LG VX9800 and phone resetting after loading MP3's into 1gig minidisk

Discussion in 'Other mobile phones' started by UncleJun, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. UncleJun

    UncleJun Guest

    I downloaded a whole lot of songs into my 1 gig minidisk using a card reader. When I put the minidisk into my vx9800 and have the phone initialize, the phone resets. What's going on with my phone? I decided to just put 4 songs into the card and out of the 4, only 2 play. Are my mp3's messing up my phone?

    Someone please HELP me...
  2. hazmatcop

    hazmatcop Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    That's a good one. Ive loaded my 1GB w/ over 60 mp3's at 128 bit ranging from 4.5 - 6.5MB each w/out any problems. Make sure they are in deed MP3 formated and if so, and you can get as far as seeing them located in your My MP3 section before it reboot's and it still does reboot, then I'd take RIGHT back to have it replaced ! It should not be doing that even if their the wrong format. I've gone thru 3 phones that would auto refresh out of the blue. The 9800 was one, then the new RAZR and now, my favorite, the 8100; only after they got done flasing it from Ver. 4 to Ver. 7 for the VCAST Music store upgrade. And it started as soon as the Tech. powered it on after the flash. They replaced it, put in the new software Ver. and it's working Great ! Take it back, it should'nt be doing that and you should'nt have to put a "Bandaid" on it to work !

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