Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon...amen to that!

    My Bitch: I had a kid come to me for educational funds this afternoon; he was just one month out of high school. For obvious reasons, we have to administer basic skills tests ... he could only read at the first grade level (which actually means that he's totally [not just functionally] illiterate...just by filling in all the dots, you're apt to get a couple right by chance. After fifteen years at this job and however and seeing this over and over again, it just never ceases to amaze me how one can spend twelve years in school, pass from one grade to the next without being able to read a word!
  2. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    My bitch.

    Laptop was pretty screwed due to multiple downloads and things, so i thought id back everything up on an external harddrive and reinstall windows.

    So, i did just that. THen, i copied everything that was essential back onto it.

    It was good for a bit, now its absolutely PISSING me off. The internet takes so long to load for no apparent reason. My routers a good one, i had no problems before, we have pretty good internet providers, but after the reinstall, pages (ESPECIALLY from aD) take AGES to load.

    Like now when i hit "post reply", it will take about 2 minutes too load.
  3. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    How do you keep your sanity? I hope you have kept a journal because I'm sure you got a best seller in there some where.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    billybob, there is a problem with the ad servers as i have that problem too but not other sites.
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon...you know, I really should do that LOL! A co-worker saves the more bizzare resumes. My favorite this year was from a woman who worked in a clothing store and in describing her job responsibilities on her resume she wrote:

  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Something's wrong at AD. Everyones been double posting. And it does take longer than normal sometimes to load. Your laptop is ok.
  7. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Well here is my bitch for the day:

    I hate people who don't use caution when opening car doors after they have parked. My car, although still perfectly straight, has some really weird shaped paint chips in it. I don't know when or how they got there as I know they were not there when I got the car. Also, I have two small white gashes, about 1/4"-1/2" long, across the rear passenger door now. I bet they happened yesterday at work. I know that car paint isn't good forever and that dings happen but it just sucks as I bought it Saturday. :p

    However, here is the really weird part, the door isn't dented at all. I looked at it from multiple angles and the door is still as straight as ever. I can't see any "foreign" colored paint in the chipped area either so I am really confused as to how it did what it did.

    Oh well, its cool as long its not something thats easily seen.


    P.S. Here are the pictures of my car. Its actually right on the site of the place I got it from, hence why it says "Sold". :)
    Pop Smith's Car!
  8. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Yaaay. Cheers guys :D
  9. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    My favorite application I have ever seen, coming from a Jr. College graduate here in NC, described her previous job as an "A$$ Manager"
    and secondary job as an "A$$" designer. (replace the dollar signs with an "S". We had a great laugh over that one.
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @blivetNC ... LOL! I've seen that often myself. Ass. instead of Asst.

    WHAT A DOPE! I just had another client who wrote on his resume the killer words Dishonorable Discharge! I swear, the majority of people I run into are dumber than dirt!! (I'm in a pissy mood today.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2007
  11. Shardel

    Shardel Guest

    I feel your frustration over the level of education with which some young people are leaving our high schools. In my opinion teachers
    are being asked to do the jobs that many parents should be doing.
    They are expected to teach manners, morals, and a lot more. They
    are spread so thin I don't know how they get the job done at all.
    A lot of young people never feel a need to achieve. They never know
    the feeling of real accomplishment. That's a shame.
    Also we are spending more and more on education, but a lot of it
    goes for extra curricular activities. It used to be if you wanted
    your children to learn something extra you paid for the lessons. Now
    you scream at the school board to pay for it for everybody.
    I don't believe that telling every child they are okay at something
    when they are below an exceptable achievement level is not doing
    them any favors. When they get out in the real world nobody is going
    to pat them on the head and say it's okay.
    I seem to have gotten on that soap box again.
  12. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Shardew...your parental teacher theory is plausible, but i must say i disagree. I think it is more simple than that.

    Back when you guys were kids, there were less....luxuries shall i say? Ill ellaborate. Nowadays, we (well, i do, and im sure i represent quite a few), have MobilePhones, Internet, More and more crude/strong languages tv programs, and cinemas. Much more external influences. We have magazines for kids, radio, lots of non-essentials that im sure are polluting peoples brains.
    They watch the films, and they get a rolemodel that was never meant to be a rolemodel. They get phones, giving them more interaction with friends giving them more of a sense of independance as opposed to leaerning to cooperate with their family and piers that they may not neccesarily have fun with. Internet. They (we?) have a huge amount of access to the internet, being MSN Messenger, Myspace, lots of sick stories, games. Loads of stuff.

    All leading to polluting of their brain, or them spending more time alone not learning vital interpersonal skills.

    Oh and theres one more, teachers cant even isolate a pupil nowadays without "picking on him/her". Load of crap.

    Im not saying im perfect, im far from it, but im a little more intelligent than most my age and i can recognise things, i can act how i want and when i want. And im certainly not suggesting i dont take advantages of these modern day circumstances. Especially the one about the teachers LMAO! Lots of abuse of that one ;)

    Well anyway, im going to go watch TheFootballFactory, text my friend, log into myspace, and watch some porn. Lmao. Im actually gonna read my book :D

  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Shardel I think you're pretty close in your assessment. :D

    I hear what you're saying but you're forgetting what Shardel said about it's the PARENTS job to teach their children certain things. I don't for a second think that you, Ripper, Domreis, and some of the younger crowd that I "associate" with are part of this problem or really have a lack of intelligence. IT'S the people (kids) passing that REALLY AREN'T passing that's an absolute tragedy.

    You can't continue to pass people that can't read past a 1st or 2nd grade level. It's not ok to tell them it's ok and send them on. THAT is a disservice to the community and the CHILD most of all. I'm teaching my children what I think they should know at almost 7, 5 and 2. TO OBEY YOUR PARENTS or there are consequences.

    IT's no different in the real world as you know. If you don't do well on a test, at work, at sports, and so on then there is something that you have to change to get better or try something else. I'm not saying that a student should try something else but they should search out someone or something to assist them in making themselves better. Whatever that may be, another student, a teacher, a parent, after school help and again so on. I'm talking education right now but this is BIGGER than simple education. It relates to the work field. HOW many jobs do you think someone can get with a 1st grade reading level? NOT many!!!

    IT's like my job (golf course superintendent or greenkeeper whatever your preference.... :p) IF YOU CAN't READ and do some MATH you're screwed. BECAUSE you could kill something that you didn't intend on killing because you interpreted the directions incorrectly. I know I'm making this fairly simple but it's true. :)

    NOT ranting just trying to educate and enter my 2 cents at the same time. :D I hope that I made some sense as well. OH!! and this small novel isn't directed at you so don't take offense billy. :)


  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @billy ... our activities aren't the same as kids today, but it doesn't mean we did less. We were probably even more active without those things you mentioned: we rode our bikes, played sports outside, hung out with our buddies at whatever the local spots were, we went hiking, camping and truly did a lot of things that are probably a great deal better for you than my space and video games. But the words "Not until you've done your homework" was a common phrase in those days. In order not to be hyprocritical here, I must confess that I always managed to copy someone else's LOL! But at least I turned in and, in those days, there actually was homework and being kept back if you failed. At least in the U.S. they don't keep kids back anymore because they say its psychologically traumatic. Having to teach at the level of the class, it means our standard of education has dropped lower and lower. A friend of mine was a professor at Temple University. He use to teach literature, creative writing and journal. For the last fifteen of the thirty years he taught, he complained that he did nothing more than teach 5th grade grammar...in one of our major universities. Several years ago, Canada started requiring American students going to university in Canada to take basic skills testing first so that what happened here doesn't happen to them.
  15. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    No sweat greensman i can have a mature discussion u no :D

    I see what your saying, but shardew said that he feels it is up to parents to teach things such as manners, morals and such.

    Like i said, i do understand what hes saying, but i think more of the issue is related to the things i said in my last post...EVEN manners in most cases.

    I think youd find that most children have been taught manners, but they choose not to use them in front of strangers and their peers.

    Im really tired...i had a load of points in my head to write down..and theyve just gone lol.

    Gerry. my point exactly. Im not knocking what you guys did when you were younger, im doing the exact oppposite.
  16. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @All ... I think, too, that while we speak the same language (more or less LOL), we the U.S. and the UK are different cultures, certainly similar in ways, but not in others. I befriended a British policeman once; he was part of some professional exchange program (what an accent he had too! It was what creaky once referred to as "cringeworthy" LOL!) I'll never forget something he said about Philadelphia reminding him of a Charles Dickens novel ... virtually no middle class but just the upper crust and the riff-raff you kick to the curb. It's not only true of the cities, the middle class in the US has been on a rapid decline toward a two class system. Strangely, employment has been on the rise yet the middle class slipping into poverty has increased by a far greater percentage. Operant conditioning can be a good thing as well as a bad; if you tell a whole class of people that they're worthless often enough, rest assured that they'll become that way and consider it their destiny in life. England had a huge problem with this before the second world war and their outlook on life as a whole seriously reflected it as did the class system which went to the point of extremes. Where England has slowly been getting away from this, the U.S. is slowly slipping into it.
  17. Shardel

    Shardel Guest

    Sorry if you felt I offended you. That certainly was not my intention.
    People in the younger generation have more opportunities and a more
    universal perspective than when I was in school. I have much respect for many of the younger generation. I just feel sad that some are
    missing the opportunity to be all they can be because they haven't
    developed the capacity to challenge themselves.
    The younger generation today is exposed to a much wider spectrum of
    things than we were, but their perspectives on what they are exposed
    to come from personal principles. Most of the younger people I have
    seen contributing to Afterdawn are outstanding. I wish the best for
    you in every way.
    By the way I'm a lady not a guy.
  18. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Jesus. Not at all! Wipe that thought, definately not. I was merely commenting :D Seriously, you could not have got it more wrong, im far from offended, i actually agreed with alot of you said if you read my comment :D

    Hell, say what you want, i hate the younger generation, even though im part of it. So many idiots who have the opportunity that their parents didnt, and they are letting it go to waste, leaving the "make something of life" to their children etc.

    Im trying to make the most of it.

    p.s Speaking of opportunities, if anyone can give me career advice id appreciate it.
  19. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Here in the US, a lot of the causes for the poor education levels now, was when government took away ultimate authority from the teachers. Parents backed up the teachers and there was disciple. Then the lawyers started with the "poor johnny who was punished" and lo the school board had INSURANCE, and it provideth a tidy sum and soon the government stepped in. So now dwelleth the good students in private schools and the poor in the public schools. The segregation is still there but it's not black-white, it's poor-rich. And all these wonderful new jobs are service rated and provide no benefits and minimal wage. That's what the education from high school is: minimal wage. The truly sad stories are those poor, intelligent students stuck in the public schools. JM2C

    And gerry's right- we didn't have a lot of gadgets but we never had any free time on our hands and 3 channels were enough. Most of us were not Fat, we had real PE.
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    A Serious Bitch this afternoon! As some of you know, I got into and accident which resulted in multiple spinal cord injuries and a lot of surgery all of which left me with certain disabilities and a chronic pain patient. Because of both pain and slowly increasing tolerance, I take some rather serious dosages of narcotics several times a day and have for many years. For the first time ever, a woman at the office asked if she could buy some from me like I'm a street corner pusher! It seriously pissed me off and came a hair from complaining to my superiors but decided against it. My doctor warned me that I should never let anyone have a single one of the oxycontin tablets I take (not that I would anyway) because, due to tolerance and my physical consition, I take either 80 or 100mg tablets when the average is 10mg; in short, just one tablet of what I take can overdose and kill someone unaccoustomed to it for a long period of time. I explained this to her telling I couldn't give her any and when I said it, her eyes lit up and she became even more persistant. Damn was I pi$$ed off!
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