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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    damn i cant take a vacation for a bit without all hell breaking loose around here! I dont even know all of whats going on, but i can imagine it's the same crap we've seen before so i'll give my standard explination. here's the deal folks, sad but true, we cant make everyone happy all of the time so we wont bother trying. for years and years i've seen people whine and bitch about this thread or that thread being closed, well tough titty! the safety valve has never been "immune" to anything. the same rules apply there, we just tend to look the other way when it comes to retarded rambling on with the threads. the old timers will know we've been thru all this pointless crap many times, nothing will change, we'll still run the site the way WE see fit, and thats that. unfortunately, the majority does not rule here, so no matter how many people seem to love a particular thread, we'll kill it when we think we need to. within an hour someone will make a new one, then everyone will migrate to it, and all is happy in the land of aD. no amount of bitching, whining, nagging, pastering, begging, etc, etc is going to change it. however, a large contribution to the mods paypal accounts might have some effect, but i wouldn't hold my breath.
    dont get me wrong, i hate to see people leave, but they do it of their own free will, and we need to respect that. i've had countless friends (yes, i have friends believe it or not) vanish from aD over retarded messes like this one, and i'm sure i'll see more ride off into the sunset before it's all over. get over it, live and let live, we'll sweep up the corpses and spray the smelly stuff, sooner or later you'll forget all about it.
  2. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    What the hell did I miss? Things don't seem to be too rosy here. I think I'll stick to reading the "Other PC Hardware" threads. :(
  3. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    first things first, my bitch for today is the school shooting in Virginia, and finding out one of my cousins got seriously injured...
    FUBAR folks, FUBAR.

    As for what has apparently happened here...
    Well sweet baby jesus, i go off for half an evening to help a paranoid customer, and come in to find ddp has left, brandon and jack taking are taking vacations, and in all likelyhood, the sh*t has quite literally hit the fan...

    What the [expletives deleted] is this d@mn world coming to ?

    If anyone cares to fill me in on the details, please feel free to pm me, or gimme a shout on my IRC chan *listed in my sig*


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Well that would be me..the snitch is I. Started as a ribbing to herbsman, but after reentering the safety valve a day or two later and having to scroll through pages and pages of "news" in a "where are the old timers thread" I got fed up.

    Now this is aimed entirely at ireland and I apoligize if it seemed underhanded in anyway, but PM's would have got us no where...I assume you've whined and moaned via PM's to ddp and the rest of the mod team and admins here to get your way as usual. So where would a PM from me or any one else here at AD done any good.

    I completely agree with ddp...you have several threads, each of which very popular, here in the safety valve. Pick the right one to post your news. The answer is not to keep changing the thread title to cover your ass, that is just childish...making up the rules as you go. Everyone knows what the safety valve is and what it is for.

    When I hit that "offensive post" button I had no intention of running you (ireland) or ddp or anyone else away from the site, but just wanted the mods to do what should have been done along time ago. I don't want anyone to leave (well not anyone)...I've laughed at your jokes and pictures with everyone else here and enjoy them and your presence, but the loads of other BS that you post is insane.

    As for being off topic, I'm not innocent. I've taken threads way off topic before...even on purpose on occasion, just to see how far I could take it off topic before something was said. I guess toe'n the line is just a part of human nature.
    I think that is what he was trying to change...get some organization.

    I couldn't have said it better myself...let me choose what I want to read. When I open the "say good morning thread" I want to see someone saying good morning, not a story about how over priced rice is in China.

    The randomness of the posts would lessen the chance for everyone to get what they want....if you (ireland) have news post it in the news thread, if you have Vista news post it in the Vista thread. Make up your mind already, how many threads do you need? I'm not saying don't post the stuff, but post it where it belongs...I don't want to deny anyones right to read the news, but I don't want to read it in every thread that ireland posts in.
    More childish threats...
    There was no great conspiracy.

    See we don't want you (ireland) to go away.

    Irelands post from above...
    As I said earlier, what good do PM's do if the person in question is just going public with the private? And ireland and I have had disagreements in the past...I know how he operates.

    That is a great idea...might add a little more work for the mods though and by the looks of it AD is going to be a little short in the next few days/weeks/months whatever.

    That is alot of scrolling...

    The odd beam of light...(no offense intended)

    There are a few who don't mind scrolling through all the articles, but I'm here several times a day like many and get tired of scrolling when it isn't necessary.

    I give up....I'm not leaving, they will have to carry me out the door.

    I don't want ireland to leave, just do the right thing. I don't want ddp, creaky, gerry or anyone else to leave over this BS.

    The only reason I posted was to let everyone know who the bastard was.

    I know I probably won't be making any friends with this post and I'm not worried about that...just who are going to be my new enemies?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Scott, all i'll say it takes a real man to be honest and say it was him, i know you'll get what i mean by that.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I wasn't trying to be slick and sly by reporting, I just knew how the other avenues would have turned out. Keeping it between me and the mods was the best route, but since a coward was called out I thought I should stand up and take credit for what has happened.
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    I have not been here all day as I been at the hospital and still there,as I am using my lap-top computer To post this.from my car.

    Now this is aimed entirely at Ireland and I apologize if it seemed underhanded in anyway, but PM's would have got us no where...I assume you've whined and moaned via PM's to ddp and the rest of the mod team and admins here to get your way as usual. So where would a PM from me or any one else here at AD done any good.

    As I said earlier, what good do PM's do if the person in question is just going public with the private?

    any thing said to me in a pm is private

    And Ireland and I have had disagreements in the past...I know how he operates.

    no you don't

    I am going to show ye how well ye think ye know how I operates
    I did not pm a admin or a site mod.as they can verify that fact.

    99.9% of when I pm a site mod, is if I am giving a program away or talk to ddp About windows 98.and pm’s are far in between to those guys.

    And it’s a fact I do not go to the powers to complain about any one here or out side the site

    Did ye think to try a pm?

    Also it’s a fact if ye used the pm system we could of worked this out.

    p/s i for got this,its a fact ddp asked me to change the thread title..
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well, I've decided that I'm NOT going anywhere. I'm very fond of a number of people here and, despite claims to the contrary, they are indeed "real" and not mere words and names on a screen... it isn't imaginary people who email me or even call me at home. I'm always polite and respectful to everyone here but its foolish of me to expect the same in return.

    Regarding the safety valve, garmoon wrote (and I certainly agree):
    If garmoon's and my interpretation of the purpose of the safety valve is incorrect; if chatter has no place, then its purpose needs to be better defined and the forum description rewritten.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I'm glad you are sticking around gerry and I hope that ireland does too. ddp and creaky need to stick around as well. It is all of these diversities that makes afterdawn the great site that it is...just need to air things out everynow and then.
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    my reply edited out as can't say any more than i've said, in my previous replies.

    edit- Loco, i was never going anywhere, 'twas just my dry sense of humour leaking out :p
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Let's hope the same goes for the rest of the deserters.
  12. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    God Damn! This is my huge bitch! I am so f**king pissed!

    So as alot of you may know my XBOX died January 14th.
    M$ so far has sent me 4 refurbished consoles.
    I got the 4th console today, and was all gity because it actually turned on unlike the other 3. I then load all my settings, and throw gears of war into the drive. I then get a read disk error half way threw the load. I say thats weird so I try Crackdown. While Crackdown is loading I hear a weird noise coming from the disk drive so immediately remove the disk. I look the disk over and there are 4 or 5 rings etched into my game. I then look at gears of war, same thing. I was able to conclude that the 360 scratched my disks.

    I then call M$ and ask what the *bleep* is up. The lady replied replied "oh.... lets see, ok is your console in the vertical or horizontal position?" "Vertical" "ok move your console to the horizontal position, and see if it will read a disk" "mam, this console has already scratched 2 of my disks, I will not put another disk in unless you will replace it" "I am sorry sir our warranty dosen't cover damage done to the games; please insert a diffrent disk" "So are you saying you won't replace my 2 games that cost me a 60 bucks each, when clearly the console you sent me scratched them?" "That is correct" "Ok, I would like to speak to a suporvisor" At that point she hung up on me.

    This sucks.
    Not only do I have a dead 360, but I have 2 dead games.
    I have been without my console for over 3 month! This is outrageous! I think the Better Business Bureau will be getting a call tomorrow!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  13. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    every one of you bastards have been here too god damn long to let something so stupid cause all of this "i'm leaving, i'm not leaving" bullshit!!
    seriously, this is crap is more annoying than anything that anyone is bitching about. just for the record, i think the entire safety valve section could take a swirlie down the bowl of non existance! this is a tech forum, we come to learn things, not play chit chat with every other bastard that either 1. has a problem and needs to fix it. or 2. basically has no sort of real life outside of the normal day in and day out, so they hang out here. less jibber jabber, more learny learny.
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  15. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Did someone edit my last post??? I don't remember writing that. I thought I did leave out some of the letters though. DID I? Or did I write the whole word? Sorry, I was pretty pissed!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Darth...you're right, I isn't going anywhere. Who knows, perhaps getting pissy every now and again is a good thing.

    My Bitch is for COMCAST CUSTOMERS:

    This is the view from my living-room window and that monstrosity being built is the new comcast tower ... its what your $100 monthly bills are paying for. As for me, just what I need...another glass building. Philly has a thing for glass building and come three in the afternoon, the sun reflects on them and I have to shut my blinds and curtains because its blindingly bright. Anyway this what you bills are paying for; an ugly 100 or so floors of blinding glare:

  17. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Seems like a bunch of high IQ tech people got their tails feathers ruffled, responded, and now with a good night's sleep, will go on with their lives tomorrow. Let's hope we'll all be back to laugh at ourselves ultimately. Hasn't been this exciting around here since Saw III.

    There are much worse things happening today, particularly at Va. Tech. Now that's worth Bitchin' about.

    @gerry, you need to get a telescope for all the lovely people you might drop in on in that glass house.LOL
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Yeah, seems every time I put CNN on, the fatalities are even higher.

    @garmoon...you have no idea how often I've thought of that. The view from my building is wide open with tens of thousands of windows with which to play "peeping tom" LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2007

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    maybe you should invest in some solar panels...the saving might pay for your Comcast bill. LOL
  20. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    How many is that now?

    wow, I can consider myself lucky! Our comcast bill is only $89.48, and that is with taxes.

    We have Comcast Digital Voice, High Speed Internet, The HD package that has the most chanels, 3 HD tuners, and 2 cable modems (one for our 8 computers, and one for xbox live, and the Playstation Network)
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