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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    good idea

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    They (we) all lose in the end ireland...reposting here wouldn't solve a thing. I like your first idea though, reopen the thread but delete the last two pages. There is no reason to rob those who seek wisdom of that wisdom.
  3. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Please leave the chipset posts on the last 2 pages and just edit out whatever is off topic.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    LOL, twas what I meant. Delete the BS and leave the rest.
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I've been around long enough to have seen you, Praetor, Nephilim (before he was a mod) and others let loose on more than one thread, and everone survived and many view those times as the good old days on AD.:)

    If you guys look at the Intel vs AMD thread you won't see much outright bitching, only the few that occurred as a result of brobear being booted off. I made a statement too but I believe that it was in good taste.
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my quote
    but b-4 that happens all who posted should be given the opportunity to copy and paste there bitching posts from that thread and repost them here in this thread. like give them 48 hours..to copy and paste there posts to this thread.

    my reason why,is this for the above,then no one can say they were censored or bitch that there post was deleted
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  7. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    isnt it ironic. they get the member status thing fixed. im now a member on the last day i make my last post here......lol going home now.......
    long live BROBEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Dam some people get so sensitive.........Now your leaving because Brobear got banned.......Jeez stop being a baby just because a member of "higher ranking" got banned................Worry about yourself...Stop worrying about Brobear.....Let him deal with it...
  9. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    dropping like flies around here...oops there goes another one, damn

    I don't understand why mods are so upset, that is the general way of things people on the top of what ever hill will alway's be aimed at in an attempt to knock them down.

    it's just a shame that people that are of little help, are given so much, in their efforts to undo their assistants efforts.

    he wasn't just a member of higher rank although I understand your unwillingness to give a "addict" much respect these day's

    he was however a longtime,very helpful member that has spent 3+ years giving to members here. never once did I see him assault another(with such words as baby) for having an opinion (that did not directly effect him) like some lately.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  10. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    [blatant sarcasm]Yes cincyrob, that kind of behaviour is really going to cure the problem...[/blatant sarcasm]

    Here's my bitch on the whole thing :
    Everyone that posted their personal crap in the chipset thread should have known better, and i do mean EVERYONE, yet not one of you took the time to stop and think about the consequences of your actions.

    So, Brobear got the boot...
    I dare to argue that dRD didn't do it because he thought it would be fun to do that, and see what'd happen.
    Like some of the moderators pointed out, this was not an overnight decision, SO GET OVER IT AND STOP WHINING ALREADY.
    Anyone that feels that it was unjust and uncalled for, discuss it here, pm a mod or dRD about the whole thing, but ffs keep it out of that thread.

    This place gets messy enough with all the little children rampaging through here from time to time without the seniors and addicts flying at each other like this was some kind of fight to the death.
    For god's sake people, this is a tech forum, not real life!

    I can imagine that people take sides because they are friends with one another, but that does not mean you should attack the staff, start badmouthing the forum, and act like a bunch of 5 year olds that all need attention.

    And last but not least, to any and all that feel they have to leave :
    You want to leave, then either take a break, cool off, then come back, or just stop bitching and whining, and leave.

    [I did the same, and look how well i turned out *[​IMG]* ]

    The world won't stop without you, and neither will these forums cease to exist just because you, me, or anyone else decides it isn't worth their time anymore.

    In the end, no one person here is truly irreplacable, and there will eventually be someone with an equal or bigger amount of knowledge that can take replace you, me and everyone else here.

    So either go and be productive by helping out, go do something to relax in the real world, or pack up and leave.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  11. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Ranking doesn't matter......I give the same respect to every member of the site......
    higher ranking simply means you are active on this site.....I could care less on who has a higher ranking....the only people i give higher respect to are the admin and mods as they make the site as good as it is........I give the same respect as an addict to a newbie....

    Oh and by the way i never said i didn't respect him.......I just said simply that you are leaving because someone of higher ranking was leaving,as in been here a long time and contributed his knowledge
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  12. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    [bold]*****REMOVED BY CHOICE******[/bold]

    I had a long post typed out about Brobears suspension but removed it to keep another war from starting. I understand some of the background problems and sort of know both sides. I saw nothing in the open forum that should have caused his suspension. What happened behind closed doors should have had nothing to do with the operation of the open forum. As a general manager of 3 stores I know a little about running a business and AD is in many ways a business. You can't let personal opinion dictate how someone is treated if they know their job and do it well. I am not a close friend of Brobear but have posted in some threads with him. That is our only connection which is the same with many other members I know. Any disagreement between him and other members To my knowledge was not hashed out in open debate. I think it was totally wrong but its not my forum. This is why everyone worth anything is leaving AD. I also see several of our NEW SENIOR MEMBERS say rank doesn't matter. I guess thats the future of the forum. They have been here 6 months and expect more than members here for 3 years.
    Now you know why I don't get on here as much anymore.

  13. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    [bold]edited by request[/bold]
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2006
  14. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I am on noones side apart from aD as a whole. And in aDs best interest, i think if it meant anything to you, you would stay here and help "keep the ship on course".

    Its not just down to the admins, its down to members to.

    It seems that the majority of people who posted in the amd v p4 thread picked a side. Most of hem Brobear.

    I'm not. As i see it you are two members who valuably contribute and are vital members of the community. If this was not true there wouldnt be sch an uproar about this feud.

    You both have alot of respect from me, for guiding me about my queries and dilemmas, but you will both gain enormous respect from me if oyu stay. It shows you have aDs best interests at heart if yo stay. The aD community, that is.
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    EDITED ONLY due to having written this in notepad which introduced masses of funny spacing..

    i dunno why i'm bothering to reply as this petty crap just ain't worth my time. but what the hell, i'll try to address a little of it. In fact i had written this reply then shelved it, but then i'm informed of more PM harassment, this time by brobear1. I'm not doing this to air dirty laundry but to try to get this pointless crap and bullying to stop. Period.

    - i don't mind if anyone blames me or calls me for anything, in this situation or any other. [bold]Apart from if it was to be done in the public forums[/bold]. And even then it's only because i don't want stuff like that to create dissent/flames/whatever from ppl. i don't lose sleep for one second if someone calls me for anything. In fact i find that kind of thing genuinely amusing.

    - that's up to them. but no-one is criticising the info/contributions from said ppl. And that info isnt going anywhere, it's still here. Unfortunately (and fortunately, depends on points of view) some of the crap is also still here.

    - cool, i'm always glad to help, i do what i can, even though these days my help is more focused on moderating than helping. I spent virtually a year up to my neck in nearly every single thread in the Nero forum when it was first created. i just don't have the time or energy to be quite as helpful these days, real life's a bitch like that. However i don't lose any sleep over it as there are plenty of ppl in my stead now, so Nero users are more than adequately catered for. I know lots of ppl are glad of my help here, but i wouldn't cry like a baby [bold]in public forums or outside in the real world[/bold] if ppl think my help is crap. And as i said above, i don't mind if you were to have anything against me. i just do what i do to help/contribute. If anyone thinks i'm doing a bad job, (or a good job), do it via PM and not on public forums. Again, not cus i'm worried by what anyone thinks of me, but because it's bad for forum morale to publicly criticise moderators/other posters. Take it from me, there's enough idiots in certain forums around here from young kids who don't yet know any better, without all the crap that alleged adults get involved in [bold]on public forums[/bold].

    There's far too much bad-mouthing of moderators being going on and frankly that sucks. I don't think we're more important than anyone else, as i say there's the forum morale issue if ppl attack ppl [bold]publicly[/bold].

    - you know i think, that i am not one to take sides, i last got involved with something like this before i made mod, and it was back in September when the whole jmet/uncasms/whoever thing was going on. i'm not naming names to belittle them, my point is that i'm saying the same thing now as i did then. It was something along the lines of keeping the spats out of public forums. Basically (and i've copy/pasted a comment (slightly edited to suit this reply) from ones i made back then) -
    Back to a quote from previous page
    - there's enough conflict [bold]in public forums[/bold] ie in the last part of this thread and the last couple pages of the Intel vs P4 thread, and that's where the decay is coming from.

    I had a longer reply to some of the other subsequent posts but quite frankly i got better things to do now. i've spent far too long on this one post already, there are other threads that require my time and even input, plus i need to do real life stuff too.

    And for the record i have nothing against brobear, nor his knowledge. We've never had a mis-word that i can think of. I just want all this petty, conceited, whiny and downright snidy crap to stop, it helps no-one. You ppl need to step back and think about how all this must look to a newcomer, arriving here or the P4 vs AMD thread, from a google search for instance.

    EDIT- and some of you also need to see the bigger picture as i said before - [bold]the P4 vs Intel thread was NOT why he was banned[/bold].

    This bit i've added since being informed of more bullying by the new nick brobear1 -

    I am sick and tired of seeing the snidy crap that brobear/brobear1 has been doing to others, moderators AND posters. Current case in point - he's been harassing one poster (that i know of) via PM [bold]since signing up as brobear1[/bold]. You lot don't need to know any details, it's called being discreet, not hiding things from you, some of us conduct things outside of public forums is all.
    I hate saying this brobear as we've not had a mis-word ourselves, but you can now add me to your shit-list. You need to just frigging well STOP with the petty games. Piss off to other sites and stop disrupting ppl here. Your knowledge is and was always appreciated, but not the crap that goes with it. In real life i work in tech support and i'm self-taught, i've done bloody well for myself, but by learning everything the hard way/imparting knowledge to others (for nearly 20years now), NOT by being a condescending arse. My point is i don't tolerate ppl who condescend others, knowledge is all well and good, BUT attitude problems don't always need to accompany techie know-how. I also do not tolerate bullying, have recently taken my career in my hands over a bullying incident (that was being done to me), don't think for a second i have to tolerate it on an anonymous forum.
    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I was there and although I disagreed with the decision to ban brobear I chose no sides, and I am also not one of the friends who sided with him in the open forum either. There should have been no sides to take.

    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  17. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    And for what, [bold]NO REASON!!![/bold]

    Go for it, sounds like your specialty.

    Yes, there are 2 sides to every story, but why didn't you PM brobear your concerns, instead of posting on an open forum.....immature perhaps.

    Addict, I have no idea what it would take to become one, but if you are any kind of representative for the addict community I do not want to be one.

  18. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    [bold]edited by request[/bold]
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2006
  19. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I said majority, not everyone. I've spoken to brobear more than i have to andmerr in my time at aD, and i am completely against the banning of him. I wasn't reffering to you. I just recieved a pm though trying to get me to join a "revolution" to get creaky and andmerr banned!! I don't want anybody banned! Granted, im more friends with brobear that andmerr, but they are both valuable contributors.

    I don't know the whole sketch but im sure creaky will agree with me that it would have been better for the site if nobody got banned. About trying to ban creaky, BULLSHIT!. Im going against what you said in your post creaky because im saying in an opne forum that your one of the best damn mods on this site (and ireland :p), and trying to get you banned is the stupudest thing i've heard.

    I just wish that no1 had to get banned, and leaving and running from your problems won't solve anything. Thats the first thing i was taught on this forum, by a certain group of friends.

    Edit, @andmerr, i'd like to see the transcript jsut to be nosey lol!:p
    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  20. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Sure, PM me.
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