Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I agree, sometimes the lawyers' fees are too much. I've had it happen personally (different type case though). Then I have to reflect and ask myself one simple question. Would I have won my case without good legal representation? The answer is a simple "no". So something is better than a lot of nothing. Same goes for the litigants in the settlement you mention. I'll not get into the gamble law firms take. We hear of the extravagant awards that some lawyers cash in on, but often most lawyers spend an entire career without winning the "lottery".

  2. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    @The attorney thing, yeah its crazy and very selfish but thats what you get for going to school! Well, the only good thing I have ever seen done to an attorney, or at least threatened to be done, was by a judge.

    A judge told the attorney/judge in this story that his lawsuit was fruitless and that he would probably permanent revoke the guys law practice license for it.

    My bitch: I bought an '03 Audi A6 on Saturday and I almost wrecked her today. That would have sucked really badly as its basically new (~40k miles), its laser straight and they cost a load to repair from what my friend, who's brother owns one and cousin, who's friend owns one, told me. It scared the living crap out of me but its not too much of a "bitch" as I didn't wreck it.

    Here is what happened:
    I was driving to a friends house after we went and got some car wash soap at Checker.

    Well, I was facing east and the cars come over a non-blind hill, traveling west. The traffic lane closest to me had some nice people in it who stopped so I could get into the neighborhood. However, due to the height of my car, and the fact that an SUV stopped to let me in, I couldn't see the next lane over very well. I couldn't see behind them very far and it looked clear so I went.

    Well, just as I was crossing the 2nd lane I noticed a car coming right at me so I gunned it and made it in fine but barely and it shook me up. If I had been about two seconds later my friend, sitting in the passenger seat, probably would have been injured pretty badly due to the speed of the on-coming car, about 45 MPH.

    So, I decided from now on I am going to take the easier, although longer route to his house if we go anywhere as it would only take about 5 minutes longer but you don't have to worry about on-coming traffic which is real nice. :)

  3. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You just don't make the turn unless you can see if the coast is clear, the hell with driving 5 minutes out of the way.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007
  4. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Well, it looked clear but it wasn't. :p Oh well, I will just be really, really careful if I do it again. Just curious, does anyone know where I could get some flush (or pretty flush) covers for the outlets in my A6?

    I couldn't find anything so far online and the guy at Checker said to check Wally World (aka Wal-Mart). I haven't done so yet but I was just trying to find something. I removed the lighters as no one is going to smoke in my car, I won't let them, and I just needed something that wouldn't get noticed but would cover the holes to prevent dust or anything else from finding its way into the outlet.
  5. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Whats the point of having an Audi if you arnt willing to take risks??? XD
    Welcome to the high school life... I our school has 12 armed guards at all times on campus... I have even seen them draw their weapons on students... you get use to the smell... graffiti? I thought it was art! Or so we're told. Wait till you get to go to the schools while there is a bomb scare, that is always fun! What about when the food in the cafeteria is druged, or you walk into the library and find porn inside almost every book (usually gay porn) Or the keyboards in the computer labs have lugies all over them... Just an ordinary high school day!
  6. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    shucks auto supplies has em. dose it have leather seats? Post pics please!
  7. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    My Bitch:

    The Dbacks lost to the Brewers, how in the hell did thart happen? It was 3-1 at the bottom of the SECOND! Lost 4-3. Sheer insanity.

    My other bitch:
    We got kicked out of Miller Stadium because of drunk and disorderly conduct, what the hell? I thought EVERYONE at any ball game was drunk and disorderly, thats like getting kicked out of congress because you lie too much. Christ almighty!
  8. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Yeah, I am going to check a few stores tomorrow for plugs. Checker didn't have any and Smith's had some but they all had designs and light up, yuk.

    Yes, its got leather seats as well as a bunch of crazy gadgets, no bluetooth right now but I might add it around this Christmas depending on how much it is to do.

    I am really fond of the memory (auto adjusting) seats that re-adjust the driver seat when you open the door to the position stored in memory if someone else has moved the seat.

    My other favorites include the multi-function (you can control the radio) steering wheel and the ability to see the radio station on a display between the tach and speedo without having to look down at the actual radio.

    I am going to give her the first bath tomorrow, at least the first one I have given her, so I will take and post pictures after she is all clean.

    I will let everyone know when I post the pictures. :)

    Peace and Good Night.

    Pop Smith
  9. onya

    onya Guest

    G'day to Gerry, what a fabulous place to learn, no wonder you came away with a sense of history(amongst other neccessary stuff). How envious are you trying to make us?

    Now between you and I, tell me true....did you ever smuggle in the booze there too buddy?
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Onya ... we didn't smuggle booze through the tunnels but we did smuggle in booze! I wish I had photos of the boathouse; it was huge and the ships in that time period could go right in so no one could see what they were doing. THe place was four stories high with one central dining room whick went right to the roof domed with stained glass. It was awesome. There were also the stables, the servants quaters( a different house), gate houses and even a doll house replica in the fashon of the manor house for their little girl to play in. They had 120 or so servants, gardeners, maintenance people etc. living on the grounds (before it was turned into a seminary, that is). Unbelievable wealth they had at the turn of the 19th century!

    Regarding Abuse by priests: You'll notice that all the priests accused are the older ones. Having been in the seminary, I believe I know WHY. In those days, they started recruiting for the priesthood while you were in grammar school and you started your religious studies in the seminary at middle school ages. I was the last of the generation where they did that although I started in the ninth grade. Those are very formative years for a youth and to seclude them only among other boys without any contact with girls, demanding that they live there, no sexual education and strict policies regarding secular activity contributed to it all; I am sure of it. We were even prohibited from attending certain family functions like weddings, engagement parties etc. They don't do that any more. (British boarding schools which started with very young boys also had a huge problem with this at one time).

    I hung around with priests, went camping with them, to the beach etc. and I consider myself fortunate that nothing like that ever happened to me (I must have been an ugly kid LOL!).

    Not to take away from the terrible nature of this issue, I'm also sure that there are some frauds too with a scheme. Me and my old friends were asked to testify in behalf of a priest who was accused; we hung around and did everything with him for years as teens and later into young adulthood. He never did anything to us and I'm SURE he never abused anyone else. Many years later, someone accused him of it (about four years ago)and we were asked to go to court and testify in his behalf and we were intervied by both the cops and church officials. Naturally, the press crucified him without even waiting for it to go to court. He had a heart attack and died several days after the accusation. Even after all these years and not even being Catholic anymore, I was always very fond of him. It was later rumored that it was just a get rich quick scheme. I knew this priest really well and my and my friends from those days were all outraged and certainly ready to go to court in his behalf. The problem is, it happened so often that any accusation was automatically considered true. It was a truly terrible thing and it pisses me off royally to this day.
  11. onya

    onya Guest

    Perhaps you can explain the difference one Gerry :)

    If I made comments in my previous post that suggested your involvement in any way, the activitys imlied or otherwise that compromised common morals, then I most humbly appologise.

    I realise that this issue is in the main news forum today, and controversey surrounds yet again.

    As you say you have happy memories of your stay, and have brought balanced views to AfterDawn. May these continue Gerry.

    For all those that have been or allegely been abused by those trusted individuals, perhaps JUDGEMENT AWAITS THEM. Not being a religious man, these words may seem hollow, but if I'm wrong.......... then Eternity could be an awfully long time.

    Best thoughts and wishes...
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Onya ... I did not take your words as an implication of any sort. I just wanted to give my view on WHY this happened. Like I said, it was also (and to some degree, possibly is) a big problem in all boys boarding schools and it my own opinion and observation, not a scientific study.

    Someday, if you want a good chuckle, read just a synopsis of something called "Pascal's Wager". Blaise Pascal was a statistician, mathematician of considerable prominence (philosopher to a much lesser degree). He compared belief in God and eternity to a poker game complete with statistical information for the odds of winning the big prize LOL!

    If you ever want to have a good laugh, read the first 30 pages or so of a Mark Twain book called "Letters From the Earth". It was actually illegal until the 1960s or 50s because of its disrespect LOL! Its hysterical!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2007
  13. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    about the priest abuse, gerry1 pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one, I will also add another one, I to went to cathlic school and church, I only had one incident with a priest about sexual abuse, me and 5 other guys, it was nothing serious but my Mom found out about it and beat the crap out of him, case closed he never did it again.

    But another main reason I think anyway is, gerry1 I think your a little younger than me, but there was a time when I started school the older priests were still able to marry and were, in my Ukrainain Catholic curch and school they were, up until the early 5o's, than they prohibited it, I never heard of any incident with them, and I know cause I was a devout follower of our church for years, than in the late 70's I dropped the church like a hot potatoe, not just mine all churches or religions, they create more problems than they solve, but not to able to marry or experiance a woman in your lifetime I also think creates problems, what do they have left, little boys as a temptation, and I'm not using it as an excuse, first you got to be sick in the first place than get your ass wooped priest or not, but combining everything gerry1 said in addition to this I think is a problem.
  14. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    The thing that rises to the top just as much as the "bad" priests is the fact that the entertainment media (sorry news and news channels are just that) took an untrue story and ran like the wind with it. It truly saddens me to think of a man that is innocent and charged with such heinous crimes and is crucified by someone or something that is supposed to "report" the truth. I can't think of many crimes worse than abusing little children with comparison to what some of these priests are accused of.

    OK I better stop before I piss someone off. :p

    HOPE all is well with everyone. GOOD morning.......... :)

  15. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    greensman, your absolutly right, to me a false accusation of this magnatude is as bad as the act itself.
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    In Philly one time, there was a rather bad bus accident. THe bus hold fifty people or so and there were over 300 people filing lawsuits claiming they'd been hurt. It's nothing but pure greed but its more and more common. What a society we've become eh?
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yep. Did you know that over half the world's lawyers and solicitors live and work in the USA?
  18. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I didn't know that but it makes perfect sense to me. The lawyers aren't going to refuse a case even if they know the person is full of Sh** because they'd lose out on potentially a lot of money. Many year ago, I got into a serious accident and had to go on disability as I lost the use of my left side. THe judge ordered that I get disability retroactively from the time of application and the lawyers took damn near every penny of it.

    I don't agree with George Bush on much but I did agree with him when he spoke of reforming this but, unfortunately, he went too far. He wanted to limit malpractice to 100 grand and I know there is a lot of fraud there too but if you're screwed up so bad that you can't work for the rest of your days, 100 grand isn't going to come close to supporting you if you're unable to work again because of a mistake. Because of this, his plans were rejected by just about all lawmakers.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Doesn't surprise me, and I also agree, 100,000 isn't going to cover a lifetime's wages lost through disability.
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    There was a program about malpractice on TV about 15 years ago. There was a plastic surgeon in Florida that had been sued so many times that he got tired of it (This guy was a bad doctor and shouldn't have been practicing- maybe that was what he was doing, practicing up). He just put all his assets in his wife's name and he owned nothing and never bought malpractice insurance again, and since the lawyers could get nothing, there were no more law suits. Something does need to be done about limiting awards in lawsuits. One thing that might help would be the losing attorney would have to pay all court cost and opposing attorney's fees + a % of the award he was seeking. Filing false claims in insurance scams should require felony convictions and confinement.JM2C
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