hey all, does anyone know where i can get the multi region codes for this dvd player. i looked through the net but with no luck,not sure if its because its fairly new or there just is not any for it? thanks in advance.
LG DVD Receiver System HT303SU CHANGE REGION CODE CAMBIAR CODIGO DE REGION 1.- Encencer el Reproductor con el boton de Power, no debe haber ningun disco insertado en el reproductor ("No Disc"). 2.- Luego Presione en el control remoto la siguiente secuencia de botones.: PAUSE , "314159" 3.- Aperecera el menu de configuracion, Presiona 0 para Multi-Region en el campo "Code" (Regiones 0-6) (0 - All Regions) 4.- Presionar pause en el control. 5.- Apagar y encender el reproductor.
The method described by omaramj above (24th July 2008) worked perfectly for my sister's LG HT303SU system. It's easy enough to work out even if (like me) you don't speak Spanish. Here's my English interpretation of those intructions as fed by phone to my sister here in Australia just last night: (1) Make sure there's no disc in the system and turn it off. Turn the system on again and it will display a "no disc" message on your TV. (2) Use the remote control: press the "PAUSE" button and then key in the code "314159" (3) Your TV then displays a menu for choosing the desired region. Select "0" to make your unit an all region player. (4) Press the "PAUSE" button again. (5) Turn the system off and wait a few moments before restarting.
Hello quentin7, I speak Spanish and I looked for many other forums to look for this unlock. In my model it does NOT work. I bought it 7 days ago in Canada and I can't play some DVDs from my country (Region 4). I found a good link to put here, about LG unlocks. Its is http://www.dvddemystifiziert.de/codefree_en/lg.html. I tried all them but my DVD answered only when I pressed (PAUSE + 1472). It showed me an EEPROM information different from all showed in maaaaany forums. I tried to change some codes (assuming my risks) but it didn't worked as well, so I came here back to try some other help. But okay... maybe your other post could be more helpful.
Finally I got a solution!!!! It worked combining 2 actions: --- 1st step --- 1. With not disk press PAUSE + "1472" 2. In my LG I got this EEPROM information EEPROM: 43 41 60 67 12 05 fc 32 88 3. I changed the value 12 to 02 (0 means all regions) 4. Turn off de DVD and wait a little before turn it on again --- 2nd step --- If you try to put the DVD and it still not work follow these steps below: 1. Press the Setup button on your remote control 2. Select TV Aspect and place the cursor on the 16:9 Wide option 3. Using your remote control enter the code 1, 3, 9, 7, 1, 3 and 9 4. Press the Enter button on your remote control 5. You should now see the version information screen and apply one type of reset. At this moment you may see in the screen that your DVD is already Region 0. 6. Pressing Setup button on your remote control exits this info screen. 7. Enjoy!
Thanks to all of you who put up your hacks. I am in Australia and i had to use firstly the process described by blimac and then after that i used the process put up by omaramj(and quentin7). My EEPROM codes were different to that posted here, i simply changed the fifth code. Many thanks!!!
Hi everyone, I just bought the LG ht303su and have been unsuccessful in making it multiregional using both Omarmj's and Blimacs methods. Whe I try Omarmj's method I get no response whatsoever from the equipment and as for Blimics method, I've even changed the EEPROM of the machine to the exact numbers as Blimcs!! Has anyone got another method?? Thanks
Maybe worth mentioning that before I put the same EEPROM code as Blimac I changed the 5th code to 02 in the same way Jonesy did. It was when this didnt work that I changed the whole EEPROM code to copy Blimacs. I hope this doesnt mess up system!?
Hola omaramj Yo vivo en Túnez y me traje varias películas de México; no las podía ver en mi DVD comprado aquí pero gracias a tus super instrucciones lo logre! Solo me dí de alta en este sitio para poder agradecerte, Muchas gracias!! Saludos y FEliz Año NUevo!!
Hi There, Unfortunatly the methods listed below DID NOT work on my LG HT 303su. I rang the LG service centre, and they said there was no way of unlocking the player from region 2 to region 0 (yea right!);( Help!!!!!
HI I am in Australia and just used this method on a friends set which I was a little hesitant to do . The method described by omaramj above (24th July 2008) (1) Make sure there's no disc in the system and turn it off. Turn the system on again and it will display a "no disc" message on your TV. (2) Use the remote control: press the "PAUSE" button and then key in the code "314159" (3) Your TV then displays a menu for choosing the desired region. Select "0" to make your unit an all region player. (4) Press the "PAUSE" button again. (5) Turn the system off and wait a few moments before restarting. and I can assure you that it worked easily for me took less than a minute. Thanks to all the people that took the time to post it if it wasn't for you free rain would not rule the world and we would be bound to conformity by the man.
Thank you so much. This worked. For years i was puzzled. I have my work out DVDS from USA and they were not playing in HT303. Actually i had to purchase another DVD player which is region free. Its after it broke down that i came here to look for Solutions. THank you Omaramj