concerned they are lower then whale crap
    for all i care,close them all....as i will no longer support them..
    meaning no more info on vista or downloads or news...

    good luck to ye all
  5. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I hope everything is ok,and as a mod I am sure even you understand threads need to go to the right forum :X

    a forum can only withstand so much randomness befor no one can find their way around 0-o my god I now know why I cant find anythign in my head its a mess!!
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    ireland.. a little FYI.. It wasn't like any sort of big discussion about it, just a comment between two mods. 2 lines at most.

    Now what goes on in the mods lounge I don't know, and to be honest I don't really want to know what they get up to in that den of iniquity. I'm sure it's dubious to say the least, knowing what they like to talk about.

    I haven't really taken much notice of what and where you have been posting things (I get confused which day it is) though it does seem to spread about a bit.. TBH I can't comment on whether there have been duplicate posts or not.. haven't gone searching..
    Surely it's better to keep things in the threads they belong to.. easier to find and such.. rather than them being scattered all over.
    I'm a regular of both the news and the vista threads because I like to keep up with things.. I didn't used to care but you got me interested in things like new releases, patches and faulty M$ updates.. What am I supposed to do with my reading time if you stop posting those huge articles (I know.. bugger off somewhere else and read it).. Maybe it was handled wrong? Don't have an opinion... being a member of the team that's between you and the moderators to sort out. If you are anything like me you only look at pm's every few days...
    Anyway.. what I wanted to say I have.. don't go abandoning us news hungry fools.. we need our daily fix..

    Hope everything is ok and a swift recovery and best wishes to all.. (I'm not good with this stuff sorry...)

  7. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I never posted a bitch on this thread but always enjoy reading it till now, so I quess I'll post one now.

    I enjot the hell out of AD, I've been on other treads that mostly suck, but this really puts a bad taste in my mouth, and of course this is just my opinion, you know before I would ever pm a mod. you would probably have to threaten my family or something, even than I would ask for your address to take care of it myself, but to pm mods for silly things that really gets my goat, I mean isn't that like 2nd grade stuff, poeple snitching on one another, come on grow up.

    I can just see it now, oh mister moderator, he hurt my feelings oh boo whoo now I need an anti-depressant mister mod man, come on people let the mods do thier job, they can see problem posts right away, they know what to do.

    I wish my life was so uncomplicated that my big problem of the day was to pm a moderator, please people don't ruin AD for me and probably many other people by bieng snitches and cry babyies.

    Ireland was right, if you had an issue pm the guy, I mean whats the worst that can happin, he might reply back and say, hey don't like it kiss my behind, eehh, I can live with that, or he just might say ok, got your point, sorry, now was that hard.
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Ireland now you know how i felt when i was made to change my sig even though it wasn't breaking the rules, being it had to be someone that whined about it. i mean come on all they had to do was PM me. so the next sig i see that is drug related its going down too!!

    one thing for sure the SV could use a good cleaning up!!!and what should be done is before you can open a thread in the SV a mod should have to OK it
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    - i agree 100% (don't take it all personally Ireland). I personally have to scroll thru 99% of them especially the long-winded ones, i've always got far too much to do, my poor old brain is far too busy for all this

    - I agree very strongly with not being able to withstand randomness (again this is aimed at a few people, and again, see my other quotes)... If i want random i'll chat with friends or read the newspaper or mooch around the internet, my poor old mouse wheel has to work overtime scrolling thru so much forgettable stuff

    - this is aimed primarily at some of our older members. For instance, no-one minds the odd 'how are you' in a thread, as long as it's within a post (and a rare occurrence). You will note very very few posts of mine that are random and purely 'chatty'. I'm 'sort of older', and like a random chat as much as the next person. HOWEVER in the right place, NOT on (very) public forums. Good Grief, try to do the 3rd person on this...imagine you go to a brand new site you've never visited before, looking for techie help, from a google search for instance. Imagine how you'd feel, (probably struggling enough with the in's and out of computers as it is) only to fall upon a thread full of mindless chatter. Not a good impression (see my comment further down re cdfreaks). Note how easy it is to end up at Afterdawn from a google search, so we get a lot of newcomers every day, imagine the bad impression so many people must get....

    These quotes are from the recent "what does it take to become a AfterDawn Addict ?" thread -

    - so people don't like reporting idiocy/rule breaking etc. There are posters who think it's silly and petty. Well guess what, i disagree, and not because i'm one of the idiots who has to clean up the crap. I was a normal poster here once, and even when i first joined, my feelings on all the things i've posted in the reply, were the same, i didn't want to read thru threads and have to put up with idiocy/profanities/childish banter/etc etc etc. Yet some of you bleat, cry, p**s and moan about rules/'injustices' apparently done to you, ie sig rules etc etc etc. GROW UP for goodness sake. If you can't cope, get off the computer, go outside and enjoy the fresh air, talk to yourselves if it helps, but stop cluttering up the forums with mind-numbing idiocy. The kiddies in the console forums are bad enough, but seeing these things in 'adult' forums gets my goat. I was away from AD for 3months, only to come back and see the same old crap.

    (the 'crap going on' mentioned here is random chatting btw)

    - i'm now out of steam, and some of you will still p**s and moan as if the world's coming to an end. At the end of the day, if you need to chat endlessly, go do it in a pub or something, keep it off these forums. We usually tolerate the odd thread full of mindless crap in case it keeps most the idiocy off other threads/forums, but it doesn't work, and there are posters here with way too much free time on their hands, both to post crap and to moan when their 'freedom' is threatened. When i first came to AD (and thru the following year) I used to have far too much free time so used to be all over the forums, but not with mindless chatter, i put my fingers to good use, ie helping people and reporting all the crap i stumbled across along the way. I wouldn't sift thru endless crap off people at work while dealing with techie problems, nor do i like reading thru thread/helping in threads, to have to step over so much crud along the way.

    /rant over
  10. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Creaky told me that you walk in, theres old skanky carpet, you press the button on the coffee machine that says "out of order on it", and the machine lifts up uncovering a doorwar into the REAL mods lounge, where creaky rests, puts his feet in the hot tub, sips margaritas served by beautiful women, and gets massages also by beautiful women.

    creaky, i feel for you mate. Your hard work and situation doesnt go unnoticed, dunno about anyone else, and im not brown nosing, but you and ddp and dRD, are the most respected by ME....and assume by other people.

    *thumbs up*

    P.S....@ ireland. I have no idea where any of that came from, i mustve missed a page of this thread, but i for one enjoy your hot news posts ireland, and everything you post, but you just have to put yourself in the place of the mods i suppose. I dont participate in any of the other safety valve threads so i dont actually know how many times you post the same things. In your defence though, i will add that sometime you just post links to a post in another thread... not actually posting pages and pages of the news in different threads.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  11. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I am sure if I step out of line I will have my arse handed to me wif a note on it saying what I did :X

    in any case all the mods do great work keep up the good work ^^
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    My bitch du jour is that the "Old timers....say good morning, afternoon or evening thread" was closed; and we were having so much fun there. Ireland "laws" were hysterical and people were indeed using it to say good morning, afternoon or evening. I liked that thread.

    Edit: I only just read the above remarks and I couldn't disagree more. When I first came to afterdawn, I was drawn into the "safety valve" by gear79 because we should "play" in the receivers / amplifiers forum. I give my two cents worth in those forums for which I have some knowledge to share but part of what attracted me (and I'm sure others) to AD was that there was both work and play and that "play" was brought to the appropriate place to keep the threads on track. Who got off topic more and made us laugh more than gear79 in the safety valve then we complain that things aren't as much fun as they use to be??? Who cares if certain threads go a bit adrift? That thread was one of the more popular, it always stayed in use and didn't just drift away like so many; at 67 pages and counting, members must have been having a good time (for a change) only to have it axed.

    Some of Ireland articles are way over my head and there is no sense in my reading them. I have this nifty mouse with a little scroll wheel on it that lets me get past that article really quickly and without a great deal of effort. When I did undertand the articles, they were extremely helpful to me when I don't understand them, well, there I go with that little wheel thing again!

    Lord, this place use to be so much fun. Now its about as much fun as a root canal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2007
  13. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    ireland, I normally don't say much about anything that goes on in these forums. I glean the good stuff and throw out the BS. I always look forward to the articles you post, no matter what thread. If it wasn't on the subject, I always considered it a bonus when it came from you. I'll keep reading where ever you post and keep enjoying what I read. You seem to have a good since of humor. Thanks for your articles. George
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I don't know; maybe its time for me to go too. Or maybe just lurk in the background somewhere.
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Gerry, this is the kind of thing i mean. No-one needs to feel the need to leave or go anywhere, but this isn't a drop-in centre, we can all be sociable and have fun, but surely without the endless chatting ?.

    Good job this isn't real life, otherwise i'd be p***ed off that my comments fall on deaf ears all the time. I'm only trying to make the place a bit more how it should be, as are the other mods, yet some of you take it all so personally. It's the internet people, it's not real, but we have to look out for the newcomers, who must think it's a gigantic instant messaging chatroom, we have enough of that in the kiddie's forums.
    Fun is fine, but certain 'fun' threads need more restraint from you all.. then we wouldn't have to close them then hand out handkerchiefs/provide counselling to all the mourners..

    (yes i'm a touch sarcastic there but as ever i wonder why i bother wasting my time on these forums). I'm off to use the rest of my day off doing something productive like fix one of my PC's that isn't playing ball. And do my chatting on MSN...
  16. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I'd like to see it reopened. It was the only thread I visited much in the safety valve and it had most of the members I know drop in at one time or another. Ireland kept things going as the MC and part of the charm was the broad assortment of things to be encountered. The safety valve is supposed to be a place for fun and even absurd posting at times. It's the moderators' privilege, but how do you go off topic in a thread where that is the flavor of the day?

    A thread for all topics including Where Did All The Old Timers Go ? Also Say A Good Morning Or Afternoon Or A Good Evening Or A Good Night Thread. Plus the occasional joke, interesting trivia and interesting tech happenings.
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thanks for the sermon; good bye.
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i'll leave it in ddp's hands, i've said my bit
  19. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Good bye cruel world. Maybe I'll catch you in another thread. Till then take care old pard.
  20. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    Thanks, for driving off another good member, too bad.
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