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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    My bitch,
    there shouldn't be any rules except for common courtesy and decency in this thread, almost anything else goes. (And keep the respect towards other members as well)
  2. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Exactly, and do you know what we have here instead of the above? we have people like Chris afraid to even say hello. Do you know why this is? Because like I said before, If I want to post a thread in the SAFETY VALVE about a cool dog I saw in the news, why not! WHY NOT! I am sick of being dismissed as some immature noob who knows not of what he speaks. I am making perfect sense. Things in the safety valve DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A POINT! If the post is in English and people can understand you, then why the hell not? I'll tell you why not, because we have mods and vigilantes who think their interpretation of the rules are correct without even reading the forum description. If everything has to have a clear cut point, or has to stay on topic, teleport all the threads to the 'all other topics' forum and delete the safety valve, because if we are being ruled by people who can't even read the forum description, this might as well be an all other topics forum.

    Remember, this is the bitch thread, not some degenerate **wolves** thread. And before flaming me, read this again:
    I am telling ya'll how much the world sucks, not breaking ANY rules.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    They might be better called "RULES du JOUR!"
  4. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Rules of the day?
    Not really sure if your with me or against me there...
    Seriously I'm calling for serious changes here...
    The mod's do a great job, a great job indeed, but the safety valve is one place where it doesn't need to be policed every ten minutes. There are massive problems in this site, but one of them is not the number of idiots in the SV, thats what the SV IS FOR!

    Descrption for all other topics:
    All the discussion that doesn't fit into other forums goes here.

    Description for SV:
    Feel like letting off some steam? Just want to tell everyone how much the world sucks today? Or how wonderful it is? Go ahead!

    Now you tell me, which one do YOU all think should be policed less hmm? Where do YOU think the stupid threads should remain open? THE ANSWER IS THE SAFETY VALVE!

    If we want to change ANYTHING it might as well be one forum at a time... I'm starting here!

    a public meeting place for open discussion
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Nicht...I apologize for the confusion; you know that I wholeheartedly agree with you. Its just that "rules" for the safety valve seem to come out of nowhere and in total contradiction to the very descrition which invites one here. Seems the powers that be disagree with it. It's rather like all we ever here from them these days is "Shut the f*** up" and then they wonder why people are leaving. So too, I would point out that they were all the safety valve regulars whose loss they then lament.

    Well, good night once again. It's been a long day which ended on a sour note ... but, of course, such is to be expected from a "drama queen".
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2007
  6. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    gerry1, NicHt
    I only have a partial bitch. I agree with you in part, but I think the SV needs policing just a much as the rest of the forum (just not all posting rules apply). Of the 14 rules there are 2 that should apply to every aspect of AD open to the public (and probably those not). Rules 6 and 14 should definitely apply. 5 and 10 are common sense and should bother no one in the enforcing. The place would be much more pleasant and members wouldn't be afraid to drop in and say hello on occasion.


    6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.

    10. Don't post your email address to the forums! Spambots love dumb forum users who post their email addresses to public sites and grab those addresses and you will soon discover the wonders of penis enlargement kits and other really useful products posted daily to your inbox.

    14. If you see a post that violates any of these rules, please report it to our moderators using the "Report an offensive post" link. Do not play the role of a moderator if you are not one. There is absolutely no need to nitpick on the posts of new users. Let the moderators do their work.

    Washable permanent markers? I want one. LOL

    In reference to Ireland's jet outhouse, ddp has the answer.


    Good night everyone.
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  7. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    It's 10:56 and I'm worn out. Good night Gerry, Garmoon, Ireland, DVDBack, Pacman and BlivetNC, and everyone else on AD.
  8. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    I think I read this somewhere along the development of this thread or one of ireland's other threads, but part of the reason that there are issues with the chatting in here is that it's overflowing into real threads in other sections of the site. Bad habits are hard to break....

    But really though, wouldn't it be easier to fire up mIRC, MSN, or Skype and chat there? just my dos centavos.....
  9. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Mornin'. No bitches for me today :)
    Last edited: May 4, 2007
  10. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    ZippyD brings up an interesting point. How many for just being rid of the safety valve so rules breakers can be judged for the rules they break in the tech sections? What's amazing is that many don't post in the safety valve. I've not seen many of the wild console warriors in here. That way the safety valve won't be blamed for their bad actions. What was the cause before the safety valve? I suspect the same rules breakers will break the rules anyway, but that's just my take on the situation.

    I'm really not one to judge the situation myself. I've only posted in a couple of Ireland's threads and one of Nephilim's. So, I'm not sure what all the SV is about. As for the irc channels, skype and the like, I'd just as soon get a phone number and call. I like the loose atmosphere of looking over comments and adding my comment without having to make arrangements to get everyone together. It's easier for members on different continents and in different time zones to loosely commnunicate via a discussion thread. There's numerous forums that use such a format. I like this little section of AD for just that reason.

    If the Safety Valve can't be removed as a cause of bickering, then I will join those in suggesting it be closed. Either it is a friendly place for discussion or it should be gone. Then the moderators can clean house in the rest of the forums because the troublemakers won't stop just because the safety valve is gone. I think the example Gwendolin gave of the new member putting down other members shows that. I'd hate to see these entertainment threads go, but if that's what it takes to make a happy house. But will the house be happy when the Safety Valve is gone?

    Seems a bunch of people took drd at his word.

    Safety valve
    Feel like letting off some steam? Just want to tell everyone how much the world sucks today? Or how wonderful it is? Go ahead!

    To let off steam doesn't mean a person has to harm anyone else in doing so. Telling us how the world sucks and how bad things are going leads to fellow members empathizing and shouldn't lead to confrontation. I know how Greensman must have felt sitting with his sick child and the meds making things worse than helping. It makes you want to scream. I've been there. That hurts no one or the forum. It makes most of us feel better when we hear something good has happened for a fellow member. I'm sure not going to knock anyone for that.

    Clean up the rules violators in all parts of the forum and I doubt the Safety Valve will remain the problem some think it is. If it does, then get rid of it.
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Have been offline again for awhile, only to see umpteen pages added to this thread, most of which i won't waste my time reading..however...

    - as ever, there's more going on behind the scenes than what posters see on forums. The underlying issue here was around a certain controversial program starting with 'Rip' and ending with 'me', and the above phrase 'designed to provoke a response' was NOT alluding to a response FROM ME but a response from the poster TO jan on the 'afore-not-quite-mentioned-due-to-huge-legalities-problem program'. I had been scouring the forums for references to that program in case it brought unwanted 'heat' to Afterdawn.

    - i take offense to this paragraph, as would any mod, read my previous comment. No drama, no stooping, no childish games, just a moderator moderating, though i don't know why i waste my time when the real drama comes from people/posters other than my good self.

    edit- saw this on the last page when i made my post,

    - exactly how i feel and what i'd been saying previously. What the serial/compulsive chatters need to do is -
    a) take a breath
    b) go back to a page of chatting from some time past, ie then re-read said page and imagine what newcomers/lurkers must think. This is a Forum site, not a messaging program, ie the 'chat' is left onscreen in the threads and is unnecessary and embarassing. As a techie i spent a great deal of time poking around the internet for snippets of info, it annoys me greatly to stumble onto a thread on the net that slips into pointless banter every 2minutes, so i can imagine how people who come to this site for help have to wade thru so much rubbish. And to make sure no-one throws a hissy fit, my point always is like zippy just said, "there are issues with the chatting in here is that it's overflowing into real threads in other sections of the site." i.e. i'm not talking about JUST the Safety Valve... read my reply properly this time people..
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  12. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    My bitch - people are still bringing up sh!t about this thread/other members etc etc.. Move on already. I was involved originally, but I've had enough of all the petty bitching/slander and got over it/had no further involvement except a PM to a mod. Maybe people should bitch about real life things, that aD related things (oh, sorry, i forgot aD = life to some members).

    "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"


    Anyway.. Hi creaky, where've you been? Taking another break again? Or busy with moving from the boat or sumin?
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    edit- i'm replying to Ripper on IRC, just caught the young whippersnapper while i read some emails then i'm offline again for the weekend to enjoy the Bank Holiday.

    so the mod's are random and it's not yourself (for instance) that has a history of randomness. Righty ho then. A quick forum search would prove what i already know...

    - 'as that was the way i set them up' - indeed, and we see that, it's good having randomness mostly contained in a few long-running threads like this, it's a good way of keeping other areas clean. I just choose not to frequent threads like this regularly, it's distracting for me, i'm too techie even when i'm not at work so i can't be doing with too much random stuff (for that i use IRC to chat to the other like minds), but am not against you lot using threads like these to mess about in..

    - i don't recall naming anyone at the time, it's you that keeps on mentioning it, not me... surely it's time to leave it be and move on ?...
    Last edited: May 5, 2007
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well this isnt a bitch, i think we do enough bitching about bitchless things. this is a praise. im sure most of ya know by now, im just a little slow in getting to everything here but here it is right from him himself.

    yes this was quted from Neph shoutbox...kinda ironic huh...lol

    if i may quote another person

    dont know who will remember the old Budlite commercials, but here goes anyway..

    but your not getting my budlite.
  15. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    My bitch? Everyones so f***ing negative!!! Lifes a bitch, shit happens, get over it. I have, lets just move on and stop dragging this crap out.
  16. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    This is insanity, people will not change. They just will not, I am not bitching about that. I am merely stating that fact. Happy Go Lucky newbies do not give a rats ass about a mod 'telling them off.' Mods can do NOTHING to stop newbies/spammers/idiots. And I admire that they try. But there is no point in it. Some mods seem to provoke more fights than what they stop... but anyway, why don't we try and improve or fix something we can fix! Bitching about newbies and flaming them because of crappy questions produces NOTHING!

    Seriously, a flaming or a ban, will NOT stop the newbies, it will do nothing but contribute to the general hostile, and negative feeling running rampant through afterdawn.

    Which is, again, why I say:
    Lets try and improve something we actually can improve. Like rooting out vigilantes, and getting rid of those persistent newbies that don't stop...
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    what i see here is healthy,meaning to get it off ye chest..

    creaky,i been a techie all my life,and i am near 70 years old.
    i made 1000's of dollars at the best company's IBM,RCA AND GE but i do know when to set time to play..i am a expert at it,i can work and play at the same time..
    as for irc is your cup of tea,its not mine..as i do my bull crapping the old fashion way,I use the blower.

    and i do not buy into this statement,its bulls@it
    Everyones so f***ing negative!!!
    i do not see that as its there point of view
    Lifes a bitch,
    maybe for you,as 99.9% of us its not
    shit happens,
    only if you do not make a wave if crap is up to ye mouth
  18. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Not gonna argue with ya ireland.
  19. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Presuing "blower" means phone, that i don't think it's down to whether it' his cup of tea or not, but more how practical it is. On irc, creaky talks to people such as myself, who he would not want to nor would it be plausable for him to speak to the likes of me on the phone, considering my age, etc etc..

    However, I do agree with your statments RE billy's reply.

  20. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Randomness isn't bad... it's the safety valve!
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