LG GGW-H20L works, but.....not with high-def??? HELP!

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by utjosey, May 2, 2009.

  1. odin24

    odin24 Regular member

    May 4, 2007
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    @ Josey (The Outlaw???)

    I can say with 99.99% certainty that your problem is that you do not have the UDF2.5 reader driver installed.

    The way Blu-ray discs are burned using the UDF 2.5 file system, XP doesn't come with a UDF reader, so you need to install it. Follow the instructions from the Slysoft link above.

    There is a reference to BD 2.0, this is just Blu-ray's version and has nothing to do with drivers. BD 2.0 I believe is when "BD Live", or BD+ was introduced... I'm not to sure.

    Your LG drive has the latest FW (YL05), which is good. It also plays DVDs so we know it functions properly, it just doesn't read Blu-ray discs, I am confident your issues is the absence of the UDF 2.5 reader.
  2. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    No matter which 'guide' I follow I simply cannot get the Toshiba UDF 2.5 driver to install. I've googled it numerous times, with each essentially saying mostly the same install routine, however I cannot get it to work. The registry entry and TEMP folder never appear, no matter how many times I restart my system (and believe me, I've tried it dozens of times!) but still no success.

    What I ultimately see is, "It is not possible to install it in this PC." Guides from Slysoft, DVDneXtCOPY, etc. have all offered tutorials, so I'm not sure if it's me or my PC that's the source of the issue, but someone, PLEEEEEAAASE help me get this installed onto my system so I can finally get a Blu-ray disc to play on my LG GGW-H20L drive.....please.

  3. Blessedon

    Blessedon Regular member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Tell us the exact, complete order of steps you are taking to install...1,2,3...
  4. hiteckkk

    hiteckkk Guest

    Wrong forum, apologies.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2009
  5. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    Well, first off, thank you for the reply! The answer is somewhat difficult though, as I mentioned that I have followed the guides featured on numerous google hits.

    For the sake of argument, I'll use the guide I followed based on the link included in this thread, the one that linked the the Slyfoft forum (which makes sense because I have AnyDVD HD running on my PC). I downloaded the zip file for the Windows XP Pro 32-bit OS (contained w/in this thread) and followed the instructions to a T! Every time I rebooted my PC I didn't see a single file in the TEMP directory. I had clicked to Install the .inf file as instructed, then I clicked the .exe file to try to install the driver, but to no avail.

    Does that help?
  6. Blessedon

    Blessedon Regular member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Sort of, but you didn't follow the instructions and no one can -or will- help you unless you do. Also, in the beginning of this thread Ogilvie told you to install the driver and you ignored his advice. Also, you are not correctly reporting back the information we need to help you (e.g. empty-temp-folder-on-reboot)

    Lets try a different tactic; First of all your temp folder should not be empty every time you reboot. Either you have a program set to empty it (you need to check into this on your own), or you have a virus.

    1)Download, update, and run the free virus cleaner from malwarebytes.org at http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
    Why? Because you may have a virus.

    2)Download a new copy of Toshiba UDF2.5 zip file from here (2nd post): http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=15597

    3) Put it in your root directory (that's where you click on My Computer, then double-click on the C: drive) put it there.

    4)Extract it to the same location (if you don't know how to extract a zip file - ask)

    5)Double-click on the extracted file. It will tell you it can't install on your computer. DO NOT CLOSE THAT MESSAGE AND DO NOT REBOOT

    6)Open a new window and go to your to your temp folder. Double-click on a folder called {1347D5A6-4FE0-476A-B85F-D0FC91F55EB0}
    In there you will see two files; one called thdudf.inf and thdudf.sys.
    Right click on the thdudf.inf file and select "install".

    That's it.
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  7. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    Blessedon, thank you for the reply. I tried all of your suggestions, and none worked, at least the way I performed them. I ran the antimalware scanner you suggested and there were no suspicious or infected files on any of my 5 HDDs. I then d/l'd the same UDF 2.5 zip file that I did before per your suggestion just to be sure I wasn't missing a step here nor there, extracted it using 7-zip to my root C: drive and below is the screenshot of what I see/saw:


    I opened and explored every TEMP/temp/Temp file shown and none listed a directory {1347D5A6.....etc}. I wish it had, but no such luck.

    I'm not going to act as if I'm a tech/PC wiz, obviously or I wouldn't be here posting this question, but on the flip side I'm not computer illiterate! I certainly know how to extract or unzip a compressed file, so please don't talk down to me or anyone else who posts a question on these forums because, remember, we're all here for the same reason....to seek help from the community of users without having fear of being the one who, "asks a stupid quesion."

    I would sincerely appreciate any subsequent help, as I still cannot play a Blu-ray disc on my GGW-H20L.

  8. Blessedon

    Blessedon Regular member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I apologize if it appeared that I was being condescending in my speech. I have no way of knowing your abilities and suppositions are de rigueur.

    As to your computer problem, I am now stymied. You clearly need the UDF2.5 driver but you say it is not showing up in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\local settings\temp folder.
    Why it is not is inexplicable, and I do not believe I can be of further help.
  9. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    I too apologize if I came across as being condescending, it was not my intent, I just wanted to express the fact that all of us, regardless of PC literacy, run into problems that we need help with. I'm sure I simply misinterpreted your reply for something it wasn't', and for that I apologize.

    That being said, does anyone else have any idea how to install the TOshiba UDF 2.5 driver on my system? I'm open to any and all suggestions or recommendations.

    Please let me know....otherwise you're going to see this LG drive on e-bay in the next week or so, 'cause I'm sick of it!
  10. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    Perhaps you could try the instructions as above by Blessedon:

    1)Download, update, and run the free virus cleaner from malwarebytes.org at http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
    Why? Because you may have a virus.

    2)Download a new copy of Toshiba UDF2.5 zip file from here (2nd post): http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=15597

    3) Put it in your root directory (that's where you click on My Computer, then double-click on the C: drive) put it there.

    4)Extract it to the same location (if you don't know how to extract a zip file - ask)

    5)Double-click on the extracted file. It will tell you it can't install on your computer. DO NOT CLOSE THAT MESSAGE AND DO NOT REBOOT


    instead of step six open windows search and search for thdudf.inf

    or open a command prompt and type: tree c:\ /f /a > c:\tree.txt

    This will generate a text file containing the name of every file on drive C. Open the text file with notepad and search the txt file with ctrl+F. this will tell you where to find it if its there.
  11. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    Have you tried using a trial version of ANYDVDHD? it uses its own UDF 2.5 drivers, and will allow you to bypass HDCP and other annoyances. It is a fantastic piece of software.

    I do not work for nor am i associated with slysoft. I do however own a lifetime license for anydvdhd. best money i have spent on software for a long time.
  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    why would you not send it back to newegg for refund or replacement rather than selling it on ebay and giving up?

    I don't know jack about HD burners but I would suspect that there are at least 2 different lasers for normal DVD and BluRay!
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  13. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    I understand your point, I guess it was more a figure of speech to express my disgust, but I can see how it could be misunderstood. I honestly don't think it's the drive but I could be wrong. The fact is I simply cannot figure out how to install the UDF 2.5 driver, despite following the procedures outlined in this thread. I have no idea what I'm missing nor what I'm doing wrong but I'm still working on that. Until I can prove (to myself at least) that the drive is bad I insist on believing that the lack of the UDF driver, as many others have suggested, is at the root of the problem.

    As usual, any and all advice/guidance/suggestions/ideas/etc. are welcomed and appreciated.
  14. Blessedon

    Blessedon Regular member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    ...might as well ask since we have gone this far...

    where is the temp folder located that you are looking in please?
  15. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    I too have a lifetime license for AnyDVD HD and believe that I'm running the latest version (, but I still cannot get a BR disc to play. Everytime I try to play it using the Cyberlink PowerDVD software that came with the drive the program tells me that it has encountered an error and needs to close.

    As for which directory I'm referring to for my Temp drive, it's C:\Documents and Settings\My Profile\Temp. For what it's worth I then searched my entire PC for anything with the word Temp in it to see if perhaps it appeared somewhere else, but unfortunately it didn't.

    If AnyDVD HD has its own UDF drivers it's not working for me (as I'm currently configured at least....maybe I have to set something up with AnyDVD HD to tell it to use these?), and if that's not the route I should be using, well, I still cannot install the Toshiba UDF 2.5 drivers :(

    Please keep trying to help me out guys....
  16. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    Try start / run / %temp% / press enter. This is how i locate my temp folder
  17. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
  18. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
  19. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    If you are still having problems after you install the UDF 2.5 driver you can test to see if the problem is whether or not:

    A. You have a UDF 2.5 driver problem
    B. Your drive is just unable to read blu ray discs.

    You can test by getting a blank DVD5 and Burning something to it (it doesn't matter what) and making sure you burn it as a UDF 2.5 disc (I would use imgburn for this). After burning reinsert the disc and see if you can read the contents in windows explorer. If you correctly have the UDF 2.5 driver installed you WILL be able to read the contents. (What you have done is create a DVD which uses the BLU RAY file system) If the DVD5 works but Blu rays do not then your drive must be faulty as it can not read blu ray discs, yet has the correct driver installed to do so.

    Also have you tried uninstalling the drive in your device manager and rebooting the PC. This will reinstall the drivers again. It may make a difference, It is windows after all.....
  20. utjosey

    utjosey Member

    May 2, 2009
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    Well, I tried to (attempt to burn a DVD5 disc as you suggested but, even after perusing the Imgburn forums, I couldn't figure out how to change the format output so I wasn't able to test your suggestion.

    I did follow the suggestion to use the command line to locate my TEMP folder and was able to see the two files mentioned. I clicked Install and then tried to play a BR movie but PowerDVD just crashes each and every time I try. It does however show up in Windows Explorer, so it sees the contents of the disc, for what that's worth.

    What should I try next? TYIA for the continued help!

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