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Light scribe software

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by jodysuseditems, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. jodysuseditems

    jodysuseditems Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
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    What's the best freeware for light scribing to CDs. Thanks
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Next time it would be better to give a topic heading describing in better detail what you want not to mention web searching first before asking a question,& as for the question why is the original lightscribe software which is free not suitable for the purpose you want it for, considering you can download the guides & templates from them also for free including the most recent updated LS software which they seem to work on constantly


  3. jodysuseditems

    jodysuseditems Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I already googled it, this is a message board/forum its ment for posting questions! I already used the search function here on afterdawn and found post about lightscribe software from 2011. Its 2013 now and I'm looking for the latest real user experiences with freeware lightscribe software. The link you gave to dvdscribe, they have bad reviews. No need to reply if you have no experience with lightscribe thanks.

    I'm using surething version 6 latest version from there website. It will light scribe the disc 100% once out of 3 disc. So sometimes you get all the image on the disc sometimes you get faded images. I have tried the freeware on lightscribe.com and its terrible. Error cant find the drive, have to close and restart then it will find it sometimes. It Half burns the image more then half the time. I have a brand new drive I just bought, tring to test it before the paypal 45 day return is up. So far out of 24 cds about 12 of the cds have full images.

    Don't know if its my drive or the program. IF anyone else has had experience like this please let me know what you did to fix it.
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Burner firmware up to date?
  5. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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  6. jodysuseditems

    jodysuseditems Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I have updated the firmware to the latest. I'm using an ez dupe EDZP01E duplicator I got from provantage: http://www.provantage.com/ez-dupe-lslgnb1~7EDZP01E.htm

    I tried the free light scribe template label from light scribe's website.
    Also I tried surething disc labeler deluxe 6 as well as Nero 6. All gave the same affect on the disc. Faded areas. I'm returning the dirve and I just bought some Memorix external light scribe drives off of eBay. I can update the post with the results of the new dirves.

    7. Tell me how you would have wrote the title to this thread? Please let me know i want to learn!

    1. Search again and give me the link to the thread that has already been posted for this question.
    Thanks your the most helpful person on these forums now days. I have been posting on these boards since 2006. Just lost my old username.
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    outdated software & possibly garbage external light scribe drives off eBay just like that refurbed dell color laser you got off ebay. what was your previous username?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  8. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Perhaps an incite into my thought process will clarify of what my first post was all about & 2nd:

    Although it may not be obvious at first glance take another look at my first post,i drop into a topic the heading of which is just the name of a software nothing untoward there nothing descriptive either,i then see the post,ok! i think to self member wants a lightscribe software why wasn't this stated in the heading,which now begs the question why on earth do you require a lightscribe software whats wrong with the original,at this point i'm not aware of any 3rd party scribing software & as you can see i ask whats wrong,remember there's nothing in your original post to suggest anything of what you've done thus far whether forum search or google web search or anything else (your not alone in non descriptive titling &/or little or no info in the post if it's any consolation happens far too often round here)some of which get deleted by the mods,some get reported i thought i'd be helpful & not report what can i say i'm all heart..lol..well come on you ask for more software a web search turns it up in seconds which leaves one wondering wtf did you bother posting for in the first place,however i suspected there was a bigger issue at hand call it a calculated guess if you will,alright put it down to analytical personality,keep in mind you know in your own mind what's happening however no one else does which it seems you forgot hence a purposely smart ass comment by me in my 2nd post i figured use your own words against you,i couldn't help myself it was begging to me..lol..(the No need to reply comment),i think that about covers it..out
  9. jodysuseditems

    jodysuseditems Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Can't remember my old username. It was 2006 when I use to be on here. IS there any more users on afterdawn anymore or just you two guys?

    "possibly garbage external light scribe drives off eBay" I got the one that is giving me problems off of "ez dupe EDZP01E duplicator I got from provantage: http://www.provantage.com/ez-dupe-lslgnb1~7EDZP01E.htm "

    The "Memorix external light scribe drives off of eBay" are on the way to me, they are in the mail. Hopefully they ( I bought 4 of them $25 each, bc I'm cheap) will not be junk like the dell 1250c color laser printer($65) from ebay.

    You still didn't say how you would have wrote the title and you didn't provide any links to threads with users who have used light scribe software.

    You can't just download the first software that pops up on google, unless you like virus'. That's why we have forums to ask around for real user experiences.
  10. jodysuseditems

    jodysuseditems Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
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    P.S. You can close this thread, its getting pretty pointless.
  11. richietea

    richietea Regular member

    Nov 10, 2011
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    Also what's not mentioned is sometimes media can have a adverse effect on the burning in.Typically cd's will be fine,however dvd r plus can struggle with any lightscribe drive.Also the interface in which its running.Eliminating things like having different chipsets in enclosures,changing to usb etc.With discs not recognised or half the print on the discs relates mostly to either discs or a communication problem and not a software driven issue.You could use different software just on a trial to see what gets better results..Ie Roxio,Surething,Nero..etc.The list goes on.

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