LG GGW-H20L works, but.....not with high-def??? HELP!

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by utjosey, May 2, 2009.

  1. Ogilvie

    Ogilvie Guest

    It probably doesn't matter any more but for your reference to burn a UDF 2.5 disc with imgburn see here:


    Dont forget to reset settings if you are going to burn a disc for any other purpose.

    As for playback of blu ray with PowerDVD, this is where it gets tricky. The version of PowerDVD I received with my drive has never worked for playing Blu Ray movies. I have full HDCP compliance wth all of my components and yet PowerDVD refuses to play any BD movies whether I have ANYDVDHD enabled or not.

    I use the drive to archive my BD movies to HDD and play them from there with Media Player Classic Home Cinema edition (free). I use TSmuxer to strip out all the stuff I dont need which keeps each movie at 30gb or below (sometimes down to 17GB).

    Slysoft's own player "slyplayer" will be out at some point. Coupled with ANYDVDHD it will probably rival the capabilities of any stand alone BD player.

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