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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    @ Blivet, I was actually born in Tucson and lived there till I was 10. I've been in Glendale (borders Phoenix) for the remaining 25 years. We lived close to Davis Monthan so as a little guy I used to watch the A-10's doing their thing.

    I got a bitch about the Air Force. After 23 years distinguished service my brother just got a forced medical retirement for completely bogus reasons. Ten or so years ago he came down with diabetes so they pulled him off active flight duty (he was an FE on a blackhawk) and put him in administration. For each yearly medical review since then they've had zero problem with his diabetes because it hadn't worsened or interfered with his duties in any way. Now all the sudden it's a huge problem and they forced him out. 23 years exemplary service and they can't even have the decency to let him get the last two years he deserves and retire as Major. Now he has to settle for Captain's with 23 years and I feel like standing outside the recruiters office to let the kids know how the military rewards it's hard workers.

    PayPal's another bitch - they're are a bunch of morons. They've arbitrarily decided they're going to save the world by refusing their service to ebay transactions for reloading tools and components. Somehow in their minds I guess since NO mass murders have EVER reloaded the ammunition they used to waste people they'll save lives by doing this?
  2. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Neph................are you one of the "stars" of the Geico Caveman Adds" by any chance? They are pretty hairy!!(lol).

    Sucks about the Air Force, my boss (who is an bumhole anyway) is an ex marine who was supposidly "forced out" also on medical reasons (probably because his head could not be removed from his ass), he says it was for a blood disease but it has been (supposidly) proved that he didn't have it after all!
    Sadly though what was ok one day is not the next, sucks man!!
  3. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I agree with you Neph, the government has a way of sucking all they can out of people, then tossing out the lifeless, empty husk of humanity and saying "Whoops that sucks, now on with your life." With different big cheeses and staffing needs, the military has a habit of "surplusing" certain AFSC's out of existance, so if you have given X number of years, and they don't need you, well, they find a way to make you go away, and you can't sue them, nor get a real legal challenge to their authority or their decision making rationale. In otherwords, they own you lock, stock and barrel.
    Tell your brother I salute him and thank him for his service, just wish that there was a happier ending to his carreer.
    Last edited: May 17, 2007
  4. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Back in the day when I was in the service watched the Gov't kick out lifers so they only got partial retirement if any, made my decision not to stay in after seeing that.Took the day off for needed break after visiting a seniors home and seeing what they're trying to live on.My bitch the gov't can take care of the able bodied slobs with food, housing, medical,but can't help seniors that have worked all their lives to retire in their own homes. Chris
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    some Weird News

  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    The first 2 are asinine and the second 2 are sick SOB's!!!!!

    My quick 2 cents on that. :)

  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I walk through Chinatown on my way to work. A couple of weeks ago, I gave this cute little chinese boy of about 8 or 9 dressed in a catholic school uniform a couple of dollars (getting money from me isn't easy LOL). He said he needed money for the bus and cheap as I am, I couldn't say no (very unusual for me). I've seen him all over center city hustling people ever since. The adorable little monster will probably make more in a month that I do in a year LOL!
  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    except that is a d-link usb ethernet adapter as i have that 1 in my hand as i'm posting.
  10. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Ouch that would really make me madder than my ex wife. Chris
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    No bitch today. Weather going to be wonderful for a New Orleans wedding tomorrow. A rather wet, good old Catholic wedding. LOL
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    me either right now . I'm off to get me a 30 gig IPod yay!!
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    no bitch

    this day so far i seen no bitches in the Safety valve every one got along,no one called any one a mother,father or a son..

    i want to thank those that posted in the Safety valve...

    some one could not say yes or no,or thanks
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  15. crowy

    crowy Guest

    My Bitch just did this to one of our cars!!!!!
    The car is(was?) a 1988 Volvo 740 turbo.
    This car was in excellent condition up until midnight last night.
    She swerved to miss a kangaroo,hit some gravel and lost control at 110 kmh.She estimates the car rolled/flipped 5 or 6 times before coming to rest.She walked away without so much as a scratch.Tommorrow she is playing superleague beach volleyball!!!!Thank god'(and I'm not a religious person) that I've been driving volvo's for more than 15 years.
    I'm a bloody Volvo driver with a wife who,in a lesser well made car may not be with me now.
    Guess what our next car will be??
    Here she is this afternoon resting and still very much alive
    love my bitch!!!!!!!!I also loved that car.........That's why I will look for another and keep this one for spares(it still starts!!!!)
    Regards Crowy..

    That's our dog Stan in the picture.
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    My Bitch today: Good ol' Gerry need to go to the doctor! I've been on a diet because I gained 30-35 pounds after I quite smoking last June. Whith a seriously bum back and neck and a borderline sugar problem on top of it, I decided to start heeding my doctor's annoying lectures. This week, I weighed myself and I've now lost 20 of the pounds. I was delighted! Yesterday I cheated; I had a nice thick steak for dinner and bought a chocolate cake. After dinner I went into this serious daze...like a fog and just went to bed. It happend again twice this morning. I was tying in another thread and started feeling weird. I sat in my chair watching the tube and its like I was have these intense dreams but while awake ... somewhere in the back of my head as if at a distance, its like I was telling myself "Snap out of it!" I'm not sure but I'm thinking that maybe my "borderline diabetes" may have crossed the border! I still feel a little "out there" as I type. Off to the doctor on MOnday!
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yup that sounds like sugar problems gerry. you will need to fast for 12 hours and then have you're blood checked to see where you're levels are at. should be between about 85 to 105. staying active working out and eating right(NO POP) should correct it if it isn't to bad. good luck
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd...my mom, both her parents and all her sisters were/are diabetic. My mom and grandad had type 1; her father lived until almost nighty but mom's was totally uncontroled no matter how hard she tried; she died at 65 and she looked like she was 90...it was a truly horrible death as one system after another shut down and the laws regarding life support in Rhode Island were so severe that they wouldn't just let her die in peace. At least I won't get that type as it would have showed up years ago my doctor said. I tested at 150 and certain pancreas or liver tests or something were abnormal and they told me that it was a matter of time. I was pretty good for a while but went back to my old habits. I've been on a diet for the last few weeks but when I cheated yesterday, damned, that's NEVER happened to me before. I'm also going to stay away from that nutrasweet stuff too ... you wouldn't believe what that stuff use to do to my mother! Well, I'm feeling a little tierd but o.k. The cake went down the garbage disposal this morning...and I don't mean my mouth LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2007
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Normal Values

    Levels up to 100 mg/dL are considered normal.

    Levels between 100 and 126 mg/dl are referred to as impaired fasting glucose or pre-diabetes. These levels are considered to be risk factors for type 2 diabetes and its complications.

    Diabetes is typically diagnosed when fasting blood glucose levels are 126 mg/dl or higher.
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hmmm interesting information if not a bit scary:

    The first time I tested (after fasting) at 150. Two weeks later, after behaving myself, it was 108 after fasting. I stayed away from the crap quite diligently for a while but returned to my old habits especially after I quite smoking. I didn't really notice anything until I went on a diet for several weeks and then cheated.

    Actually, I'm still really tired so I'm going to take another nap LOL! Perhaps I can return to that dream of the thached hut with the Macaw parrots! ...no large screen tv or computer though so I'm glad I wake up (knock on wood!) :0
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2007
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