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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    What is the current cost of HD and Blu Ray recordable discs and what is the cost of a factory HD or Blu Ray movie?
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well folks, my bloodwork wasn't wonderful: blood sugar was 152, hepatic enzymes were elevated but not terribly but triglycerides were "through the roof" ...he stated a number but I don't remember. The doctor stopped my cholesterol medication, gave me a list of what I can and cannot eat/drink, did more bloodtests and they're going to do all the same blood tests again in two weeks. I guess I have to just wait and see.
  3. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Doesn't sound like the best of reports but hopefully everything will work out ok. :)


    B!TCH for the next 2.5 months: We have to scrape and save to payoff our last BIG credit card debt and then start on the small ones. gggrrrrrrr!!!
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    sorry to here about ye not to good test results

    reason for the second test

    Testing people suspected for diabetes. The American Diabetic Association (ADA) recommends that either a fasting plasma glucose test or an oral glucose tolerance test be used to diagnose diabetes. If the person already has symptoms of diabetes, a blood glucose test without fasting (called a casual plasma glucose test) may be done. If the test result is abnormal, it must be confirmed with another test performed on another day. The two tests can be different or they can be the same, but they must be done on different days. If the second test also is abnormal, the person has diabetes. A two-hour postprandial test is not recommended by the ADA as a test to use for the diagnosis of diabetes. A doctor may order this test, and follow it with the oral glucose tolerance test or the fasting plasma glucose test if the results are abnormal.

    more here
  5. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Hey gerry1 did he give you an A1c number this gives your level over the past 10 or 12 weeks.
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Missing German doctor reappears after 22 years
    Dead, in his garage roof
    By Lester Haines ¡ú More by this author
    Published Friday 25th May 2007 16:35 GMT

    A German doctor who went missing 22 years ago has been found - as a mummified skeleton under the rafters of his garage roof, The Guardian reports.

    Father of two Siegfried B went awol shortly after his 50th birthday back in May 1985. He told his wife he was going out and duly exited his house in Bergholz-Rehbr¨¹cke, south of Berlin, never to return. Police subsequently searched the premises, including the garage, but didn't check a large dovecote above.

    His wife recently decided to renovate the garage roof, and workers got a nasty shock when they set to work. Prosecutor Wilfried Lehmann explained: "When they removed the layers of asbestos they discovered the mummified skeleton. Siegfried B was hidden in the roof, and next to him were a schnaps bottle and a suicide note."

    As an added twist to this macabre tale, there was speculation that the East German secret police might have had a hand in his death. Neighbours "reported seeing a dark limousine draw up outside the house several times, and the men inside it pulling Siegfried B into the car and driving off".

    However, although the doctor was believed to be an "active opponent" of communist regime, police said his death is not being treated as suspicious.
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Hang in the buddy. My blood sugar was 500+ when I walked in the Dr's office and tried to tell him I had diabetes. He didn't believe me. He made me wait 6 hr before he gave me any meds to take. Arrogrance on his part. I was a sick puppy.
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @everyone ... thanks for the good wishes guys! I think he did an A1C test in the last roung ... they did a lot of different blood tests. I also had to eat my normal diet minus any stuff like cake and ice cream, then fast and drink that nasty stuff which I think was the test Ireland's article talked about where they draw blood every hour; I don't think it came out too good though, I felt like I was going to pass out although I felt fine when I went in. I have these plastic "dip sticks" I have to dip in my urine to see if they change color; I had them before when I had a similar problem seven or eight months ago but it only turned green once. The doc said he doesn't want me taking any sort of diabetes medication because at 152, its too high but still low enough that medication could start a whole new set of problems so he wants to wait until they have the whole picture...which is fine with me, I take enough damned pills as it is. I was on a diet and lost 20 pounds; he thinks it may be a simple as my rather intense celebratory pig-out just threw things into a tail spin. He says its certain that I'll be a full blown type 2 diabetic sooner or later and that what I went through recently (and about six months ago) is not the least bit uncommon in the early stages. So I guess I have to wait and see (story of my life LOL!)

    My bitch du jour is that I just slept for 18 hours! It happens only rarely but when it does, my whole body is one big knot that takes hours to untangle itself. Bitch #2, I ordered this great new desk chair for my computer which they delivered Friday while I was at work; they neglected to tell me it would come in a box and I'd have to assemble the damned thing myself! I knew the price was too good to be true! Oh well, off to eat my 7:00 p.m. breakfast!
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    tested my blood sugar and its 89 and I'm weighting 155 so I'm good to go lol . good luck Gerry
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @aabbccdd....Thanks guy; I'm sure I'll be fine. Frankly, I think I brought this on myself. My normal weight is also 155 but gained a lot of weight after quitting smoking. I needed to lose the weight both for my bum back as well as the inevitability of sugar problems. This happened once before and for the same reason I suspect. I was feeling really good when I was dieting; methinks my body liked what I was eating (or not eating) then one big pigout was all it took. It reminds me of the ol' joke ... Doc, it hurts when I do this ... then don't do that LOL! I guess I've got to resign myself to the fact that there is stuff I just can't eat anymore ... ironically, its stuff that really isn't good for you anyway! I'm sure I'll be o.k. with a little common sense (a lot to ask from me!) I think back on my mom and realize that things could be a great deal worse; my mom's sugar, despite insulin and deligent dieting, was always out of control and it ultimately killed her. All things considered, merely watching what I eat isn't a very high price to pay at all!
  11. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I first found out i was testing 3 times a day to find out what really sets mine off.the 2 biggest things for me is any type of red meat [ i love prime rib rare with some horse radish] and any type of choclat sugar free or not and diet coke, diet pepsi is fine. Everybodys different though . The AC1 test they say 5.5 is normal and a diabetic they strive for 6.2 They say it gives a accurate reading for what your sugars been doing the last 10 or 12 weeks. My bitch for the day is it's raining again and can't cut the grass or wash and wax the car. Chris
  12. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Best of luck gerry...im a lil worried.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    My bitch for the day is it's raining again and can't cut the grass or wash and wax the car. Chris

    my bitch i wish it was raining so i do not have to cut the grass and wash and wax the car.
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Get away from the gp and get to a (ENDOCRINOLOGY) DIABETES DOCTOR
    I did as i had problems controlling my sugar.best thing i ever did..

    Diabetes is a chronic illness that requires ongoing medical care and self-management education. People with diabetes do better when they assume an active role in their care.

    read this

    edit spelling
    Last edited: May 27, 2007
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    afterdawn should be happy

    Finland court: Breaking "ineffective" copy protection is permissible

    By Eric Bangeman | Published: May 25, 2007 - 01:08PM CT

    The Helsinki District Court has dealt another blow to CSS, the copy-protection scheme used in commercial DVDs. In a ruling issued today, the court found that CSS is "ineffective" as a form of DRM and that the two defendants cited for violating Finnish copyright law were not guilty.

    After Finland's copyright laws were changed in late 2005 to harmonize with a 2001 EU copyright directive, a group of Finnish copyright activists put up a web site that echoed information that has been easily available on the Internet (and T-shirts) for years: how to crack and circumvent CSS. They then turned themselves into the police for violating Finland's new copyright laws.

    Two of the activists were charged with illegally manufacturing and distributing a circumventing product along with providing a service to "circumvent an effective technological measure." During the court proceedings, expert witnesses testified as to the ineffectiveness of CSS as a DRM system, an argument the court found compelling. "ince a Norwegian hacker succeeded in circumventing CSS protection used in DVDs in 1999, end-users have been able to get with easy tens of similar circumventing software from the Internet even free of charge," wrote the court. "Some operating systems come with this kind of software pre-installed.... CSS protection can no longer be held 'effective' as defined in law."

    The decision may be appealed by the government, which apparently brought the case independent of the copyright holders or the DVD Copy Control Association, which administers CSS. Given the fact that the Helsinki District Court is at the bottom of Finland's legal system, this case is by no means precedent setting.

    That said, the implications could be far-reaching. All EU member nations were required to implement the EU's copyright directive, which defines a technological measure as being effective if "where the use of a protected work or other subject-matter is controlled by the rights-holders through application of an access control or protection process, such as
    encryption, scrambling or other transformation of the work or other subject-matter or a copy control mechanism, which achieves the protection objective."

    CSS no longer achieves the protection objective, according to the Helsinki court, and if other European courts interpret the directive in a similar manner, CSS could be declared "officially" ineffective. There is no reason why it would stop with CSS, either. Cracks such as DVD Jon's reverse-engineering of FairPlay could fall into that category. It could even open the door to AACS being found ineffective, should the war between hackers and the AACS Licensing Authority tilt decisively in the direction of anti-DRM forces.

    All of that is in the mysterious future at this point. If Big Content gets the idea that EU member states will follow the lead of the Helsinki District Court on DRM measures, it will certainly lobby for a looser definition of what constitutes effective DRM while ratching up the level of DRM it employs.
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Some Soft Drinks May Damage Your DNA
    Posted by Zonk on Sunday May 27, @03:28AM
    from the argh-my-mitochondria dept.
    Biotech Science
    Parallax Blue writes "The Independent is reporting new findings that indicate a common additive called sodium benzoate, found in soft drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max among others, has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA in a cell's mitochondria. From the article: 'The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it — as happens in a number of diseased states — then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA — Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of aging.' European Union MPs are now calling for an urgent investigation in the wake of these alarming new findings."


    Last edited: May 27, 2007
  17. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    a good reason NOT to drink pop . i haven't had one in over three years
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @billyboy...thanks for the concern my friend! I'm right on the edge of the diabetes thing; I'm either just a hair over the line or just a hair from it ... I guess they're just trying to figure out where I stand at the moment. The type I have or soon will have isn't difficult to control though; some people are foolish...they just totally ignore it and eventually pay the price. Even the type 2, some are worse than others; with many, its relatively mild and don't even need to take medication as long as they watch what they eat. I'm hoping I fall into that category. I'm certainly no authority on the subject but that's what I've pieced together from what my doctor has said. I'll know more in a few days and while I don't like being in limbo, I'm quite certain that I'll be fine. I feel fine now but there were a couple of scary days there. My mom had the really nasty variety; despite her insulin and truly dedicated dieting, her blood sugar was always out of control. My doctor said that if I had the same kind as my mom, I would have been very sick and it would have showed up with a vengence a long time ago.

    @Ireland ... thank you for the information and advice above; I only just now noticed it. My doctor wants me to take some sort of nutrition classes.

    @garmoon ... would you, by any chance, know what the connection is between the more incontrolable type of diabetes and pernicious anemia? In my family, if you have the really nasty diabetes, "pernicious anemia" always goes along with it.
  19. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    gerry1 as ireland stated definitely go to a diabetes specialist referred to by your Gp you'll have the best of both worlds. Dang it ireland I'm from mi and I've spent days and hours of research and book reading and diabetes management classes and you post 99% of the information with one quick link from my home state.Thank you sir your definitely a Gentleman and a Scholar.As to the rain I know i'm backwards than most people but on Sunday mornings i like getting up early and washing the car then cutting the grass and going to the local choke and puke reading the Sunday paper and having breakfast.Chris
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Chris and Ireland ... when I see my doctor again saturday, I'll ask him for a referral and I'm sure all the test results will be in. Until Ireland mentioned it, I didn't even know there was such a thing as a diabetes specialist; even if its nothing serious as I suspect, I'm sure its a good idea if merely for a second opinion. Thanks guys.

    My bitch of the day: I bought a new desk chair which I assembled this morning. The chair is quite large for a desk chair so I decided to change the location of my computer desk and keyboards (piano I mean). For some reason, whenever I do this, it ends up being one hell of a project. Whenever I get such an urge, I should just take a nap until it passes!
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