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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I would'nt worry to much about the kind of possible diabetes you might have if any at this point, I have a 30 year old son that became partially brain damaged at 2 years of age cause the doctors didnt catch his diabeties in time which fried his brain and damaged it, he wasnt even suppose to make it but he did.

    Anyway since than he has been what is called a briddle diabetic, cant get any worse than that, he gets 4 shots a day, one hour he can be as low as 30 and another hour he can be as high as 450, thats what briddle does, you fly all over the place, no matter you what eat at times, the solution and care is constant monitoring, its a pain in the ass but it works, he see's his endo doc monthly and this doc of his as all of his in the past constatly praise his Mom cause of the way she monitors him, by keeping daily records and proper diet, the docs are still amased how this kid keeps at great health with the heavy problem he has now at the age of 30, many of thier patience dont do half as well with milder diabetes.

    When I say pain in the ass I mean many people start slaking after time cause it is a pain, daily constant bloodwork, book keeping, shoots and so on, 90% of people that get problems is cause of thier own neglagence, and 99% that stay on top of it do just fine.

    So, find yourself a good endo, and I mean a good one, in our search thru the years there have been quacks and a-holes, just cause thier docs they are not Gods as some think they are, use your commin sense, talk with other people with the same problem like friends co-workers and nieghbors, in the end its all well worth it, and most of all, if you do have some sort of diabeties do your homework and stay on it constantly and you will do just fine.

    And as far as my boy, even though he will be like 8 years old for the rest of his life he does just fine, and most of all he never complains and is always happy, sometimes I think he is luckier than us in his happy state.
  2. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    No real bitching today, I am home alone but by choice so its not bad.

    @aabbccdd, thats good to hear you haven't drank it in a long time. I quit for a few years and now only occationally drink Dr. Pepper (about a can every other week or less).

    Hearing the new things they are linking to drinking soda I think I am gonna go off it again though.

  3. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Wow, i don't think i been in this thread for a long ass time.

    So i'm gonna bitch a lot. I hate dealing with people who's not better than me (98% of people). I hate dealing with ugly people. I hate dealing with fake people.(i like some Fake like ugly people, since they are ugly they are nice, But it's fake). I hate waking up everyday at 6 and work in cubic for 8 hours and repeat the same SH#T every fu#$ing day!! I hate how i have to start thinking about getting married before it's too late. I hate immature people. I hate how the world says fuc@ you but i can't do anything about it but to live in it. I hate the war. I hate retared people killing innocent people everyday. I hate being lazy and KNOWING IT. I hate sluts. I hate taking care of my health. I hate gas prices are more expensive than my food.I hate that i'm bitching over some internet cause no one really give shi#.
    Last edited: May 27, 2007
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah Pop_Smith its not worth drinking I'm glad i gave it up

    and rihgt682 i don't know where to start with that insane post.lol

    Be happy for what you have not what you don't have. There are billions of people less fortunate than you. Also don't worry about the things you can't control or what other people are like they may think the same of you, noones perfect. Roll with life keep a positive attitude and control the things you can and put some effort into making the world a better place for yourself and all concerned. don't focus on the negative focus on the positive
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2007
  5. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I just got fired from my newspaper delivery job lmao. Ah well, but now i need a temporary way of making money....oh god.
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    They say, "if everyone put their own problems in the same pile and you got to choose one to take, most would take back their own problems!"

    You seem awfully bitter for someone so young, the problems just keep getting bigger the older you get. Go look in the mirror you might be one of those people you hate.
  7. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hey rihgt693 or whatever your name is.

    I HATE PEOPLE THAT MOAN ABOUT EVERYTHING! I hate pessimists, i hate people who claim that they dont know why they are doing something but still go ahead and do it (posting a message on a forum). I hate shallow people. I hate People who are feeling sorry for themselves so resort to ranting on an internet forum. Your obviously not perfect, otherwise you wouldnt be crying out to the world on a techie forum site.

    Hello everyone :D
  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    just think ye could of been a PRISON GUARD


    * Inmates who don't flush after eating chili for lunch.

    * Inmates who look like the sperm used to conceive them was 100% steroids.

    * Coming up with one too many during a head count.

    * Having to break up a fight in the shower.

    * Being asked to be the bridesmaid when two inmates tie the knot.

    * Recognizing the newest inmate as your proctologist.

    * The fact that inmates get more cable channels than you do at home.

    * Having a new neighbor move in next door who looks wa-a-a-y to familiar.

    * Being on a first-name basis with a serial sex killer.

    * Finding a hole in your glove after completing a body cavity search.

    * Learning that your mother just announced her engagement to # 93A44274.
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @rihgt693...what have you been drinking or smoking my friend? Your posts aren'y usually so ... obtuse. Ah, what a coincidece; Sally Field is doing a bone commercial; didn't she play Sybil?

    @billyboy ... what did you do to get fired from your paper-route job? I use to mow lawns, shovel snow, take out garbage cans and other forms of child exploitation for a slave's wages, but Mom would never let me have a paper-route ... she wasn't about to start delivering papers if I got sick ... that was always her excuse LOL!

    @FredBun...I'm sorry to hear about your son but glad he's doing well. Sometimes I think we have a lot to learn from such people ... nature may have deprived them of something, yet, gave them something else we can't quite put our finger on. My cousin Normand is mentally retarded but hardly helpless ...very high functioning (my aunt caught measles while pregnant) and he hasn't a mean or hateful bone in his body.

    I feel absolutely fine now; I had a couple of very scary days which I thought wise to investigate; I rather suspect it isn't that serious but something which I'll have to keep and eye on. I think I'll be completely fine as long as I keep my part of mother nature's ultimatum! This happened to me about six months ago under the same circumstances only the reaction was worse this time. I'll wait to get all the test results and the new fasting blood sugar and other tests on Saturday before I start wieghing my options... no sense counting my chickens before they hatch!

    @Pop_Smith ... how are you buddy?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2007
  10. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    I"m the worst one. The hardest part is to fight yourself.
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    ATTENTION FELLOW BITCHERS! Is your bitch really a legit bitch or is it the consequence of your own bad behavior?...the phenomenon of "as you sow, so shall you reap". Well confession is good for the soul and, in keeping with the technology and progress of the twenty-first century, confess and be absolved in the privacy of your own home by visiting the following site:


    (Mods, this doesn't count as spamming, does it?)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2007
  12. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Gerry, i got distracted half way through one of my "routes" (as u yanks call it :p:p), and i went int omy friends house then totally forgot about it.

    Ah well, i was getting to tired neways.
  13. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Pretty good, this weekend was a great thing for me and helped me relax a bit. Things are going pretty good around my place, my family is getting back later today from their mini-vacation that I decided not to go on this weekend due to the fact that I would have spent ~12 hours of my weekend in the car had I choose to go along.

    But, all in all life is going pretty well for me.

    Looks like things are turning out better for you, gerry1, after some could-be-bad-news at the doctor. Glad to hear that you are ok though!! :)
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    FredBun the way i heard it called Brittle Diabetes Mellitus
    not briddle diabetic

    Last edited: May 28, 2007
  15. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    FredBun I tip my hat to you and your better half. The 24/7 really takes a toll and shows the love and commitment of both child care and marriage commitment.Chris
  16. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    my bitch is the lost discussion thread geting closed for no particular reason...maybe creaky just doesnt like the show...doesnt mean a thread should be closed.
  17. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have major headache! Worst weekend ever
  18. Neverhap

    Neverhap Guest


    Good point, and that seems to happen regularly, or at least at some intervals......bigtime sucks....I don't know why I stick around here, luckily, not that much.
  19. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    funny thing is they wont give me a response about it either...lol
  20. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i know as i did your 2 offensive reports on that, dvdback
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