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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  2. hawthorne

    hawthorne Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Things can only be good when the imperial storm troopers are getting into the groove.
  3. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Is your pic in response to that lovely lady in ireland's pic :eek:
  4. hawthorne

    hawthorne Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Ah yes, good memories indeed.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    hawthorne, reduce your sig to forum specs of 50k as total is 187,901 bytes
  6. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    @gerry....U know me!!
  7. hawthorne

    hawthorne Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Sorry bout that. I'll fix it straight away.
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I have a bitch. Kind of a superiority complex too...

    Some newbie asks a question. I see his question answered by some dingdong who thinks he knows everything about computers because he added a new part to his or something. He fires off some off the wall answer that half the time is just correcting the terms the newbie is using instead of straight-forward answering the damn question. I politely correct said dingdong then give the newbie a direct and well researched answer.(Not saying I'll always be right. I just do my homework before running my mouth.) The dingdong then argues with me that he's right and just because I might have a faster compy or higher status I don't always have to be right.

    The most common arguement is that intel is faster beacuse of higher GHz. Like a Pentium 4 630 3GHz is faster than my X2 3800+ 2.4GHz. Anyone who has actually done his homework know full well this is not true. Now if you care to compare me to a Pentium D 940 or 950 though then I will have a polite discussion with you about the strengths and weaknesses of each.

    I will say it now. Just because my computer is fast doesn't mean I'm automatically a big fat jerk.(bitch #1)

    I also think if someone is being a jerk it shouldn't be an automatic ban(not that it's that way now.) Suspension works fine as a visual teaching tool to all who witnesses said suspension. I will use a name here now. A while back someone with newbie status posted a thread asking questions about something he obviously no knowledge of. FISHNERD snapped at him and got 1 weeks suspension. Everyone said how big a jerk he was. But I have talked to FISHNERD and he's actually a very nice guy(are you reading this one buddy?) Very intelligent and fun to talk to. He also contributes a lot to the conversations he joins. Banning him would be a heavy blow to the community.

    So... mods... keep the system you have now :)(bitch #2)

    My mom eats all the peanut butter before I get it.(bitch#3)

    One of my chinchillas died:'((bitch#4)

    And last for tonite. The status system should be IMO:

    Newbie to Junior Member - 75 posts

    Junior Member to Member - 150 posts

    Member to Senior Member - 750 posts

    Addict - Hand-Picked

    That way the addicts truely earn their status but seniors are still possible without being a post freak but not as easy either.

    I usually get in one or two posts each on a few different threads each night but I try to help as much as I can in each post I make because I love AD :)
    (bitch #5)

    All for one and bitching for all!

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2006
  9. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hey eustansis how goes it?

    I thought id reply because i was the computer hardware illiterate one who made that post asking for help.

    Wasnt even a newbie status, was still a member like i am now, i've been a member for ages now, but id rather be like this than be a senor member, cause i havent helped or contributed to anything for ages, ive been busy and only had time to post in safety valve.

    I'm sure he is, but i dont take kidnly to being called a retard, espeically when i felt a bit iffy about asking anyway. Lol.
    It wouldnt look very good to people viewing the site, thinking of joining, would it? He probably had a bad day, but you still think before you hit "reply".

    Oh well whats done is done, i agree bannig him would be a heavy blow and all.

    Thanks for your help btw eustansis in my thread.
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    FISHNERD wasn't thinking before he hit reply. That's the point. That's why I agree with the banning system on AD because it's about warning and not prosecution.

    And I'm kinda exaggerating with the heavy blow. I just think he's kind of a cool guy :D

    No problem for helping you out. I'm no guru in anything but I try my best.
  11. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    MY BITCH???????

    My nokia 6280 screen just got cracked!

    It is now a blank black screen with 3 bright white lines down the middle!

    For christ sake! Now i gotta send it off and pay £50 for a new sreen!


    Reckon they are trustworthy?
  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Ain't life a bitch billybob? You're so young. This goes on forever. It's always something. You get use too it and flow effortlessly into the next snafu, which inevitably comes.. LMAO
  13. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @billyboy...do you know what a "snafu" is ... its a military acronym. There is also a military synonym (acronym) called a "fubar" which is my personal favorite.
  14. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    @gerry1,your not going to explain "fubar" to our young impressionable friend are you? LOL!
  15. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    @billybob, Here's where the afore mentioned acronyms can be explained.


    Put the acronym in and you'll find what it means.
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch for today and i agree with the below statement


    I will not buy or rent Movies from Apple!

    With the rumor that Apple will start selling or renting Movies in the iTunes music store out today, I instantly thought about prospect of being for forced to buy movies wrapped in DRM. Guess what I'm not doing it, my DVD collection is lock in enough with country play restrictions. Any movie I rent on line digitally better have a shipped DVD that goes along with it. Sure its gonna cost more but that may push people off dead center.

    Digital rentals don't interest me that much. But If companies package digital movie rentals followed by a snail mail delivered DVD I may go for it. Otherwise who normally wants to watch movies on a PC. I do not want to watch movies on my iPod, that is not my idea of fun in fact its a recipe for a headache. I highly doubt that these movies rentals will be full resolution, because in order to do that Apple would have to roll BitTorrent into iTunes in order to support the download sizes, and I think it will be a cold day in you know where before that happens.

    I just hope people wake up, and say no to the madness of digital downloads that continue to be highly restrictive when wrapped in DRM. Imagine having to buy multiple copies of a movies like a lot of us have purchased multiple copies of music albums in different formats. [www.thinksecret.com]
  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Seriously. I have a Zodiac. It is supposed to have games and stuff. But I don't have any. It has full mp3,wma,mpeg, asf, and avi support so I can already load any kind of movie or song off a USB thumb drive or a 2GB flash card. So it escapes all sorts of stuff like getting Quicktime for conversion. I can get a good quality 750MB avi/mpeg from LimeWire.

    Obviously the small screen does have drawbacks but the resolution itself is acceptable and much better than GBA video. The screen res(on my model) is close to 200 x 120. Nice and large for me. Has emulated positional audio too.

    For $250 dollars I think I really scored. It actually uses the same Lithium Ion battery from the GBA. GBA one works but has shorter play time. The Zodiac battery lasts about 20 hours with music, 10 hours with 3D games and about 10-12 hours with video. Very good for long car rides or just hanging in my "Lair" on my bed without being chained to my compies for internet. Typing is pretty slow as you have to pick the letters manually game console style. You can plug in certain keyboards but what's the point of that?

    The iPods are awesome and of good quality but if I can get something that can do everything an iPod video can do and better then what's the point? If iTunes had a yearly subscription but maybe pay individually for videos then it wouldn't be so bad. I might actually use it. But if I can get songs for free through p2p I don't need it.

    The Zodiac went out of production though. I think it was lack of marketing power from Gizmondo(I think that was the company.) An awesome and very user friendly product.

    I am not rich though. I just saved up a lot when I was young then got what I really wanted when I got older. A part-time job welding at BDT doesn't hurt either;)

    The parents finally let me have open access to my bank account when I turned 16 in March and I finally got what I needed. My Grandpa got me my current rig as a legacy gift and I used my bank to upgrade it.

    I got the Zodiac in march just after my birthday. Went out of production just after the first weekend in June. Lasted a little over a year on market. Great product :)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Estuansis and all

    MSI takes on Ipod Nano

    DCC 2006 Small, nice and plays MP3 /WMA

    By Fuad Abazovic: Tuesday 27 June 2006, 19:16
    MICRO STAR INTERNATIONAL, the company better known as MSI is making a big noise about its slim and nicely designed MP3 player. It has two rather interesting products on show.

    Its flash-based player, the P610, comes in capacities of 128MB to 4GB and plays video and FM channels, depending on where it is in the world. We saw an impressive live demo of the tiddly device that weighs only 45 grams and that includes its rechargeable lithium ion battery.

    It plays MP3 and WMA files and supports the evil DRM as well. You can get it to remember up to 15 RM stations and you can annoy the RIAA by recording from the radio.

    It has a very nice 1.8-inch screen claims a fourtee-hour battery life and supports SRS WOW surround sound.

    A second other model, the P640, is hard drive-based and comes with either an eight or ten gigabyte one-inch drive inside. It weights 80 grams and supports everything that P610 supports and plays up to 10 hours. Both devices can record audio and support USB 2.0.

    Final prices for the devices were not available, but we did manage to get some pictures.


    MSI has a serious Ipod nano contender

    First INQpression MSI P610 MP3 player

    By Fuad Abazovic: Tuesday 18 July 2006, 11:25
    WE HAD a chance to see one of the first prototypes of MSI's soon to arrive P610 MP3 player.

    We played with it back at the Digital Consumer Channel conference in St Wolfgang, Austria. You can read about out first experience here.

    Our biggest objection to the first P610 that we saw was the display. It turned out that the prototype was not the final thing and that the final product has a much better display than the first one. MSI P610 is the real attacker on the Ipod. A 1GB version should sell for around €99 and it is available now, or soon, depending on the country.

    The retail box is as wide as a CD. It includes an MSI P610 player, a manual CD, quick guide, line in cable that will help you connect this player to your car stereo or any kind of speakers, and stereo mini in ear headphones. It also includes a small and nice USB 2.0 cable. This MP3, Video, Radio player and data carrier weighs only 45 grammes and is as thin as the Ipod Nano. The test version had 1GB while there are 2GB and 4GB versions slated for the future. It is just 8.5 millimetre thick, 90 millimetres long and 40.5 millimetres wide.

    It clearly has a bigger display than the Ipod Nano and is packed in a shiny chrome metal case. It looks and feels very robust and when polished you can use the back side as a mirror. It’s a girlie thing, but why not. The front side is dominated by the display that is bright enough and will show a decent picture.

    Navigation is very intuitive. You use seven front buttons to navigate. You don’t even need to RTFM, you can just open it and use it. It takes some 15 seconds to boot the device and as soon as it is booted you can instantly start to use it. All you need is to firmly press the power button, wait for two seconds to see the boot screen, wait for thirteen more and you are ready to rock and roll whichever music religion you preach.

    There are also two side buttons. The left hand button will repeat the selected part of the song and can possibly be useful. It will also trigger the recording as the device has the integrated microphone. If you want to record some stuff from line in you just plug your external microphone or any other device to your headphones port who acts as the line in at the same time. At the same time the player is the recording device, nice and useful. The right hand side button will lock your player if you are caring it in the pocket in order to avoid the un necessary song skipping, shutting down or good knows what else can happen if the device is unlocked.

    Naturally you can play MP3 and WMA on this device and all you need to do is to drag and drop them and they will play. It is the beauty of this device and the Creative devices. The same goes with the videos and pictures and you can even read the notes on your MP3 player. The bottom side hides a neck stripe mini USB port and a mini stereo headphones jack. You connect your player on USB and via USB 2.0 you can transfer the files really fast.

    When it comes to music you can play your MP3 and you can play a play lists. This part is very nicely done but every single time we turned to player on we had to adjust the volume as it would tune itself down to some default level. I am sure that MSI can fix it with a firmware update.

    Music is clear and loud and that’s what we cared about. You can also easily make a playlists and listen to them later, it also easy to edit the lists and to delete the files. You have to press the left top button for two second to get the add to playlist feature, that is the catch. The player shows the informations about to song you play, the album name and the artists, you of course get some kind of funny looking equalizer graph and the time of the song. You can see the clock at all time and what is the song number in the playlist or directory or album.

    Second nice feature is the picture player. It can play Jpeg up to massive 8 Mega pixels and it works really well. I liked the fact that the device can play MP3 and you can view and show your pictures at the same time. That is a very nice feature, as the player is really multitasking.

    There is a slideshow with some wipes between pictures and this is also a nice feature. You can rotate the pictures by pressing the top left button for two second as they will fit the screen much better. We wanted to zoom but the option is absent. The device can also make a preview of a bunch of small thumbnail pictures and will show the time at the same time. You can make a puzzle out of your picture and play with it, it can be fun.

    Video looks nice and even the screen is tiny you can watch some videos if you are bored or you are travelling. It works really nice we can not complain much about it but jet again you can not zoom in the video or manipulate it.

    The forth feature of this player is the radio. It takes a few second to scan for radio channels and we were able to find fifteen channels. Not all of them were clear and you could not change the names of the channels and there is no RDS support which is a shame. You can save your favourite channels and do the scan again if you want.

    You can also read notes a TXT and LRC files and this might be useful to keep some info on in text format on the player. It talks five hours to fully charge the battery and about three hours to charge the 80 percent of it. The browser option will let you find a file and the player will decide weather it should start picture, mp3, notes or video player. This is a nice and neat feature.

    The settings menu has support for lyrics as the player can display them, SRS surround sound emulation, it has the equalizer with a few predefined presents you can set the song repeat. You can chose how and in which format and quality you want to save your recordings and is the source line in or internal microphone. You can also set the radio region and you can chose between the Japan and the world, how biuzare is that. You can also set the power down option if you forget to shut your player down and you can set the interval, repeat or transitions of the slides. You can tune backlight, brightness language, date and time, and see the info about your player.

    In Short
    With ten plus hours playback and great dimensions, larger display than Ipod nano and far more capable it should be the MP3 player that you should consider. People still has to learn about MSI as the retail brand as every single of my friends asked me what does MSI stands for. The branding on the player is very noticeable and people will learn about it, just give them a time.

    The P610 player is fifty percent cheaper than Ipod nano and has much more features. It is the player that worth €99. MSI will certainly update the firmware and fix some of the child sickness we found about the device and we are already working with MSI to fix these small thingies. µ

    go here to see the pixs.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  19. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    That is a very pretty piece of kit, like the finish.
  20. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    No video though. Like a Zodiac but with better battery life and different abilities. Less like a media player and more like a media storage device and manager.
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